【SysBench】sysbench-1.20 命令速查表

2024-03-14 17:12
文章标签 命令 sysbench 1.20 速查表

本文主要是介绍【SysBench】sysbench-1.20 命令速查表,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


The general command line syntax for sysbench is:

	  sysbench [options]... [testname] [command] 
  • testname is an optional name of a built-in test (e.g. fileio,
    memory, cpu, etc.), or a name of one of the bundled Lua scripts
    (e.g. oltp_read_only), or a path to a custom Lua script. If no
    test name is specified on the command line (and thus, there is no
    command too, as in that case it would be parsed as a testname), or
    the test name is a dash (“-”), then sysbench expects a Lua script to
    execute on its standard input.

  • command is an optional argument that will be passed by sysbench to
    the built-in test or script specified with testname. command
    defines the action that must be performed by the test. The list of
    available commands depends on a particular test. Some tests also
    implement their own custom commands.

    Below is a description of typical test commands and their purpose:

    • prepare: performs preparative actions for those tests which need
      them, e.g. creating the necessary files on disk for the fileio
      test, or filling the test database for database benchmarks.
    • run: runs the actual test specified with the testname
      argument. This command is provided by all tests.
    • cleanup: removes temporary data after the test run in those
      tests which create one.
    • help: displays usage information for the test specified with the
      testname argument. This includes the full list of commands
      provided by the test, so it should be used to get the available
  • options is a list of zero or more command line options starting with
    '--'. As with commands, the sysbench testname help command
    should be used to describe available options provided by a
    particular test.

You can use sysbench --help to display the general command line syntax
and options.


$ sysbench --help
Usage:sysbench [options]... [testname] [command]Commands implemented by most tests: prepare run cleanup helpGeneral options:--threads=N                     number of threads to use [1]--events=N                      limit for total number of events [0]--time=N                        limit for total execution time in seconds [10]--forced-shutdown=STRING        number of seconds to wait after the --time limit before forcing shutdown, or 'off' to disable [off]--thread-stack-size=SIZE        size of stack per thread [64K]--rate=N                        average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate [0]--report-interval=N             periodically report intermediate statistics with a specified interval in seconds. 0 disables intermediate reports [0]--report-checkpoints=[LIST,...] dump full statistics and reset all counters at specified points in time. The argument is a list of comma-separated values representing the amount of time in seconds elapsed from start of test when report checkpoint(s) must be performed. Report checkpoints are off by default. []--debug[=on|off]                print more debugging info [off]--validate[=on|off]             perform validation checks where possible [off]--help[=on|off]                 print help and exit [off]--version[=on|off]              print version and exit [off]--config-file=FILENAME          File containing command line options--tx-rate=N                     deprecated alias for --rate [0]--max-requests=N                deprecated alias for --events [0]--max-time=N                    deprecated alias for --time [0]--num-threads=N                 deprecated alias for --threads [1]Pseudo-Random Numbers Generator options:--rand-type=STRING random numbers distribution {uniform,gaussian,special,pareto} [special]--rand-spec-iter=N number of iterations used for numbers generation [12]--rand-spec-pct=N  percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) [1]--rand-spec-res=N  percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) [75]--rand-seed=N      seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. [0]--rand-pareto-h=N  parameter h for pareto distribution [0.2]Log options:--verbosity=N verbosity level {5 - debug, 0 - only critical messages} [3]--percentile=N       percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations [95]--histogram[=on|off] print latency histogram in report [off]General database options:--db-driver=STRING  specifies database driver to use ('help' to get list of available drivers) [mysql]--db-ps-mode=STRING prepared statements usage mode {auto, disable} [auto]--db-debug[=on|off] print database-specific debug information [off]Compiled-in database drivers:mysql - MySQL driverpgsql - PostgreSQL drivermysql options:--mysql-host=[LIST,...]          MySQL server host [localhost]--mysql-port=[LIST,...]          MySQL server port [3306]--mysql-socket=[LIST,...]        MySQL socket--mysql-user=STRING              MySQL user [sbtest]--mysql-password=STRING          MySQL password []--mysql-db=STRING                MySQL database name [sbtest]--mysql-ssl[=on|off]             use SSL connections, if available in the client library [off]--mysql-ssl-cipher=STRING        use specific cipher for SSL connections []--mysql-compression[=on|off]     use compression, if available in the client library [off]--mysql-debug[=on|off]           trace all client library calls [off]--mysql-ignore-errors=[LIST,...] list of errors to ignore, or "all" [1213,1020,1205]--mysql-dry-run[=on|off]         Dry run, pretend that all MySQL client API calls are successful without executing them [off]pgsql options:--pgsql-host=STRING     PostgreSQL server host [localhost]--pgsql-port=N          PostgreSQL server port [5432]--pgsql-user=STRING     PostgreSQL user [sbtest]--pgsql-password=STRING PostgreSQL password []--pgsql-db=STRING       PostgreSQL database name [sbtest]Compiled-in tests:fileio - File I/O testcpu - CPU performance testmemory - Memory functions speed testthreads - Threads subsystem performance testmutex - Mutex performance testSee 'sysbench <testname> help' for a list of options for each test.

以下为 sysbench 编译时内置的测试模块,包括 CPU、文件 I/O、内存、线程、互斥(Mutex)。


$ sysbench cpu help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)cpu options:--cpu-max-prime=N upper limit for primes generator [10000]

3、文件 I/O

$ sysbench fileio help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)fileio options:--file-num=N                  number of files to create [128]--file-block-size=N           block size to use in all IO operations [16384]--file-total-size=SIZE        total size of files to create [2G]--file-test-mode=STRING       test mode {seqwr, seqrewr, seqrd, rndrd, rndwr, rndrw}--file-io-mode=STRING         file operations mode {sync,async,mmap} [sync]--file-async-backlog=N        number of asynchronous operatons to queue per thread [128]--file-extra-flags=[LIST,...] list of additional flags to use to open files {sync,dsync,direct} []--file-fsync-freq=N           do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) [100]--file-fsync-all[=on|off]     do fsync() after each write operation [off]--file-fsync-end[=on|off]     do fsync() at the end of test [on]--file-fsync-mode=STRING      which method to use for synchronization {fsync, fdatasync} [fsync]--file-merged-requests=N      merge at most this number of IO requests if possible (0 - don't merge) [0]--file-rw-ratio=N             reads/writes ratio for combined test [1.5]


$ sysbench memory help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)memory options:--memory-block-size=SIZE    size of memory block for test [1K]--memory-total-size=SIZE    total size of data to transfer [100G]--memory-scope=STRING       memory access scope {global,local} [global]--memory-hugetlb[=on|off]   allocate memory from HugeTLB pool [off]--memory-oper=STRING        type of memory operations {read, write, none} [write]--memory-access-mode=STRING memory access mode {seq,rnd} [seq]


$ sysbench threads help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)threads options:--thread-yields=N number of yields to do per request [1000]--thread-locks=N  number of locks per thread [8]


$ sysbench mutex help
sysbench 1.0.20 (using bundled LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2)mutex options:--mutex-num=N   total size of mutex array [4096]--mutex-locks=N number of mutex locks to do per thread [50000]--mutex-loops=N number of empty loops to do outside mutex lock [10000]

7、OLTP 数据库基准测试 Lua 脚本

$ ls -1 /usr/local/share/sysbench

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