RFT 8.1

2024-03-26 06:08
文章标签 8.1 rft

本文主要是介绍RFT 8.1,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!







Storyboard testing: simplified scripting and application visuals

The most significant change in the V8.1 release of Rational Functional Tester is the ability to record functional test scripts that generate and display English statements in the Test view. While recording simplified test scripts, Rational Functional Tester captures application snapshots and displays application visuals. You can use application visuals to modify the scripts and to insert verification points and data-driven commands without opening the application under test.



Enhanced environment support

This software supports testing a wide variety of applications, including those based on Java™ technology, Microsoft® .NET, HTML, SAP®, Siebel software, AJAX, PowerBuilder, Adobe® Flex™, Dojo, GEF applications, and terminal-based application. such as IBM® zSeries® (mainframes such as TN3270 and TN3270E), IBM® iSeries® (IBM® AS/400®, such as TN5250) and IBM® pSeries® (virtual terminals. such as VT default, VT100, VT420-7, VT420-8, and VT UTF-8). The V8.1 release includes enhanced support for the latest test environments and for applications built using these technologies:

  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0 multi-tab support
  • Firefox 3.0
  • PowerBuilder 10.5, 11.2 and 11.5 in addition to already supported PowerBuilder 11.0
  • SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal 7.0 support
  • Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft® Windows® 2008 Server Standard Edition with Service Pack 1 (without Hyper V)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux® AS 4.0 Update 8 (all functions except recording)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 5.0 Update 3 (all functions except recording)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11.0 (all functions except recording)
  • Testing applications on a 64-bit mode (64-bit Microsoft® Windows® XP, 64-bit Windows Vista, 64-bit Windows 2003 server). You can test Windows and Microsoft®.NET 64-bit applications and all of the supported 32-bit applications in the 64-bit mode Windows operating system.
  • Enhancements in terminal-based application testing: creating row verification points and data-driven testing

Rational Functional Tester V8.1 also includes new support for applications built using these tools:

  • Adobe® PDF 7.0 and 8.0 documents
  • Dojo Toolkit version 1.1
  • Adobe® Flex™ SDK 3.2

Proxy SDK wizard

The V8.1 release of Rational Functional Tester now supports wizard-driven development of proxies. You can create proxy projects and proxy classes, map the proxy controls, and deploy the proxies using the proxy SDK wizards.


New integrations

  • This release of Rational Functional Tester integrates with IBM® Rational® Team Concert. Installing Rational Functional Tester on a Rational Team Concert client machine enables you to use the Jazz source control management for managing functional test assets.
  • Version 8.1 also integrates with IBM® Rational® Quality Manager Versions 1.0.1 and 2.0.



RFT Tips & Tricks - RFT的若干技巧视频演示:



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ONLYOFFICE 8.1 版本桌面编辑器测评

在现代办公环境中,办公软件的重要性不言而喻。从文档处理到电子表格分析,再到演示文稿制作,强大且高效的办公软件工具能够极大提升工作效率。ONLYOFFICE 作为一个功能全面且开源的办公软件套件,一直以来都受到广大用户的关注与喜爱。而其最新发布的 ONLYOFFICE 8.1 版本桌面编辑器,更是带来了诸多改进和新特性。本文将详细评测 ONLYOFFICE 8.1 版本桌面编辑器,探讨其在功能、用户

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早上做测试的时候,发现在开发板 ping 不通 Windows , 经过排除,发现是 Windows 的防火墙拦截了。那么自然而然的,解决方法如下: 直接关闭 Windows 防火墙。(非常的不专业,不建议这么做) 控制面板 -> 系统和安全 -> Windows 防火墙 -> 启用或关闭 Windows 防火墙 -> 关闭 Windows 防火墙 设置 Windows 防火墙策略,放行

win 8.1 64位 安装 sql server 2005

首先,感谢写以下博客的博主。 1. http://www.mamingbo.com/Content/10.htm 2.http://blog.csdn.net/chinmusam/article/details/8908422 ***********在下文中由1和2代表以上博文************* 接下来开始安装sql server 2005, 需要的东西有:

8.1 基本打印功能

本文仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途,如本文涉及侵权请及时联系本人将于及时删除 在使用“MFC应用”项目模板生成应用程序的过程中,如果在“高级功能”窗口中不取消对打印和打印预览的设置,那么应用程序就已经具备了简单的打印和打印预览功能。 【例8.1】编写一个单文档应用程序MyPrint,实现简单的打印功能。 (1) 使用“空解决方案”项目模板创建一个名为MyPrint的解决方案。

python 编译错误:Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 8.1.1 requires SSL/TLS

因为SSL没有安装!! 安装命令: yum install openssl-devel 若 yum 命令出错: Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base 则: route -e Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt

Unix环境高级编程--8-进程控制---8.1-8.2进程标识-8.3fork函数-8.4 vfork函数

1、进程控制几个过程 创建进程--》执行进程---》终止进程 2、进程标识 (1)专用进程:ID为0的进程是调度进程,常常被称为交换进程,也称为系统进程; ID为1通常是init进程,在自举结束时由内核调用; (2)函数:pid_t getpid(void); 获取当前进程id     pid_t getppid(void);获取父进程id 3、fork函数

Elasticsearch 8.1官网文档梳理 - 十五、Aggregations(聚合)

Aggregations ES 的聚合可以总结为三类:指标聚合、统计聚合、其他分析聚合。 Metric aggregations: 计算 field 的指标值,例如平均值、最大值、和等指标Bucket aggregations: 基于 field 的值、范围、或其他标准对 doc 分类,每一类都是一个 bucket 或 binPipeline aggregations: 通过其他 取代 doc

Elasticsearch 8.1官网文档梳理 - 十四、Query DSL(ES 查询语法)

Query DSL Elasticsearch 提供了一种基于JSON 的查询 DSL (Domain Specific Language) 来定义查询。可以把查询 DSL 看作是查询的 AST(Abstract Syntax Tree),由两种类型的子句组成: 叶子节点查询: 叶子查询子句在特定字段中查找特定值,例如 match,term,range 查询。这类查询可以单独使用 复合查询子句