本文主要是介绍websocket 内的操作码fin和opcode,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
0 1 2 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+|F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length ||I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) ||N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) || |1|2|3| |K| | |+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +| Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 |+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+| |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 |+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+| Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data |+-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +: Payload Data continued ... :+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +| Payload Data continued ... |+---------------------------------------------------------------+
第一个字节中最重要的就是fin位和opcode位,用c++的struct bit field配合union可以方便的对数据实现存取,这儿给出一个例子:
//Begin section for file tagWebScoketFrameOpCode.h
//TODO: Add definitions that you want preserved
//End section for file tagWebScoketFrameOpCode.h
#include "../../Common.h"namespace boson
{//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"union tagWebScoketFrameOpCode{//Begin section for boson::tagWebScoketFrameOpCode//TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved//End section for boson::tagWebScoketFrameOpCodepublic://@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"struct tagWebScoketFrameOpCodeBits{//Begin section for boson::tagWebScoketFrameOpCode::tagWebScoketFrameOpCodeBits//TODO: Add attributes that you want preserved//End section for boson::tagWebScoketFrameOpCode::tagWebScoketFrameOpCodeBitspublic:#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 code : 4;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv3 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv2 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv1 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 fin0 : 1;#elif BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 fin0 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv1 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv2 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 rsv3 : 1;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 code : 4;#endif }; //end struct tagWebScoketFrameOpCodeBitspublic://@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"U08 data;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"tagWebScoketFrameOpCodeBits bits;//@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"tagWebScoketFrameOpCode(); //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"tagWebScoketFrameOpCode(const tagWebScoketFrameOpCode & value); //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"~tagWebScoketFrameOpCode(); //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"tagWebScoketFrameOpCode & operator=(const tagWebScoketFrameOpCode & value ); //@generated "UML to C++ (com.ibm.xtools.transform.uml2.cpp.CPPTransformation)"void Clear(); }; //end union tagWebScoketFrameOpCode} //end namespace boson#endif
这个字节由几部分构成:fin, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3, opcode,其中对 fin 的解释如下:
FIN: 1 bit
Indicates that this is the final fragment in a message. The first fragment MAY also be the final fragment.
fin 的含义很简单:这一段数据是否是最后一部分数据。因为websocket允许将一段长数据拆分成多个帧来发送,避免如果一帧内发送数据太长,对控制帧造成的阻塞。因此在实现的时候,必须考虑拆分较长的数据,每一帧发送不超过限度的长度,比如64K字节。
rsv1 - 3 不用考虑,被保留的位。
opcode 的解释如下:
Opcode: 4 bits
Defines the interpretation of the "Payload data". If an unknown opcode is received, the receiving endpoint MUST _Fail the WebSocket Connection_. The following values are defined.
* %x0 denotes a continuation frame
* %x1 denotes a text frame
* %x2 denotes a binary frame* %x3-7 are reserved for further non-control frames
* %x8 denotes a connection close
* %x9 denotes a ping
* %xA denotes a pong* %xB-F are reserved for further control frames
opcode 是帧的用途定义,这儿简单做一个解释:
0 表示连续帧,1 表示 payload 是文本,2 表示 payload 是二进制流,
3 - 7 保留,
8 连接关闭,9 心跳 ping,A 心跳 pong,
B - F 保留。
在 webscoket 中,控制帧有一个限定:控制帧不允许分段(5.4. Fragmentation),意思就是,控制帧只允许作为一个完整的帧一次性发送。不能像数据帧那样分段发送,因此在微软实现的webscoket 类中,如关闭帧只允许带最长125字节的数据(还包括两字节的状态码)。
在分段传递数据时, 会先收到一个Text / Binary opcode, 它的Fin位是0 (More Fragment), 后续的数据会以Continuation Frame的形式发送, 直到最后一片Fin位是1 (Last Fragment) 的Continuation Frame结束, 中间不会穿插其它的数据帧(控制帧除外, 例如Close, Ping, Pong)。
所以我们在处理webscoket帧的时候,如果Fin位为0,则不处理,将帧放入一个缓存,发现 Fin 位为1 的时候就可以处理帧了,根据帧的opcode来判断,如果是控制帧就直接处理,如果连续帧,就将之前缓存的帧拼接成一个完整的payload即可。
这篇关于websocket 内的操作码fin和opcode的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!