How to rename ASM instances in RAC or clustered environment

2024-04-04 02:58

本文主要是介绍How to rename ASM instances in RAC or clustered environment,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




       RAC 修改 ASM实例名 的步骤



       The following procedures do require some down time. One node at a time, we will shutdown all database instances that store their data in ASM. The other nodes will be unaffected, so these may continue to service the business.

       All the following steps are assumed to be executed while logged into the server as the Oracle software owner (e.g., oracle).


1) From one of the nodes (any node), update the OCR

Stop all the db instances that store their data in the asm instance you will be doing the maintenance: 

    srvctl stop db -d <db name>

Stop the asm instance:

    srvctl stop asm -n <node name>

Remove asm dependencies for the db instance and unregister asm from the OCR:

    srvctl modify inst -d <db name> -i <db instance name> -r
    srvctl remove asm -n <node name>

2) Edit /etc/oratab (on each node):


Location of oratab on some platforms:
* For AIX, HP-UX, or Linux:    /etc/oratab
* For Solaris:                              /var/opt/oracle/oratab 

Changed the ORACLE_SID for the ASM instance, to the reflect the new name for the ASM instance.

Example: Need to change +ASM1 to +ASMADC1:

Change from:  +ASM1:/c1/app/oracle/product/
Change to:    +ASMADC1:/c1/app/oracle/product/

3) Rename init files and orapw files (on each node):


Example for node1:

  mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init+ASM1.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init+ASMADC1.ora
  mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw+ASM1 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw+ASMADC1

NOTE: Where ORACLE_HOME, is the home for asm

4) Change contents of ASM's instance parameters (on each node):


If using a pfile:
Replace any references to the old asm instance names with the new asm names.

+ASM1.instance_number=1 -- change to --> +ASMADC1.instance_number=1

If using an spfile:
Connect to the ASM instance, and use SQL commands.

Example on node1 to remove the references to +ASM1:
  SQL> alter system reset instance_number sid='+ASM1' scope=spfile;

Example on node1 to set the new value: 
  SQL> alter system set instance_number=1 sid='+ASMADC1' scope=spfile;

5) Cleanup some directories and files used by the previous ASM instances:


You may choose to back these first for historical purposes only.

If using 10g, on each node remove any directories and files for the older ASM instance under:

If using 11g, on each node remove any directories and files for the older ASM instance under:

6) Update the OCR (from one node only. any node):


Example to register the new ASM instance that will run in node1:

  srvctl add asm -n adc1 -i +ASMADC1 -o /c1/app/oracle/product/

Where adc1 is node_name, +ASMADC1 is the new ASM instance name, and the value given to -o is the ORACLE_HOME for the asm instance.

Register each database instance that stores their data in ASM, with the new ASM instance name.

  srvctl modify inst -d <db name> -i <instance name> -s +ASMADC<n>

7) Start up the ASM instance (from one node only, any node):


  srvctl start asm -n <node name>

8) Start up the database instances that store their data in the ASM instance that you just completed the maintenance (from one node only -any node):


  srvctl start db -d <db name> 


  srvctl start inst -db <db name> -i <instance name>

9)  If you have any scripts that have hard-coded ASM instance names, do not forget to also update those.






From Oracle




DBA1 群:62697716();   DBA2 群:62697977()   DBA3 群:62697850()  

DBA 超级群:63306533();  DBA4 群: 83829929  DBA5群: 142216823   

聊天 群:40132017   聊天2群:69087192


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