本文主要是介绍airplay2如何使用_如何使用AirPlay将视频从iPhone或iPad传输到Apple TV,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


When it comes to getting content from your phone to your TV, there’s really no shortage of ways to make it happen. Our favorite is Google’s Chromecast—it’s affordable and does the job well. But if you’re invested in the Apple ecosystem, you can easily stream Netflix, YouTube, and others to your Apple TV from your iOS device.
在将内容从手机传输到电视时,确实不乏实现这种内容的方法。 我们最喜欢的是Google的Chromecast,它价格合理,而且性能出色。 但是,如果您投资于Apple生态系统,则可以轻松地将Netflix,YouTube和其他内容从iOS设备流式传输到Apple TV。
Before you start streaming, you’ll need to make sure AirPlay is enabled on your Apple TV. To do this, jump into the Settings menu, then scroll down to AirPlay.
在开始流式传输之前,您需要确保在Apple TV上启用了AirPlay。 为此,请跳至“设置”菜单,然后向下滚动至AirPlay。

Click into this menu, then make sure the first option—AirPlay— is set to “On.” And that’s that.
单击进入此菜单,然后确保将第一个选项“ AirPlay”设置为“开”。 就是这样。

将视频从iOS设备流式传输到Apple TV (Streaming Videos from Your iOS Device to Apple TV)
From there, you’re ready to stream to your Apple TV. To do this, open a video on YouTube or movie on Netflix and look for the AirPlay button.
从那里,您可以流式传输到Apple TV。 为此,请在YouTube上打开视频或在Netflix上打开电影,然后寻找“ AirPlay”按钮。

Tap it, then choose your Apple TV.
点按它,然后选择您的Apple TV。

That’s all there is to it—the video should immediately start playing on Apple TV.
这就是全部-视频应该立即在Apple TV上播放。

Your iPhone or iPad will effectively become a remote control now, where you can play or pause the video. To stop streaming over AirPlay, just tap the AirPlay icon again and select iPhone or iPad (whichever is applicable).
您的iPhone或iPad现在将有效地成为遥控器,您可以在其中播放或暂停视频。 要停止通过AirPlay进行流式传输,只需再次点按AirPlay图标并选择iPhone或iPad(以适用者为准)。

将iTunes音乐和视频从计算机流式传输到Apple TV (Streaming iTunes Music and Videos from a Computer to Apple TV)
You can also stream content from iTunes to Apple TV, regardless of whether you’re using a Mac or Windows PC.
您还可以将iTunes中的内容流式传输到Apple TV,无论您使用的是Mac还是Windows PC。
To get started, open iTunes and find the AirPlay button. It’s this thing:
首先,打开iTunes并找到AirPlay按钮。 就是这个东西:

When you click it, a few options show up. Choose “Apple TV.”
当您单击它时,将显示一些选项。 选择“ Apple TV”。

The Apple TV will show a code, which you’ll input into iTunes to establish a secure connection.
Apple TV将显示一个代码,您将该代码输入iTunes以建立安全连接。

Once connected, the Apple TV screen won’t really change—it’ll just show a little balloon tip in the upper right corner when you start playing music. If you choose a video, well, the video will play.
连接后,Apple TV屏幕将不会真正改变-当您开始播放音乐时,它只会在右上角显示一个气球提示。 如果您选择一个视频,那么该视频将播放。

After a short time of inactivity, iTunes will also take over as the screensaver, showing the currently playing track and album.

To stop playing iTunes media on Apple TV, just click the AirPlay button in iTunes again and click the check mark.
要停止在Apple TV上播放iTunes媒体,只需再次单击iTunes中的AirPlay按钮,然后单击复选标记。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/234709/how-to-set-up-and-use-airplay-on-the-new-apple-tv/
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