VC++预定义宏(Predefined Macrod)

2024-03-28 20:32

本文主要是介绍VC++预定义宏(Predefined Macrod),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


C/C++ Preprocessor Reference

Predefined Macros

Names the predefined ANSI C and Microsoft C++ implementation macros.

The compiler recognizes predefined ANSI C macros and the Microsoft C++ implementation provides several more. These macros take no arguments and cannot be redefined. Some of the predefined macros listed below are defined with multiple values. See the following tables for more information.

ANSI-Compliant Predefined Macros


The compilation date of the current source file. The date is a string literal of the form Mmm dd yyyy. The month name Mmm is the same as for dates generated by the library function asctime declared in TIME.H.


The name of the current source file. __FILE__ expands to a string surrounded by double quotation marks. To ensure that the full path to the file is displayed, use /FC (Full Path of Source Code File in Diagnostics).

You can create your own wide string version of __FILE__ as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#define WIDEN2(x) L ## x
#define WIDEN(x) WIDEN2(x)
#define __WFILE__ WIDEN(__FILE__)
wchar_t *pwsz = __WFILE__;
int main() {}


The line number in the current source file. The line number is a decimal integer constant. It can be altered with a #line directive.


Indicates full conformance with the ANSI C standard. Defined as the integer constant 1 only if the /Za compiler option is given and you are not compiling C++ code; otherwise is undefined.


The most recent compilation time of the current source file. The time is a string literal of the form hh:mm:ss.


The date and time of the last modification of the current source file, expressed as a string literal in the form Ddd Mmm Date hh:mm:ss yyyy, where Ddd is the abbreviated day of the week and Date is an integer from 1 to 31.

Microsoft-Specific Predefined Macros


Defines the ATL version.


Default char type is unsigned. Defined when /J is specified.


Defines the version of the common language runtime used when the application was compiled. The value returned will be in the following format:



M is the major version of the runtime.

mm is the minor version of the runtime.

bbbbb is the build number.

// clr_ver.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;
int main() {


Defined when compiling with /clr, /clr:pure, or /clr:safe. Value of __cplusplus_cli is 200406. __cplusplus_cli is in effect throughout the translation unit.

// cplusplus_cli.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include "stdio.h"
int main() {
#ifdef __cplusplus_cli
printf("%d\n", __cplusplus_cli);
printf("not defined\n");


Expands to an integer starting with 0 and incrementing by 1 every time it is used in a compiland. __COUNTER__ remembers its state when using precompiled headers. If the last __COUNTER__ value was 4 after building a precompiled header (PCH), it will start with 5 on each PCH use.

__COUNTER__ lets you generate unique variable names. You can use token pasting with a prefix to make a unique name. For example:

// pre_mac_counter.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#define FUNC2(x,y) x##y
#define FUNC1(x,y) FUNC2(x,y)
#define FUNC(x) FUNC1(x,__COUNTER__)
int FUNC(my_unique_prefix);
int FUNC(my_unique_prefix);
int main() {
my_unique_prefix0 = 0;


Defined for C++ programs only.


Defined if you include any of the C++ Standard Library headers; reports which version of the Dinkumware header files are present.


Defined for code compiled with /GR (Enable Run-Time Type Information).


Defined for code compiled with /GX (Enable Exception Handling).


Defined when compiling with /LDd, /MDd, and /MTd.


Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithread DLL) is specified.


Valid only within a function and returns the decorated name of the enclosing function (as a string). __FUNCDNAME__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.


Valid only within a function and returns the signature of the enclosing function (as a string). __FUNCSIG__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.

On a 64-bit operating system, the calling convention is __cdecl by default.


Valid only within a function and returns the undecorated name of the enclosing function (as a string). __FUNCTION__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.


Reports the maximum size (in bits) for an integral type.

// integral_max_bits.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%d\n", _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS);


Defined for DEC ALPHA platforms (no longer supported).


Defined for a compilation that uses any form of /clr (/clr:oldSyntax, /clr:safe, for example).


Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:pure.


Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:safe.


Defined for x86 processors. See Values for _M_IX86 for more details.


Defined for Itanium Processor Family 64-bit processors.


Expands to a value indicating which /arch compiler option was used:

  • 0 if /arch was not used.

  • 1 if /arch:SSE was used.

  • 2 if /arch:SSE2 was used.

  • See /arch (Minimum CPU Architecture) for more information.


Defined for Power Macintosh platforms (no longer supported).


Defined for MIPS platforms (no longer supported).


Defined for PowerPC platforms (no longer supported).


Defined for x64 processors.


Defined to be 1 when /clr is specified.


Defines the MFC version. For example, 0x0700 represents MFC version 7.


This macro is defined when compiling with the /Ze compiler option (the default). Its value, when defined, is 1.


Reports the major and minor versions of the compiler. For example, 1310 for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003. 1310 represents version 13 and a 1.0 point release. The Visual C++ 2005 compiler version is 1400.

Type cl /? at the command line to see the major and minor versions of your compiler along with the build number.


Defined when one of the /RTC compiler options is specified.


Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithreaded DLL) or /MT or /MTd (Multithreaded) is specified.


Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used.


Defined when compiling with /openmp, returns an integer representing the date of the OpenMP specification implemented by Visual C++.

// _OPENMP_dir.cpp
// compile with: /openmp 
#include <stdio.h> 
int main() {
printf("%d\n", _OPENMP);


Defined when /Zl is used; see /Zl (Omit Default Library Name) for more information.


Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used or if wchar_t is defined in a system header file included in your project.


Defined for applications for Win32 and Win64. Always defined.


Defined for applications for Win64.


Defined when specifying /Wp64.

As shown in following table, the compiler generates a value for the preprocessor identifiers that reflect the processor option specified.

Values for _M_IX86
Option in Development EnvironmentCommand-Line OptionResulting Value



_M_IX86 = 600 (Default. Future compilers will emit a different value to reflect the dominant processor.)



_M_IX86 = 500

Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III


_M_IX86 = 600



_M_IX86 = 300



_M_IX86 = 400

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