BCD码(Binary-Coded Decimal),用4位二进制数来表示1位十进制数中的0~9这10个数码,是一种二进制的数字编码形式,用二进制编码的十进制代码。
拿8421(四位,每位为1代表十进制数。1110等于8+4+2+0 = 14)BCD码举例:
4个二进制 = 1个十六进制
2个十六进制 = 1个字节(byte)
十进制数40 = 0100 0000 = 0x40 = @ (0x40 = @ 参考ascii对照规则)
/** j8583 A Java implementation of the ISO8583 protocol* Copyright (C) 2007 Enrique Zamudio Lopez** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU* Lesser General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA*/
package com.swiftplus.posservice.prepose.iso8583.util;import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.ParseException;/*** Routines for Binary Coded Digits.** @author Enrique Zamudio* Date: 23/04/13 11:24*/
public final class Bcd {private Bcd(){}/** Decodes a BCD-encoded number as a long.* @param buf The byte buffer containing the BCD data.* @param pos The starting position in the buffer.* @param length The number of DIGITS (not bytes) to read. */public static long decodeToLong(byte[] buf, int pos, int length)throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {if (length > 18) {throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Buffer too big to decode as long");}long l = 0;long power = 1L;for (int i = pos + (length / 2) + (length % 2) - 1; i >= pos; i--) {l += (buf[i] & 0x0f) * power;power *= 10L;l += ((buf[i] & 0xf0) >> 4) * power;power *= 10L;}return l;}public static long decodeRightPaddedToLong(byte[] buf, int pos, int length)throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {if (length > 18) {throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Buffer too big to decode as long");}long l = 0;long power = 1L;int end = pos + (length / 2) + (length % 2) - 1;if ((buf[end] & 0xf) == 0xf) {l += (buf[end] & 0xf0) >> 4;power *= 10L;end--;}for (int i = end; i >= pos; i--) {l += (buf[i] & 0x0f) * power;power *= 10L;l += ((buf[i] & 0xf0) >> 4) * power;power *= 10L;}return l;}/** Encode the value as BCD and put it in the buffer. The buffer must be big enough* to store the digits in the original value (half the length of the string). */public static void encode(String value, byte[] buf) {int charpos = 0; //char where we startint bufpos = 0;if (value.length() % 2 == 1) {//for odd lengths we encode just the first digit in the first bytebuf[0] = (byte)(value.charAt(0) - 48);charpos = 1;bufpos = 1;}//encode the rest of the stringwhile (charpos < value.length()) {buf[bufpos] = (byte)(((value.charAt(charpos) - 48) << 4)| (value.charAt(charpos + 1) - 48));charpos += 2;bufpos++;}}/** Encode the value as BCD and put it in the buffer. The buffer must be big enough* to store the digits in the original value (half the length of the string).* If the value contains an odd number of digits, the last one is stored in* its own byte at the end, padded with an F nibble. */public static void encodeRightPadded(String value, byte[] buf) {int bufpos = 0;int charpos = 0;int limit = value.length();if (limit % 2 == 1) {limit--;}//encode the rest of the stringwhile (charpos < limit) {buf[bufpos] = (byte)(((value.charAt(charpos) - 48) << 4)| (value.charAt(charpos + 1) - 48));charpos += 2;bufpos++;}if (value.length() % 2 == 1) {buf[bufpos] = (byte)(((value.charAt(limit) - 48) << 4)| 0xf);}}/** Decodes a BCD-encoded number as a BigInteger.* @param buf The byte buffer containing the BCD data.* @param pos The starting position in the buffer.* @param length The number of DIGITS (not bytes) to read. */public static BigInteger decodeToBigInteger(byte[] buf, int pos, int length)throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {char[] digits = new char[length];int start = 0;int i = pos;if (length % 2 != 0) {digits[start++] = (char)((buf[i] & 0x0f) + 48);i++;}for (;i < pos + (length / 2) + (length % 2); i++) {digits[start++] = (char)(((buf[i] & 0xf0) >> 4) + 48);digits[start++] = (char)((buf[i] & 0x0f) + 48);}return new BigInteger(new String(digits));}/** Decodes a right-padded BCD-encoded number as a BigInteger.* @param buf The byte buffer containing the BCD data.* @param pos The starting position in the buffer.* @param length The number of DIGITS (not bytes) to read. */public static BigInteger decodeRightPaddedToBigInteger(byte[] buf, int pos, int length)throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {char[] digits = new char[length];int start = 0;int i = pos;int limit = pos + (length / 2) + (length % 2);for (;i < limit; i++) {digits[start++] = (char)(((buf[i] & 0xf0) >> 4) + 48);int r = buf[i] & 0xf;digits[start++] = r == 15 ? ' ' : (char)(r + 48);}return new BigInteger(new String(digits, 0, start).trim());}/** Convert two bytes of BCD length to an int,* e.g. 0x4521 into 4521, starting at the specified offset. */public static int parseBcdLength(byte b) {return (((b & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (b & 0xf);}/** Convert two bytes of BCD length to an int,* e.g. 0x4521 into 4521, starting at the specified offset. */public static int parseBcdLength2bytes(byte[] b, int offset) {return (((b[offset] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 1000) + ((b[offset] & 0xf) * 100) +(((b[offset + 1] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (b[offset + 1] & 0xf);}
decodeToLong 解码BCD成long型(左补,右靠)
decodeRightPaddedToLong 解码BCD成long型 (右补,左靠)
decodeToBigInteger 解码BCD成BigInteger型(左补,右靠)
decodeRightPaddedToBigInteger 解码BCD成BigInteger型(右补,左靠)
encode 压缩成BCD码(左补,右靠)
encodeRightPadded 压缩成BCD码(右补,左靠)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {byte[] buf = new byte[1];Bcd.encode("40",buf);System.out.println(new String(buf));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeToLong(buf, 0, 1));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeRightPaddedToLong(buf, 0, 1));Bcd.encodeRightPadded("40",buf);System.out.println(new String(buf));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeToLong(buf, 0, 1));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeRightPaddedToLong(buf, 0, 1));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {byte[] buf = new byte[2];Bcd.encode("120",buf);System.out.println(new String(buf));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeToLong(buf, 0, 3));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeRightPaddedToLong(buf, 0, 3));Bcd.encodeRightPadded("123",buf);System.out.println(new String(buf));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeToLong(buf, 0, 3));System.out.println(Bcd.decodeRightPaddedToLong(buf, 0, 3));