本文主要是介绍《Core Python 2nd》读书摘要一,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
import sys
print >> sys.stderr, 'Fatal error: invalid input!'
logfile = open('/tmp/mylog.txt', 'a')
print >> logfile, 'Fatal error: invalid input!'
2.Python can be considered “call by reference.”注意以下代码的区别
a = 10
b = 10
c = 10.0
d = 10.0
a is b ---> True
c is d ---> False
因为到出书为止,Python会interns或cache从(-1, 100)的整数,因为它认为它们会经常使用。而float则不会。
int 0101 84 -237 0x80 017 -680 -0X92
long 29979062458L -84140l 0xDECADEDEADBEEFBADFEEDDEAL
bool True False
float 3.14159 4.2E-10 -90. 6.022e23 -1.609E?19
complex 6.23+1.5j -1.23-875J 0+1j 9.80665-8.31441J -.0224+0j
4.Table 2.1 Useful Built-In Functions for New Python Programmers
Function Description
dir([obj]) Display attributes of object or the names of global variables if no parameter given
help([obj]) Display object's documentation string in a pretty-printed format or enters interactive help if no parameter given
int(obj) Convert object to an integer
len(obj) Return length of object
open(fn, mode) Open file fn with mode ('r' = read, 'w' = write)
range([[start, Return a list of integers that begin at start up to
]stop[,step]) but not including stop in increments of step; start
defaults to 0, and step defaults to 1
raw_input(str) Wait for text input from the user, optional prompt string can be provided
str(obj) Convert object to a string
type(obj) Return type of object (a type object itself !)
(x,y,z) = (1,2,'Python')
6.Python Keywords
and as assert break
class continue def del
elif else except exec
finally for from global
if import in is
lambda not or pass
print raise return try
while with yield None
7.Here is a summary of the special underscore usage in Python:
_xxx Do not import with 'from module import *',在Python中_xxx被看做Private
__xxx__ System-de?ned name,在Python中__xxx__被看做特殊用途
__xxx Request private name mangling in classes
# (1) startup line (Unix)
# (2) module documentation (module.__doc__)
# (3) module imports (import os)
# (4) variable declarations
# (5) class declarations
# (6) function declarations
# (7) "main" body (unindented highest level statement)
9.所有模块中的highest level语句都将被执行,无论是被import还是在command line,等等。因此应该将所有不想被直接调用的语句都写成function或class。
__name__ contains module name if imported
__name__ contains ’__main__’ if executed directly
10.对often-used或name-lengthy的模块属性用别名的方式(也可以看做局部引用),可以加快编译器的look up速度
因为Python使用的是引用机制,如ls = os.linesep
11. The type type object is also the mother of all types and is the default metaclass for all standard Python classes.
如:>>> type(42) 会得到<type 'int'>
而 >>> type(type(42)) 会返回 <type 'type'>
Classes are now types, and instances are now objects of their respective types.
>>> type(None) 得到 <type 'NoneType'>
为False的有: 空集合、None、布尔False、任何数学形式零
为True的有: 不为False的
User-created class instances have a false value when their nonzero (__nonzero__()) or length (__len__()) special methods, if defined, return a zero value.
13.标准Types: Integer、Boolean、Long integer、Floating point real number、Complex number、String、List、Tuple、Dictionary
其它内置Types: Type、Null object(None)、File、Set/Frozenset、Function/Method、Module、Class
Internal Types:Code、Frame、Traceback、Slice、Ellipsis、Xrange
>>> 3 < 4 < 7 # same as ( 3 < 4 ) and ( 4 < 7 )
>>> 4 > 3 == 3 # same as ( 4 > 3 ) and ( 3 == 3 )
>>> 4 < 3 < 5 != 2 < 7
15. a is b is an equivalent expression to id(a) == id(b)
a is not b is an equivalent expression to id(a) != id(b)
cmp(obj1, obj2)、repr(obj) or ‘obj‘、str(obj)、type(obj)
17.The executive summary is that repr() is Python-friendly while str() produces human-friendly output.
You could also try a variable-length argument list, e.g.
20.Type Factory Functions
其中一部分Factory Function是由以前的BIF(Build-in Function)演变而来
int(), long(), float(), complex(), str(), unicode(), basestring(), list(), tuple(), type()
另一部分是新增的new-style类的Factory Function
• dict()• bool()• set()• frozenset()• object()• classmethod()• staticmethod()• super()• property()• file()
这篇关于《Core Python 2nd》读书摘要一的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!