
2024-03-20 14:28



Do you have any hobbies?
What are you interested in?
What do you usually do in your spare time?

Could you tell me something about your family?
Could you briefly introduce your family?

What is your hometown like?
Please tell me something about your hometown.
Cloud you briefly introduce your hometown?

Please give a brief introduction of your college.
Please briefly introduce your undergraduate school.

Please give a brief introduction of your graduation thesis.
What is your graduation thesis about?
What is the main content of your graduation thesis?

What is your favorite course in college or undergraduate period?
Tell us something about your specialized courses in college.

What are your strengths or advantages or strong points or merits?
What do you think about your strengths or advantages or strong points or merits?

What are your weaknesses or weak points or disadvantages or defects?
What do you think about your weaknesses or weak points or disadvantages or defects?

My hobby or family or hometown or school or graduation project or course or advantage or disadvantage is computer or three people,my father ,my mother and me or Guangzhou College, South China University of Technology or MPLS VPN or computer or curiousness or nervousness.

It provids me with many things, such as growth, ways to overcome difficulties,Under this influence, I have grown into an optimistic and positive person with good learning ability and practical ability.【It provids me a lot trouble,But under the help of my friends,I am trying to correct it.】

I will continue to be strict with myself and work hard to be an excellent postgraduate.

Why do you choose to pursue a master’s degree?
Why do you want to go to a graduate school?
Why do you want to be a postgraduate?

Why did you choose our university?
Why did you apply for our university?

Why do you change your major in the postgraduate study?
Why do you choose to switch your major?

I made the decision to do it after careful consideration.
Firstly,I found myself interested in business administration after a deep talk with my teacher.Besides that,I want to have an in-depth study on my dream major.Last,Central South University has mighty teaching staff for my major and enjoys a high reputaion.
I have been working hard to realize my dream over the last year and I will continue to be strict with myself in the future.

Can you talk about your plans in the postgraduate period?
What do you want to achieve during the postgraduate period?
Why do you choose to take postgraduate exams?

Can you talk about your plans for the next five years?
What do you want to achieve for the next five years?

Do you have any plans to apply for a PhD?
Have you thought of doing a PhD?

If I’m lucky enough to have the chance,there are some goals I want to achieve.
Firstly, I will take all courses seriously and work hard to pass all exams.Besides that, I will try to read vast academic literature and issue a few papers on some influential academic journals.
In order to achieve these goals,I will continue to be strict with myself and work hard to be an excellent postgraduate.

How do you usually deal with your pressure?
What would you do when you have great pressure?
How do you cope with stress?

What would you do when you fail in doing something?
How do you cope or deal with failure?

Do you have any plans if you fail in this exam?
What would you do if you don’t get admitted or get into graduate school?

How do you get your study-life balance?
How do you keep a balance between study and life?

It is common to face difficulties in our daily life.We should have confidence to handle it well.
When I face it.I will look for solutions and ask my friends for help.Anyway,I won’t give up easily.
By doing so,I can get relaxed and prepare for my next challenge with power and courage.






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