Testpassport 642-655 题库(一部分)

2024-03-26 08:18

本文主要是介绍Testpassport 642-655 题库(一部分),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

WAASSE642-655 试题库由资深IT认证讲师和 WAASSE 产品专家结合 PROMETRIC VUE 的真实考试环境最新原题倾心打造.最新 642-655题库

认证编号: WAASFE-Wide Area Application Services for Field Engineers642-655

Q&A: 71 Q&A

更新: 2009-08-18

(1-10)1. One of your customers is using firewalls. What need to be permitted to pass through firewalls in order

to allow WAE autodiscovery?

A. TCP port 139

B. TCP options

C. TCP port 445

D. TCP SYN-ACK with data

Answer: B

2. When a Cisco WAE that was optimizing connections fails, which two symptoms will appear in a TCP

trace? (Choose two.)

A. The receiving node receives TCP segments with invalid sequence numbers and resets the connection.

B. All optimized TCP connections are taken over by the receiving node.

C. The secondary WAE takes over the connection and the receiving node sees nothing.

D. All optimized TCP connections handled by that WAE are reset.

Answer: AD

3. After configuring a Cisco WAAS deployment using WCCPv2, you find that you can successfully ping a

data center server from a workstation in the branch office. However, when you attempt to start one of the

optimized applications, the application cannot communicate with the server. What is the most likely


A. There is insufficient disk space on either the edge or core WAE.

B. You configured half-duplex mode on the WAE interfaces.

C. You configured autonegotiate duplex mode on the WAE interfaces.

D. You deployed the WAE on the same subnet as the users or servers.

Answer: D

4. In order to enable load balancing across WAE interfaces, which WAE deployment model should be

used to configure PortChannels on the core WAE appliances?

A. on-router, two-arm

B. off-router, one-arm

C. off-router, two-arm

D. on-router, one-arm

Answer: B

5. What is the primary issue with port 8443 traffic not being optimized according to the following Central

Manger Connection Statistics screen?

<e ip="5.jpg"></e>

A. The proper classifier is not being applied.

B. The pod7-BR-WAE is overloaded.

C. The connections are not staying open.

D. There is no acceleration policy matching the traffic.

Answer: D

6. When implementing Windows authentication for WAE management, what is the maximum allowable

time skew between each WAE and the Windows domain controller?

A. 1 second

B. 5 seconds

C. 120 seconds

D. 300 seconds

Answer: D

7. What does the address represent while managing a virtual blade through a Virtual

Network Computing client?

A. The virtual blade IP address and the CPU that is being used for virtualization.

B. The Central Manager's IP address and the number of the virtual blade.

C. The IP address of the physical interface the virtual interface is bound to on the WAE and the virtual

blade number.

D. The IP address of the core WAE and the CPU used by the virtualization instance.

Answer: C

8. Based on the following exhibit. Which two are the possible reasons the CORE1 WAE might be

displayed as "Offline"? (Choose two.)

<e ip="8.jpg"></e>

A. The WAE is powered off.

B. The WAE is configured in the same VLAN as the server nodes.

C. The Central Manager service is disabled.

D. The HTTPS service is disabled.

Answer: AC

9. Your customer plans to implement Cisco WAAS using four WAE appliances in a load-balanced

configuration. Which feature must be supported on the switches to which the WAE appliances are


A. redirect exclusion

B. Layer 2 redirection


D. WCCPv2 or PBR

Answer: C

10. In order to enable virtualization on a WAVE, which two steps should be taken? (Choose two.)

A. Enable the virtual blade.

B. Reload the WAE.

C. Install the transport license.

D. Install the virtual-blade license.

Answer: AD

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31.消防水带按内口径可分为( )类。 A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 答案:D 解析:消防水带按内径可分为8类,分别是25mm、50mm、65mm,、80mm、100mm、125mm、150mm、300mm。(详见教材172页) 32.消防水带按( )分类,可分为橡胶、乳胶、聚氨酯、聚氯乙烯消防软管。 A.衬里材料 B.外表材料 C.使用功能 D.结构 答案:A 解析:


又到了期末周,突击一下c++吧@—@ 第一次实验  1、已知学生记录的定义为: struct student {  int no;  char name[20];  char sex; struct  注意年月日都是结构体,不是student里面的                                 {  int year;  int month;  int day;  }bi


1.在施工项目部级岗前安全培训中,涉及的内容不包括( )。 A.工作环境及危险因素 B.所从事工种的安全职责、操作技能及强制性标准 C.安全设备设施、个人防护用品的使用和维护 D.企业财务状况和经济效益 答案:D 解析:答案D不属于施工项目部级岗前安全培训内容。其他选项ABC都是施工项目部级培训内容。 2.企业主要负责人和安全生产管理人员每年再培训时间不得少于( )。 A.8学时


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