List of Chromium Command Line Switches

2024-04-01 05:08

本文主要是介绍List of Chromium Command Line Switches,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experimenting. This page lists the available switches including their conditions and descriptions. Last automated update occurred on 2019-08-12.

--/prefetch:1[1] ⊗/prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. It has been observed that when file reads are consistent for 3 process launches with the same /prefetch:# argument, the Windows prefetcher starts issuing reads in batch at process launch. Because reads depend on the process type, the prefetcher wouldn't be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:# arguments were used. Note that the browser process has no /prefetch:# argument; as such all other processes must have one in order to avoid polluting its profile. Note: # must always be in [1, 8]; otherwise it is ignored by the Windows prefetcher. ↪
--/prefetch:2[1] ⊗No description ↪
--/prefetch:3[1] ⊗No description ↪
--/prefetch:4[1] ⊗No description ↪
--/prefetch:5[1] ⊗/prefetch:# arguments for the browser process launched in background mode and for the watcher process. Use profiles 5, 6 and 7 as documented on kPrefetchArgument* in ↪
--/prefetch:6[1] ⊗No description ↪
--/prefetch:8[1] ⊗Prefetch arguments are used by the Windows prefetcher to disambiguate different execution modes (i.e. process types) of the same executable image so that different types of processes don't trample each others' prefetch behavior. Legal values are integers in the range [1, 8]. We reserve 8 to mean "whatever", and this will ultimately lead to processes with /prefetch:8 having inconsistent behavior thus disabling prefetch in practice. TODO(rockot): Make it possible for embedders to override this argument on a per-service basis. ↪
--10000 ⊗No description ↪
--100000 ⊗No description ↪
--1000000 ⊗No description ↪
--3d-display-mode[1] ⊗No description ↪
--50000 ⊗No description ↪
--500000 ⊗No description ↪
--5000000 ⊗No description ↪
--? ⊗No description ↪
--accept-resource-provider ⊗Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast receiver with resources. Apps cannot start until provided resources. This flag implies --alsa-check-close-timeout=0. ↪
--account-consistency[2] ⊗Command line flag for enabling account consistency. Default mode is disabled. Mirror is a legacy mode in which Google accounts are always addded to Chrome, and Chrome then adds them to the Google authentication cookies. Dice is a new experiment in which Chrome is aware of the accounts in the Google authentication cookies. ↪
--adaboost ⊗No description ↪
--add-gpu-appcontainer-caps[1] ⊗Add additional capabilities to the AppContainer sandbox on the GPU process. ↪
--add-xr-appcontainer-caps[1] ⊗Add additional capabilities to the AppContainer sandbox used for XR compositing. ↪
--agc-startup-min-volume ⊗Override the default minimum starting volume of the Automatic Gain Control algorithm in WebRTC used with audio tracks from getUserMedia. The valid range is 12-255. Values outside that range will be clamped to the lowest or highest valid value inside WebRTC. TODO(tommi): Remove this switch when is fixed. ↪
--aggressive ⊗No description ↪
--aggressive-cache-discard ⊗No description ↪
--aggressive-tab-discard ⊗No description ↪
--all ⊗No description ↪
--all-renderers ⊗No description ↪
--allarticles ⊗No description ↪
--allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt ⊗Allows third-party content included on a page to prompt for a HTTP basic auth username/password pair. ↪
--allow-external-pages ⊗Allow access to external pages during web tests. ↪
--allow-failed-policy-fetch-for-test ⊗If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile initialization to fail. This is useful for tests because it means that tests don't have to mock out the policy infrastructure. ↪

How to use a command line switch?

The Chromium Team has made a page on which they briefly explain how to use these switches.


These are rather technical. While most are pretty self-explanatory, keep in mind that any condition means that a switch isn't always available.

  1. The constant OS_WIN must be defined.
  2. The constant !BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_MIRROR) must not be defined.
  3. The constant BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PLUGINS) must be defined.
  4. The constant !BUILDFLAG(IS_OFFICIAL_CHROME_CLEANER_BUILD) must not be defined.
  5. The constants OS_FREEBSD, OS_LINUX and OS_SOLARIS must be defined.
  6. The constant OS_CHROMEOS must be defined.
  7. The constant OS_MACOSX must be defined.
  8. The constant OS_ANDROID must be defined.
  9. The constants OS_CHROMEOS and OS_MACOSX must not be defined, and the constant OS_POSIX must be defined.
  10. The constant OFFICIAL_BUILD must not be defined, and the constant BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PRINT_PREVIEW) must be defined.
  11. The constant OS_IOS must not be defined, and the constant OS_MACOSX must be defined.
  12. The constants USE_OZONE and USE_X11 must be defined.
  13. The constant OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined, and the constant OS_LINUX must be defined.
  14. The constant OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined.
  15. The constant OS_POSIX must be defined.
  16. The constants OS_ANDROID and OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined, and the constant \ must be defined.
  17. The constants OS_LINUX, OS_MACOSX and OS_WIN must be defined.
  18. The constant OS_LINUX must be defined.
  19. The constant ENABLE_IPC_FUZZER must be defined.
  20. The constant USE_CRAS must be defined.
  21. The constants OS_ANDROID and OS_CHROMEOS must not be defined.

Based on top-of-tree Chromium code, updated daily and open source. RSS Feed?
Append ?date=YYYY-MM-DD to the URL to get a snapshot of the supported switches at a certain date.

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目录 0.前言 1.节点类  2.迭代器类  ①普通迭代器 ②const迭代器  ③模板迭代器 3.list类  3.1 clear、析构函数、swap ①clear ② 析构函数  ③ swap 3.2构造函数  ①无参构造  ②赋值构造 3.3 迭代器 3.4插入函数 ①insert插入 ②头插 ③尾插 3.5 删除函数 ①erase删除 ②头删