在msdn online上讲解某个类的属性、方法、事件时,用到了一个MembersTable的表格。类似下图:笔者研究其中的代码,经过简化也实现了这种效果,提供类似如下的 TABLE,通过JScript,能够自动生成类似上图的MembersTable:
<DIV id=oMTExplanation style="DISPLAY: none"></DIV>
<DIV id=oMT>
<P class=clsRef style="DISPLAY: none">属性</P>
<DIV tabName="属性">
<TABLE class=clsStd style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" width="100%">
<A href="#">image</A>
Sets or retrieves the DirectAnimation Image (DAImage class) displayed by the <B>anim:DA</B> element.
<A href="#">sound</A>
Sets or retrieves the DirectAnimation sound (<B>DASound</B> class) played by the <B>anim:DA</B> element.
<A href="#">statics</A>
Retrieves an object containing the <B>DAStatics</B> class library used with DirectAnimation.
<P class=clsRef style="DISPLAY: none">方法</P>
<DIV tabName="方法">
<TABLE class=clsStd style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" width="100%">
<A href="#">addDABehavior</A>
Adds a DirectAnimation behavior (DABehavior class) to the run list when the behavior is not part of the animation model.
<A href="#">removeDABehavior</A>
Removes a DirectAnimation behavior (DABehavior class) added by the <B>addDABehavior</B> method.