"r": 以只读方式打开。调用结果对象的任何 write 方法都将导致抛出 IOException。
"rw": 打开以便读取和写入。
"rws": 打开以便读取和写入。相对于 "rw","rws" 还要求对“文件的内容”或“元数据”的每个更新都同步写入到基础存储设备。
"rwd" : 打开以便读取和写入,相对于 "rw","rwd" 还要求对“文件的内容”的每个更新都同步写入到基础存储设备。
long getFilePointer( ):返回文件记录指针的当前位置
void seek(long pos ):将文件指针定位到pos位置
public static void main(String[] args) {try {insert("d:/out.txt",5,"插入的内容"); }catch (IOException e){e.printStackTrace(); } }private static void insert(String fileName,long pos,String content) throws IOException {//创建临时空文件 File tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp",null); //在虚拟机终止时,请求删除此抽象路径名表示的文件或目录 tempFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(fileName,"rw"); raf.seek(pos); byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; int num = 0; while(-1 != (num = raf.read(buffer))){fos.write(buffer,0,num); }raf.seek(pos); raf.write(content.getBytes()); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tempFile); while(-1 != (num = fis.read(buffer))){raf.write(buffer,0,num); } }
一个汉字=2个英文字母=2字节 杭州G=5个字节
断点 ==> 当前线程已经下载完成的数据长度。
续传 ==> 向服务器请求上次线程停止位置之后的数据。
public void setRequestProperty(String field, String newValue)如下所示,便是向服务器请求500-1000之间的500个byte:
conn.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + 500 + "-" + 1000);以上只是续传的一部分需求,当我们获取到下载数据时,还需要将数据写入文件,而普通发File对象并不提供从指定位置写入数据的功能,这个时候,就需要使用到RandomAccessFile来实现从指定位置给文件写入数据的功能。
public void seek(long offset)如下所示,便是从文件的的第100个byte后开始写入数据。
public void write(byte[] buffer, int byteOffset, int byteCount)
public int getContentLength()当请求成功时,可以通过该方法获取到文件的总长度。
每一条线程下载大小 = fileLength / THREAD_NUM
public class DownLoadActivity extends Activity {private static final int PROCESSING = 1; private static final int FAILURE = -1; private EditText pathText; private Button downloadButton; private Button stopButton; private ProgressBar progressBar; private Context context; Handler handler = new UIHandler(this); private static class UIHandler extends Handler {private final WeakReference<DownLoadActivity> mActivity; //弱引用,避免内存泄露 UIHandler(DownLoadActivity activity) {mActivity = new WeakReference<>(activity); }@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) {DownLoadActivity activity = mActivity.get(); if (activity != null) {switch (msg.what) {case PROCESSING:ProgressBar progressBar = (ProgressBar) activity.findViewById(R.id.progressBar); TextView resultView = (TextView) activity.findViewById(R.id.resultView); progressBar.setProgress(msg.getData().getInt("size")); float num = (float) progressBar.getProgress() / (float) progressBar.getMax(); int result = (int) (num * 100); resultView.setText(result + "%"); if (progressBar.getProgress() == progressBar.getMax()) {Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.success, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }break; case FAILURE:Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; default:}}}}@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.down_load_activity); context = this; pathText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.path); downloadButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.downloadbutton); stopButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.stopbutton); progressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(R.id.progressBar); ButtonClickListener listener = new ButtonClickListener(); downloadButton.setOnClickListener(listener); stopButton.setOnClickListener(listener); }private class ButtonClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {@Override public void onClick(View v) {switch (v.getId()) {case R.id.downloadbutton:String path = pathText.getText().toString(); if (Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)) {//外部存储 //File savDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES); //File savDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); //内部存储 File savDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "/cache/exe"); download(path, savDir); } else {Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.sdcarderror, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }downloadButton.setEnabled(false); stopButton.setEnabled(true); break; case R.id.stopbutton:exit(); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Now thread is Stopping!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); downloadButton.setEnabled(true); stopButton.setEnabled(false); break; default:}}private DownloadTask task; private void exit() {if (task != null) {task.exit(); }}private void download(String path, File savDir) {task = new DownloadTask(path, savDir); new Thread(task).start(); }class DownloadTask implements Runnable {private String path; private File saveDir; private FileDownloader loader; DownloadTask(String path, File saveDir) {this.path = path; this.saveDir = saveDir; }void exit() {if (loader != null) {loader.exit(); }}//进度监听,通过message机制把传送进度 DownloadProgressListener downloadProgressListener = new DownloadProgressListener() {@Override public void onDownloadSize(int size) {Message msg = new Message(); msg.what = PROCESSING; msg.getData().putInt("size", size); handler.sendMessage(msg); }}; @Override public void run() {try {//固定三个线程 loader = new FileDownloader(getApplicationContext(), path, saveDir, 3); progressBar.setMax(loader.getFileSize()); loader.download(downloadProgressListener); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(FAILURE)); }}}} }
public class DownloadThread extends Thread {private static final String TAG = "DownloadThread"; private File saveFile; private URL downUrl; private int block; private int threadId = -1; private int downloadedLength; private boolean finished = false; private FileDownloader downloader; DownloadThread(FileDownloader downloader, URL downUrl, File saveFile, int block, int downloadedLength, int threadId) {this.downUrl = downUrl; this.saveFile = saveFile; this.block = block; this.downloader = downloader; this.threadId = threadId; this.downloadedLength = downloadedLength; }@Override public void run() {if(downloadedLength < block){try {HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection) downUrl.openConnection(); http.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000); http.setRequestMethod("GET"); http.setRequestProperty("Accept", "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/xaml+xml, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*"); http.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "zh-CN"); http.setRequestProperty("Referer", downUrl.toString()); http.setRequestProperty("Charset", "UTF-8"); int startPos = block * (threadId - 1) + downloadedLength; int endPos = block * threadId -1; http.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + startPos + "-"+ endPos); http.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); http.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); InputStream inStream = http.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int offset = 0; print("Thread " + this.threadId + " starts to download from position "+ startPos); RandomAccessFile threadFile = new RandomAccessFile(this.saveFile, "rwd"); threadFile.seek(startPos); while (!downloader.getExited() && (offset = inStream.read(buffer, 0, 1024)) != -1) {threadFile.write(buffer, 0, offset); downloadedLength += offset; downloader.update(this.threadId, downloadedLength); downloader.append(offset); }threadFile.close(); inStream.close(); if(downloader.getExited())print("Thread " + this.threadId + " has been paused"); else print("Thread " + this.threadId + " download finish"); this.finished = true; } catch (Exception e) {this.downloadedLength = -1; print("Thread "+ this.threadId+ ":"+ e); }}}private static void print(String msg){Log.i(TAG, msg); }public boolean isFinished() {return finished; }public long getDownloadedLength() {return downloadedLength; } }
public class FileDownloader {private static final String TAG = "FileDownloader"; private Context context; private FileService fileService; private boolean exited; private int downloadedSize = 0; private int fileSize = 0; private DownloadThread[] threads; private File saveFile; private Map<Integer, Integer> data = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private int block; private String downloadUrl; public int getThreadSize() {return threads.length; }public void exit() {this.exited = true; }public boolean getExited() {return this.exited; }public int getFileSize() {return fileSize; }protected synchronized void append(int size) {downloadedSize += size; }protected synchronized void update(int threadId, int pos) {this.data.put(threadId, pos); this.fileService.update_tyc(this.downloadUrl, threadId, pos); //this.fileService.update(this.downloadUrl, this.data); }public FileDownloader(Context context, String downloadUrl, File fileSaveDir, int threadNum) {try {this.context = context; this.downloadUrl = downloadUrl; fileService = new FileService(this.context); URL url = new URL(this.downloadUrl); if (!fileSaveDir.exists())fileSaveDir.mkdirs(); this.threads = new DownloadThread[threadNum]; HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept","image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/xaml+xml, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*"); conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "zh-CN"); conn.setRequestProperty("Referer", downloadUrl); conn.setRequestProperty("Charset", "UTF-8"); conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)"); conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); conn.connect(); printResponseHeader(conn); if (conn.getResponseCode() == 200) {this.fileSize = conn.getContentLength(); if (this.fileSize <= 0)throw new RuntimeException("Unkown file size "); String filename = getFileName(conn); this.saveFile = new File(fileSaveDir, filename); Map<Integer, Integer> logdata = fileService.getData(downloadUrl); if (logdata.size() > 0) {for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : logdata.entrySet())data.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); }if (this.data.size() == this.threads.length) {for (int i = 0; i < this.threads.length; i++) {this.downloadedSize += this.data.get(i + 1); }print("已经下载的长度" + this.downloadedSize + "个字节"); }this.block = (this.fileSize % this.threads.length) == 0 ? this.fileSize / this.threads.length : this.fileSize / this.threads.length + 1; } else {print("服务器响应错误:" + conn.getResponseCode() + conn.getResponseMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("server response error "); }} catch (Exception e) {print(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException("Can't connection this url"); }}private String getFileName(HttpURLConnection conn) {String filename = this.downloadUrl.substring(this.downloadUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (filename == null || "".equals(filename.trim())) {for (int i = 0;; i++) {String mine = conn.getHeaderField(i); if (mine == null)break; if ("content-disposition".equals(conn.getHeaderFieldKey(i).toLowerCase())) {Matcher m = Pattern.compile(".*filename=(.*)").matcher(mine.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); if (m.find())return m.group(1); }}filename = UUID.randomUUID() + ".tmp"; }return filename; }public int download(DownloadProgressListener listener) throws Exception {try {RandomAccessFile randOut = new RandomAccessFile(this.saveFile, "rwd"); if (this.fileSize > 0)randOut.setLength(this.fileSize); randOut.close(); URL url = new URL(this.downloadUrl); if (this.data.size() != this.threads.length) {this.data.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.threads.length; i++) {this.data.put(i + 1, 0); }this.downloadedSize = 0; }for (int i = 0; i < this.threads.length; i++) {int downloadedLength = this.data.get(i + 1); if (downloadedLength < this.block && this.downloadedSize < this.fileSize) {this.threads[i] = new DownloadThread(this, url, this.saveFile, this.block, this.data.get(i + 1), i + 1); this.threads[i].setPriority(7); this.threads[i].start(); } else {this.threads[i] = null; }}this.fileService.delete(this.downloadUrl); this.fileService.save(this.downloadUrl, this.data); boolean notFinished = true; while (notFinished) {Thread.sleep(900); notFinished = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.threads.length; i++) {if (this.threads[i] != null && !this.threads[i].isFinished()) {notFinished = true; if (this.threads[i].getDownloadedLength() == -1) {this.threads[i] = new DownloadThread(this, url, this.saveFile, this.block, this.data.get(i + 1), i + 1); this.threads[i].setPriority(7); this.threads[i].start(); }}}if (listener != null)listener.onDownloadSize(this.downloadedSize); }if (downloadedSize == this.fileSize)this.fileService.delete(this.downloadUrl); } catch (Exception e) {print(e.toString()); throw new Exception("File downloads error"); }return this.downloadedSize; }public static Map<String, String> getHttpResponseHeader(HttpURLConnection http) {Map<String, String> header = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0;; i++) {String mine = http.getHeaderField(i); if (mine == null)break; header.put(http.getHeaderFieldKey(i), mine); }return header; }public static void printResponseHeader(HttpURLConnection http) {Map<String, String> header = getHttpResponseHeader(http); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : header.entrySet()) {String key = entry.getKey() != null ? entry.getKey() + ":" : ""; print(key + entry.getValue()); }}private static void print(String msg) {Log.i(TAG, msg); } }
public class FileService {private DBOpenHelper openHelper; public FileService(Context context) {openHelper = new DBOpenHelper(context); }@SuppressLint("UseSparseArrays")public Map<Integer, Integer> getData(String path) {SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select threadid, downlength from filedownlog where downpath=?", new String[]{path}); Map<Integer, Integer> data = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) {data.put(cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getInt(1)); data.put(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("threadid")), cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("downlength"))); }cursor.close(); db.close(); return data; }public void save(String path, Map<Integer, Integer> map) {SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try {for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {db.execSQL("insert into filedownlog(downpath, threadid, downlength) values(?,?,?)", new Object[]{path, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()}); }db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally {db.endTransaction(); }db.close(); }public void update_tyc(String path, int threadId, int pos) {SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.execSQL("update filedownlog set downlength=? where downpath=? and threadid=?", new Object[]{pos, path, threadId}); db.close(); }public void update(String path, Map<Integer, Integer> map) {SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try {for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {db.execSQL("update filedownlog set downlength=? where downpath=? and threadid=?", new Object[]{entry.getValue(), path, entry.getKey()}); }db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally {db.endTransaction(); }db.close(); }public void delete(String path) {SQLiteDatabase db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.execSQL("delete from filedownlog where downpath=?", new Object[]{path}); db.close(); } }
public class DBOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {private static final String DBNAME = "eric.db"; private static final int VERSION = 1; public DBOpenHelper(Context context) {super(context, DBNAME, null, VERSION); }@Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filedownlog (id integer primary key autoincrement, downpath varchar(100), threadid INTEGER, downlength INTEGER)"); }@Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS filedownlog"); onCreate(db); } }
RxRetrofit - 终极封装 - 深入浅出 & 断点续传
深入理解JAVA I/O系列四:RandomAccessFileAndroid 多线程断点续传下载