2024-03-17 10:38
文章标签 编码 asn.1 der


DER(Distinguished Encoding Rules,可辨别编码规则)。

ASN.1抽象语法标记(Abstract Syntax Notation One) ASN.1是一种 ISO/ITU-T 标准,描述了一种对数据进行表示、编码、传输和解码的数据格式。



ASN.1 defines the abstract syntax of information but does not restrict the way the information is encoded. Various ASN.1 encoding rules provide the transfer syntax (a concrete representation) of the data values whose abstract syntax is described in ASN.1.

The standard ASN.1 encoding rules include:

  • Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
  • Canonical Encoding Rules (CER)
  • Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
  • XML Encoding Rules (XER)
  • Packed Encoding Rules (PER)
  • Generic String Encoding Rules (GSER)

ASN.1 together with specific ASN.1 encoding rules facilitates the exchange of structured data especially between application programs over networks by describing data structures in a way that is independent of machine architecture and implementation language.


Application layer protocols such as X.400 electronic mail , X.500 and LDAP directory services , H.323 (VoIP ), BACnet and SNMP use ASN.1 to describe the protocol data units (PDUs) they exchange. It is also extensively used in the Access and Non-Access Strata of UMTS . There are many other application domains of ASN.1 [ 1] .


A particularly useful new application of ASN.1 is Fast Infoset . Fast Infoset is an international standard that specifies a binary encoding format for the XML Information Set (XML Infoset ) as an alternative to the XML document format. It aims to provide more efficient serialization than the text-based XML format.


Data structures of FooProtocol defined using the ASN.1 notation:


FooQuestion ::= SEQUENCE {
trackingNumber INTEGER,
question IA5String

FooAnswer ::= SEQUENCE {
questionNumber INTEGER,
answer BOOLEAN

This could be a specification published by creators of Foo protocol. ASN.1 does not define conversation flows. This is up to the textual description of the protocol.

Assuming a message, which complies with Foo protocol and which will be sent to the receiving party. This particular message (PDU ) is:

myQuestion FooQuestion ::= {
trackingNumber 5,
question "Anybody there?"

To send the above message through the network one needs to encode it to a string of bits . ASN.1 defines various algorithms to accomplish that task, called Encoding rules. There are plenty of them; one of the simplest is Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) .

The Foo protocol specification should explicitly name one set of encoding rules to use, so that users of the Foo protocol know which one they should use.

[edit ] Example encoded in DER

Below is the data structure shown above encoded in the DER format (all numbers are in hexadecimal):


30 -- tag indicating SEQUENCE
13 -- length in octets

02 -- tag indicating INTEGER
01 -- length in octets
05 -- value

16 -- tag indicating IA5String
0e -- length in octets
41 6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 74 68 65 72 65 3f -- value

(Note: DER uses a pattern of tag-length-value triplets)

So what one actually gets is the string of 21 octets:


30 13 02 01 05 16 0e 41 6e 79 62 6f 64 79 20 74 68 65 72 65 3f

The scope of ASN.1 and DER ends here. It is possible to transmit the encoded message to the party by any means (utilizing TCP or any other protocol). The party should be able to decode the octets back using DER.

("Anybody there?" in ASCII)





C++ | Leetcode C++题解之第393题UTF-8编码验证

题目: 题解: class Solution {public:static const int MASK1 = 1 << 7;static const int MASK2 = (1 << 7) + (1 << 6);bool isValid(int num) {return (num & MASK2) == MASK1;}int getBytes(int num) {if ((num &

C语言 | Leetcode C语言题解之第393题UTF-8编码验证

题目: 题解: static const int MASK1 = 1 << 7;static const int MASK2 = (1 << 7) + (1 << 6);bool isValid(int num) {return (num & MASK2) == MASK1;}int getBytes(int num) {if ((num & MASK1) == 0) {return


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字符集概念 字符集就是一套文字符号及其编码的描述。从第一个计算机字符集ASCII开始,为了处理不同的文字,发明过几百种字符集,例如ASCII、USC、GBK、BIG5等,这些不同的字符集从收录到编码都各不相同。在编程中出现比较严重的问题是字符乱码。 几个概念 位:计算机的最小单位二进制中的一位,用二进制的0,1表示。 字节:八位组成一个字节。(位与字节有对应关系) 字符:我们肉眼可见的文字与符号。


问题: 由于BMS需要设置UTF-8编码,要不就会出现中文乱码问题; 一、项目保持UTF-8格式; 二、由于可能会多次移除项目、加载项目,不想每次都要修改tmp0\conf 原因: 如果在eclipse中配置了tomcat后,其实,tomcat所用的所有tomcat配置文件,都不是catalina_home/config下面的xml文件,而是在eclipse所创建的Serve


为什么要讨论这个问题         为了避免乱码和更好的跨平台         我刚开始开发时是使用VS开发,Unity自身默认使用UTF-8 without BOM格式,但是在Unity中创建一个脚本,使用VS打开,VS自身默认使用GB2312(它应该是对应了你电脑的window版本默认选取了国标编码,或者是因为一些其他的原因)读取脚本,默认是看不到在VS中的编码格式,下面我介绍一种简单快


赫夫曼树的应用 1、哈夫曼编码   在数据通信中,需要将传送的文字转换成二进制的字符串,用0,1码的不同排列来表示字符。例如,需传送的报文为“AFTER DATA EAR ARE ART AREA”,这里用到的字符集为“A,E,R,T,F,D”,各字母出现的次数为{8,4,5,3,1,1}。现要求为这些字母设计编码。要区别6个字母,最简单的二进制编码方式是等长编码,固定采用3位二进制,可分别用

Base64编码 及 在HTML中用Base编码直接显示图片或嵌入其他文件类型

1.为什么要用到BASE64编码的图片信息      Base64是网络上最常见的用于传输8Bit字节代码的编码方式之一。Base64 主要不是加密,它主要的用途是把一些二进制数转成普通字符用于网络传输。由于一些二进制字符在传输协议中属于控制字符,不能直接传送需要转换一下。最常见的用途是作为电子邮件或WebService附件的传输编码.  2.base64编码定义    目前的internet


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