本文主要是介绍After Effects CC SDK 使用指南(一)—— 序,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
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After Effects CC SDK 使用指南
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Adobe、Adobe After Effects、Adobe Premiere Pro、Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、Adobe Type Manager、ATM和PostScript是可能在某些司法管辖区注册的Adobe Systems Incorporated的商标。Macintosh和Apple是注册商标,macOS是Apple Computer, Inc.的商标。Microsoft、Excel和Windows是微软公司的注册商标。所有其他产品或名称品牌均为其各自持有人的商标。
January 1993 | Russell Belfer | Version 1.0 – Initial SDK release. |
January 1994 | Dan Wilk | Version 2.0 – Updates. |
August 1994 | Dave Herbstman Dan Wilk | Version 2.0.1 – Added support for PowerPC. |
5 March 1996 | Brian Andrews | Version 3.0 – Preliminary release for the After Effects developer kitchen. |
21 June 1996 | Brian Andrews | Version 3.1 – Final 3.x release. |
13 Nov. 1996 | Brian Andrews | Version 3.1 SDK Release 2 – Minor updates. |
17 April 1997 | Brian Andrews | Version 3.1 SDK Release 3 – First public release (really a pre-release) of the SDK for Windows development. |
1 May 1998 | Bruce Bullis | Version 3.1 SDK Release 6 - Editorial changes only |
1 January 1999 | Bruce Bullis | Version 4.0 SDK Release 1 - Added information on new global flags, custom data types, utilization of PICA suites, CustomUI messaging and parameter supervision, new callbacks. many editorial changes. |
9 September 1999 | Bruce Bullis | Revised for 4.1; added General plug-ins and AEGP information. Added information on new selectors, resize handle. |
2 February 2001 | Bruce Bullis | 5.0 release. Entire document edited and reformatted. Sections on 16 bit-per-channel color and parameter supervision, as well as the entire AEGP chapter, have all substantially expanded. |
1 December 2001 | Bruce Bullis | 5.5 release. Added information on new outflags, PiPL changes, and additions and changes to the AEGP API. Numerous clarifications and edits. |
4 March 2002 | Bruce Bullis | Updated Mac OS X details, expanded AEIO and AEGP documentation. |
20 July 2003 | Bruce Bullis | Major overhauls for After Effects 6.0. Added documentation for all new (and some old) suites, and many supporting details for effects. |
4 April 2004 | Bruce Bullis | Updated for 6.5. Expanded and corrected all documentation. Added documentation of all new AEGP functions. |
1 December 2005 | Bruce Bullis | Updated for 7.0. Added SmartFX documentation. Noted current suite version numbers throughout. Numerous editorial changes. Documented many new AEGP suite functions. |
4 April 2006 | Bruce Bullis | Updated to reference new development system requirements and Xcode-specific issues. Some editing. |
1 July 2007 | Bruce Bullis | CS3 (8.0) release. |
4 May 2009 | Russell Belfer | CS4 (9.0) release. Complete reorganization of first three chapters. Fleshed out documentation on Premiere Pro. |
28 April 2010 | Zac Lam | CS5 (10.0) release. 64-bit porting info. Drawbot. |
2 May 2011 | Zac Lam | CS5.5 (10.5) release. |
26 April 2012 | Zac Lam | CS6 (11.0) release. Big reorganization of the AEGP and Artisan chapters. Many additions throughout. |
15 July 2013 | Zac Lam | CC (12.0) release. API version changes, misc small clarifications, more details in AEIO chapter. |
12 June 2014 | Zac Lam | CC 2014 (13.0) release. Corrections for accuracy. Removed old version references. |
21 July 2015 | Zac Lam | CC 2015 (13.5) release. |
2 November 2016 | Zac Lam | CC 2017 (14.0) release. |
12 May 2017 | Zac Lam | CC 2017.1 (14.2) release |
10 November 2017 | Zac Lam | 15.0 release |
这些年来这份文件变化很大。从超过20年的API开发和改进积累了多个沉积层的信息。所以,我们确实需要有一个关于After Effects api的每一个细节的信息来源。然而,由于心智正常的人都不会想要阅读这样的文档,所以我们尝试着让它具有吸引力和趣味性。只要有机会,我们将尝试包括更多的图表、插图和purdy pickshurs来解释API的复杂性。一如既往,我们期待你的意见。
第一章介绍 - 上 第一章介绍 - 下 概述了After Effects的集成可能性。它解释了插件是什么,以及它们如何在After Effects中使用。它包含了一些示例项目,以及如何修改。它还解释了在哪里安装插件,以及插件使用的资源。
第七章详细介绍了After Effects General Plug-in (AEGP
) API。将在本文中详细介绍提供的回调函数、连接到内部消息、操作打开项目的当前内容和处理菜单命令。
在第8章中专业插件3D渲染器AEGPs Artisans
讨论了与 Premiere Pro 和其他支持After Effects插件子集的应用程序兼容相关的问题。
函数、结构名和一般C/ c++代码在Courier中; MyStruct
和 MyFunction()
因为我们为自己的插件使用公共api,所以我们的编码准则在整个SDK中都很明显。这是对我们使用的伪新后匈牙利符号的描述。当然,欢迎您以自己喜欢的方式编写代码。如果你强烈认为我们应该改变内部编码标准,请在comp.sys. programer.better.things.to.do.with.your.time
类型 | 后缀 | 示例 |
Handle | H | fooH |
pointer(to) | P | fooP |
Boolean | B | visibleB |
Float | F | degreeF |
Long | L | offsetL |
unsigned long | Lu | countLu |
short | S | indexS |
char | C | digitC |
unsigned char | Cu | redCu |
function pointer | _func | sample_func |
time value | T | durationT |
char * (Null-terminated C string) | Z | nameZ |
rectangle | R | boundsR |
fixed rectangle | FiR | boundsFiR |
float rectangle | FR | boundsFR |
ratio | Rt | scale_factorRt |
void * | PV | refconPV |
optional parameter (must be passed, can be NULL) | 0 | extra_flag0 |
Adobe After Effects CC SDK Guide.
Copyright © 1992–2017 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.
Adobe, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Type Manager, ATM and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated that may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Macintosh and Apple are registered trademarks, and macOS are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, Excel, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders.
The material in this document is supplied by the Adobe Digital Video and Audio Integration Engineering team.
This document has changed much over the years. Part encyclopedia, part how-to guide, with multiple sedimentary layers of accreted information from more than two decades of API development and refinement. Yes, there does need to be one source of information about every last niggling detail of the After Effects APIs. However, since no human in their right mind would ever want to read such a document, we’ve tried to keep it involving and interesting. As opportunity allows, we’ll try to include more diagrams, illustrations, and purdy pickshurs explaining API intricacies. As always, your input is valued and appreciated.
provides an overview of the integration possibilities with After Effects. It explains what plug-ins are, and how they work with After Effects. It describes the sample projects, and how to modify them. It explains where to install plug-ins, and what resources they use.
The basics of effect plug-ins are discussed inchapter 2
. This overview provides information on the function parameters passed to and from an effect plug-in’s entry point. It describes capability flags, effect parameters, and image buffers.
Chapter 3
dives into the details of developing a complete effect plug-in using the many provided callback functions. It also provides many testing ideas to ensure the plug-in is stabile.
is the extension to the effect plug-in API to support 32-bit floating point images, and is covered in chapter 4.
Chapter 5 coversevents
sent to effect plug-ins, how to incorporate custom user interface elements, parameter supervision, and the reliance of custom data parameter types on Custom UI messaging.
effects are covered in Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 details the After Effects General Plug-in (AEGP
) API. Provided callback functions, hooking into internal messaging, manipulating the current contents of open projects and handling menu commands are all covered at length.
, specialized plug-in 3D renderer AEGPs, are covered in chapter 8.
Chapter 9 documentsAEIOs
, specialized AEGPs which handle file input and output.
Chapter 10
discusses issues related to compatibility with Premiere Pro and other applications that support a subset of After Effects plug-ins.
Functions, structure names and general C/C++ code are in Courier;
Text in blue is hyperlinked.
Command selectors are italicized; PF_Cmd_RENDER.
Because we use the public APIs for our own plug-ins, our coding guidelines are apparent throughout the SDK. Here’s a description of the pseudo-neo-post-Hungarian notation we use. Of course, you’re welcome to code however you like. If you feel strongly that we should change our internal coding standards, please post your requests at
, and we’ll carefully consider them before not making any changes
这篇关于After Effects CC SDK 使用指南(一)—— 序的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!