
2024-04-03 01:58
文章标签 上传 j2me




Here is a J2ME class to handle file uploads via HTTP POST Multipart Requests.

Source Code: HttpMultipartRequest class


import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.io.OutputStream ;
import java.util.Enumeration ;
import java.util.Hashtable ;

import javax.microedition.io.Connector ;
import javax.microedition.io.HttpConnection ;

public class HttpMultipartRequest
static final String BOUNDARY = "----------V2ymHFg03ehbqgZCaKO6jy" ;

byte [ ] postBytes = null ;
String url = null ;

public HttpMultipartRequest( String url, Hashtable params, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType, byte [ ] fileBytes) throws Exception
this .url = url;

String boundary = getBoundaryString( ) ;

String boundaryMessage = getBoundaryMessage( boundary, params, fileField, fileName, fileType) ;

String endBoundary = "/r /n --" + boundary + "--/r /n " ;

ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;

bos.write ( boundaryMessage.getBytes ( ) ) ;

bos.write ( fileBytes) ;

bos.write ( endBoundary.getBytes ( ) ) ;

this .postBytes = bos.toByteArray ( ) ;

bos.close ( ) ;

String getBoundaryString( )
return BOUNDARY;

String getBoundaryMessage( String boundary, Hashtable params, String fileField, String fileName, String fileType)
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer ( "--" ) .append ( boundary) .append ( "/r /n " ) ;

Enumeration keys = params.keys ( ) ;

while ( keys.hasMoreElements ( ) )
String key = ( String ) keys.nextElement ( ) ;
String value = ( String ) params.get ( key) ;

res.append ( "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=/" " ) .append ( key) .append ( "/" /r /n " )
.append ( "/r /n " ) .append ( value) .append ( "/r /n " )
.append ( "--" ) .append ( boundary) .append ( "/r /n " ) ;
res.append ( "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=/" " ) .append ( fileField) .append ( "/" ; filename=/" " ) .append ( fileName) .append ( "/" /r /n " )
.append ( "Content-Type: " ) .append ( fileType) .append ( "/r /n /r /n " ) ;

return res.toString ( ) ;

public byte [ ] send( ) throws Exception
HttpConnection hc = null ;

InputStream is = null ;

ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ;

byte [ ] res = null ;

hc = ( HttpConnection) Connector.open ( url) ;

hc.setRequestProperty ( "Content-Type" , "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + getBoundaryString( ) ) ;

hc.setRequestMethod ( HttpConnection.POST ) ;

OutputStream dout = hc.openOutputStream ( ) ;

dout.write ( postBytes) ;

dout.close ( ) ;

int ch;

is = hc.openInputStream ( ) ;

while ( ( ch = is.read ( ) ) != - 1)
bos.write ( ch) ;
res = bos.toByteArray ( ) ;
catch ( Exception e)
e.printStackTrace ( ) ;
if ( bos != null )
bos.close ( ) ;

if ( is != null )
is.close ( ) ;

if ( hc != null )
hc.close ( ) ;
catch ( Exception e2)
e2.printStackTrace ( ) ;
return res;

Sample usage

Here's a code snippet to upload a file via HttpMultipartRequest class:

fileBytes =
//retrieve file bytes with your own code

Hashtable params = new Hashtable ( ) ;
params.put ( "custom_param" , "param_value" ) ;
params.put ( "custom_param2" , "param_value2" ) ;

HttpMultipartRequest req = new HttpMultipartRequest(
"http://www.server.com/uploadScript.php" ,
"upload_field" , "original_filename.png" , "image/png" , fileBytes
) ;

byte [ ] response = req.send ( ) ;

Sample server code (PHP)

This is a sample PHP script that handles the upload. It doesn't actually save the uploaded file, but only displays some infos about the upload size and parameters.


$filesize = filesize ( $_FILES [ 'upload_field' ] [ 'tmp_name' ] ) ;

echo "The uploaded file size is " . $filesize . " bytes/n " ;

foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
echo "Parameter name: " . $key . ", value: " . $value . "/n " ;






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当你看到错误 "Current request is not a multipart request" 时,这通常意味着你的服务器或后端代码期望接收一个 multipart/form-data 类型的请求,但实际上并没有收到这样的请求。在使用 <el-upload> 组件时,如果你已经设置了 http-request 属性来自定义上传行为,并且遇到了这个错误,可能是因为你在发送请求时没有正确地设置


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