macOS - 安装 b2 (Jamfile)

2024-03-26 10:20
文章标签 安装 macos b2 jamfile

本文主要是介绍macOS - 安装 b2 (Jamfile),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


    • 安装 b2
    • 关于 b2
      • chain of events
      • use B2
    • b2 help

安装 b2

官方文档 - Installation:

前往 github - b2 - releases

这里我下载当前最新的 5.1.0 版本






你可以设置指定安装文件夹,作为 b2 home,放到 PREFIX 位置

./b2 install --prefix=PREFIX

这里我创建文件夹 /Users/xx/Documents/software/b2

./b2 install --prefix=/Users/user/Documents/software/b2


$ /Users/xx/Documents/software/b2/bin/b2 --version
B2 5.1.0 (OS=MACOSX, jobs=8)


关于 b2

  • 官方文档:B2 User Manual

B2 由两部分构成

  • 一个编译引擎,具有其自己的解释语言
  • B2 自身,以该语言实现。

chain of events

The chain of events when you type b2 on the command line is as follows:

  • The B2 executable tries to find B2 modules and loads the top-level module. The exact process is described in the section called “Initialization”
  • The top-level module loads user-defined configuration files, user-config.jam and site-config.jam, which define available toolsets.
  • The Jamfile in the current directory is read. That in turn might cause reading of further Jamfiles. As a result, a tree of projects is created, with targets inside projects.
  • Finally, using the build request specified on the command line, B2 decides which targets should be built and how. That information is passed back to Boost.Jam, which takes care of actually running the scheduled build action commands.

use B2

So, to be able to successfully use B2, you need to know only four things:

  • How to configure B2
  • How to declare targets in Jamfiles
  • How the build process works
  • Some Basics about the Boost.Jam language. See the section called “Boost.Jam Language”.

b2 help

$ b2 --help
B2 4.6-git

Project-specific help:

Project has jamfile at Jamfile

This Jamfile requires boost-build v2 to build.
The version shipped with boost 1.34.0

General command line usage:

b2 [options] [properties] [targets]

Options, properties and targets can be specified in any order.

Important Options:

  • --clean, Remove targets instead of building
  • -,a Rebuild everything
  • -n, Don’t execute the commands, only print them
  • -d+2, Show commands as they are executed
  • -d0, Suppress all informational messages
  • -q, Stop at first error
  • --reconfigure, Rerun all configuration checks
  • --debug-configuration, Diagnose configuration
  • --debug-building, Report which targets are built with what properties
  • --debug-generator, Diagnose generator search/execution

Further Help:

The following options can be used to obtain additional documentation.

  • --help-options, Print more obscure command line options.
  • --help-internal, B2 implementation details.
  • --help-doc-options, Implementation details doc formatting.

…found 1 target…

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