
2024-03-21 02:08
文章标签 流程 設置 簽核


select distinct [級數] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=1 and ([一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=2 and ([二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=3 and ([三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=4 and ([四級簽核] is NULL or [三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=5 and ([五級簽核] is NULL or [四級簽核] is NULL or [三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=6 and ([六級簽核] is NULL or [五級簽核] is NULL or [四級簽核] is NULL or [三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=7 and ([七級簽核] is NULL or [六級簽核] is NULL or [五級簽核] is NULL or [四級簽核] is NULL or [三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)
select *  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where [級數]=8 and ([八級簽核] is NULL or [七級簽核] is NULL or [六級簽核] is NULL or [五級簽核] is NULL or [四級簽核] is NULL or [三級簽核] is NULL or [二級簽核] is NULL or [一級簽核] is NULL)


select a.[一級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [一級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[一級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[二級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [二級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[二級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[三級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [三級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[三級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[四級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [四級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[四級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[五級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [五級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[五級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[六級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [六級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[六級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[七級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [七級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[七級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username
select a.[八級簽核],b.Username,c.CheckManID from (select distinct [八級簽核] from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107]) a left join dbo.Ac_BRM_User  b on b.realname=a.[八級簽核] left join dbo.PCO_CheckMan c on c.UserName=b.Username

declare Step_cur scroll cursor for
select [流程號],[級數] from [zlq_PCO1107]
open Step_cur
declare @StartID int,@Step int
fetch first from Step_cur into @StartID,@Step
while @@fetch_status=0
 print convert(varchar(30),@StartID)+','+convert(varchar(30),@Step)
 exec dbo.ljj_SetWorkFlow @StartID,@Step
 fetch next from Step_cur into @StartID,@Step
close Step_cur
deallocate Step_cur
--delete dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep where stepid in(select distinct StepID from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep where StepID>=219320 and StepID<=229543)
select a.StepID,b.[流程號]
from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep a
left join dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] b on a.StepID=b.[流程號]
where StepID>=229540 and StepID<=229549
exec dbo.ljj_SetWorkFlow 229540,4
select * from dbo.zlq_PCO1107 where uprange='+∞'

update [zlq_PCO1107]
set [UpRange]=8888 where uprange='+∞'

select * from dbo.zlq_PCO1107 where downrange='-∞'

update [zlq_PCO1107]
set [DownRange]=-8888 where downrange='-∞'

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_CheckCondition]
   ([ProjectCode], [CommodityCode], [UpRange], [DownRange], [SupplierFlag], [StepID], [Remark])
SELECT [ProjectCode], [Commoditycode],convert(decimal(38,6),[UpRange]),convert(decimal(38,6),[DownRange]), [內外交或其它],[流程號], [級數]
FROM [QBRClient].[dbo].[zlq_PCO1107]

select * from dbo.PCO_Checkcondition where UpRange=8888
update dbo.PCO_Checkcondition
set UpRange=99999999999999999999999999999999
where UpRange=8888

select * from dbo.PCO_Checkcondition where DownRange=-8888
update dbo.PCO_Checkcondition
set DownRange=-99999999999999999999999999999999
where DownRange=-8888

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號],(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[一級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [一級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+1,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[二級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [二級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+2,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[三級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [三級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+3,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[四級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [四級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+4,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[五級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [五級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+5,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[六級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [六級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+6,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[七級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [七級簽核] is not null

INSERT INTO [QBRClient].[dbo].[PCO_WorkFlowChecker]([StepID]  , [CheckManID])
 select [流程號]+7,(select CheckmanID from dbo.PCO_CheckMan
                     where UserName=(select UserName from dbo.member where  Isvalid=1 and Realname=[八級簽核]))
  from dbo.[zlq_PCO1107] where  [八級簽核] is not null

select * from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowChecker
where id in(
 select a.id from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowChecker a (nolock)
 inner join dbo.PCO_WorkFlowChecker b (nolock) on a.checkmanid=b.checkmanid
 and a.stepid+1=b.stepid


select count(*) from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep
where stepid in
select a.stepid+c.Remark-1 from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowChecker a (nolock)
--inner join dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep b (nolock) on a.stepid=b.stepid
inner join dbo.PCO_CheckCondition c (nolock) on  a.stepid=c.stepid
and nextid=0

select * from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep (nolock)
where StepID>=229550 and StepID<=229550
CREATE                     proc dbo.ljj_SetWorkFlow
@SetpID int,
@Level  int
declare @err varchar(200)
declare @i   int

if exists(select * from dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep where StepID>=@SetpID and StepID<=(@SetpID+@Level))
 select @err='您設置的流程SetpID='+convert(varchar(30),@SetpID)+',簽核層級='+convert(varchar(30),@Level)+' 在系統中已經存在,無法繼續設置簽核流程!'
 ----print @err
 return 111
--print '--第一級---------------------------'
--print @SetpID
if @Level=1
 insert into dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep
    ( StepID,PreID,NextID   )
 values(@SetpID,  0  ,0       )
if @Level>1
 insert into dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep
    ( StepID,PreID,NextID   )
 values(@SetpID,  0  ,@SetpID+1)

--print '--第二級到倒數第二級----------------------'
select @i=(@SetpID+1)
while @i<(@SetpID+@Level-1)
 --print @i
 insert into dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep
 values( @i   ,@i-1 ,@i+1  )
 select @i=@i+1
--print '--最後一級---------------------------'
--print @SetpID+@Level-1
if @Level>1
 insert into dbo.PCO_WorkFlowStep
    (  StepID  ,  PreID   ,NextID)
 values(@SetpID+@Level-1,@SetpID+@Level-2,0     )





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