本文主要是介绍一个 Gitlab 帐号无法访问文件、克隆项目问题的解决,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
一天晚上,同事突然在企业微信上告诉我,他的 gitlab 帐号访问出了问题:
而在此之前,他就已经发现自己的帐号没有办法通过 https 协议来克隆项目了
他的帐号本身是有 Admin 权限的,居然连这个操作都没法做到?我们一起对这个问题进行了排查。
确认不是 Gitlab 设置问题
首先确认了一下是不是 Gitlab 设置的问题。Gitlab 对用户鉴权的配置:
确认不是 Cookie、会话、缓存的问题
同事清理了浏览器 cookie,检查了 hosts 文件,甚至重启了机器,问题依然存在。
同事提到因为有一个项目需要 git lfs push,只能使用 https,他当时登不上,也尝试用 Gitlab 管理员界面给自己的 LDAP 用户修改了密码,依然登录不了,然后登录 web 界面就发现了文章第一个图片里的错误。
他在尝试拉取一个已有的仓库时报了密码过期错误。因为从 web 界面登录时密码没有问题,所以这个问题当时我们没有太多关注。
我们更多的是以为他的帐号权限配置出了问题,因为上面截图里提醒了这一点。然而从 Gitlab web 界面和数据库记录里对帐号权限进行了多番查看,都没有发现任何问题。
我查看了 Gitlab 日志 gitlab/logs/gitlab-rails/production.log
,找到了我用同事帐号访问时的一个 403 Forbidden 报错:
我用他的帐号配置了一个 access token,跑了一个 API 请求:
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: MSXXXXXXXXXXXXXash" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/178/access_requests"
{"message":"403 Forbidden - Your password expired. Please access GitLab from a web browser to update your password."}
终于明白了这个 403 错误就是密码过期造成的。
然而我们的 Gitlab 帐号是通过 Active Directory 提供的 LDAP 服务来登录的,从 AD 上查看同事的帐号是没有任何问题的,密码也没有过期:
查了一下 Gitlab 的源代码 https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb ,确实有下面一个逻辑:
后面的操作就简单了,登录 Gitlab 服务器,进入 Gitlab 容器(我们使用 docker 部署的 Gitlab):
docker exec -it gitlab bash
执行一个 Rails Console 操作:
也可以直接访问 Gitlab 的 PostgreSQL 数据库来操作。
Gitlab 支持 LDAP 是很方便,但如果给 LDAP 用户通过管理员帐号改了密码,就可能出现我同事的帐号发生的问题。
附:访问 Gitlab PostgreSQL 数据库
# 进入 gitlab 容器
$ docker exec -it gitlab bash# 转变为 postgresql 用户 gitlab-psql,这个用户名可以从 gitlab 配置文件 gitlab/config/gitlab.rb 里取得
root@gitlab:/# su - gitlab-psql# 容器里的 postgresql 的 socket 在 gitlab-psql 用户 home 下的 .s.PGSQL.5432,故使用 -h ~ 即可连接
# 需要指定数据库,数据库名称可以从 gitlab 配置文件 gitlab/config/gitlab.rb 里取得
gitlab-psql@gitlab:~$ psql -h ~ -d gitlabhq_production
psql (12.6)
Type "help" for help.# 列出数据库
gitlabhq_production=# \lList of databasesName | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
---------------------+-------------+----------+---------+-------+---------------------------------gitlabhq_production | gitlab | UTF8 | C | C |postgres | gitlab-psql | UTF8 | C | C |template0 | gitlab-psql | UTF8 | C | C | =c/"gitlab-psql" +| | | | | "gitlab-psql"=CTc/"gitlab-psql"template1 | gitlab-psql | UTF8 | C | C | "gitlab-psql"=CTc/"gitlab-psql"+| | | | | =c/"gitlab-psql"
(4 rows)# 连接数据库 gitlabhq_production
gitlabhq_production=# \c gitlabhq_production
You are now connected to database "gitlabhq_production" as user "gitlab-psql".# 列出库中的表、序列等等
gitlabhq_production=# \dList of relationsSchema | Name | Type | Owner
--------+--------------------------------------------------------+-------------------+--------public | abuse_reports | table | gitlab.. #此处省略一万行…….public | user_synced_attributes_metadata | table | gitlabpublic | user_synced_attributes_metadata_id_seq | sequence | gitlabpublic | users | table | gitlabpublic | users_id_seq | sequence | gitlab.. #此处省略一万行…….public | zoom_meetings_id_seq | sequence | gitlab
(939 rows)# 描述数据表 user
gitlabhq_production=# \d usersTable "public.users"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+-----------+----------+-----------------------------------id | integer | | not null | nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass)email | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingencrypted_password | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingreset_password_token | character varying | | |reset_password_sent_at | timestamp without time zone | | |remember_created_at | timestamp without time zone | | |sign_in_count | integer | | | 0current_sign_in_at | timestamp without time zone | | |last_sign_in_at | timestamp without time zone | | |current_sign_in_ip | character varying | | |last_sign_in_ip | character varying | | |created_at | timestamp without time zone | | |updated_at | timestamp without time zone | | |name | character varying | | |admin | boolean | | not null | falseprojects_limit | integer | | not null |skype | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyinglinkedin | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingtwitter | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingfailed_attempts | integer | | | 0locked_at | timestamp without time zone | | |username | character varying | | |can_create_group | boolean | | not null | truecan_create_team | boolean | | not null | truestate | character varying | | |color_scheme_id | integer | | not null | 1password_expires_at | timestamp without time zone | | |created_by_id | integer | | |last_credential_check_at | timestamp without time zone | | |avatar | character varying | | |confirmation_token | character varying | | |confirmed_at | timestamp without time zone | | |confirmation_sent_at | timestamp without time zone | | |unconfirmed_email | character varying | | |hide_no_ssh_key | boolean | | | falsewebsite_url | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingnotification_email | character varying | | |hide_no_password | boolean | | | falsepassword_automatically_set | boolean | | | falselocation | character varying | | |encrypted_otp_secret | character varying | | |encrypted_otp_secret_iv | character varying | | |encrypted_otp_secret_salt | character varying | | |otp_required_for_login | boolean | | not null | falseotp_backup_codes | text | | |public_email | character varying | | not null | ''::character varyingdashboard | integer | | | 0project_view | integer | | | 0consumed_timestep | integer | | |layout | integer | | | 0hide_project_limit | boolean | | | falseunlock_token | character varying | | |otp_grace_period_started_at | timestamp without time zone | | |external | boolean | | | falseincoming_email_token | character varying | | |organization | character varying | | |require_two_factor_authentication_from_group | boolean | | not null | falsetwo_factor_grace_period | integer | | not null | 48last_activity_on | date | | |notified_of_own_activity | boolean | | |preferred_language | character varying | | |theme_id | smallint | | |feed_token | character varying | | |accepted_term_id | integer | | |private_profile | boolean | | not null | falseinclude_private_contributions | boolean | | |commit_email | character varying | | |auditor | boolean | | not null | falseadmin_email_unsubscribed_at | timestamp without time zone | | |email_opted_in | boolean | | |email_opted_in_at | timestamp without time zone | | |email_opted_in_ip | character varying | | |email_opted_in_source_id | integer | | |group_view | integer | | |managing_group_id | integer | | |note | text | | |roadmap_layout | smallint | | |static_object_token | character varying(255) | | |first_name | character varying(255) | | |last_name | character varying(255) | | |role | smallint | | |user_type | smallint | | |
Indexes:"users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)"index_users_on_confirmation_token" UNIQUE, btree (confirmation_token).. #此处省略一万行……."index_users_require_two_factor_authentication_from_group_false" btree (require_two_factor_authentication_from_group) WHERE require_two_factor_authentication_from_group = false
Foreign-key constraints:"fk_789cd90b35" FOREIGN KEY (accepted_term_id) REFERENCES application_setting_terms(id) ON DELETE CASCADE"fk_a4b8fefe3e" FOREIGN KEY (managing_group_id) REFERENCES namespaces(id) ON DELETE SET NULL
Referenced by:TABLE "issues" CONSTRAINT "fk_05f1e72feb" FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL.. #此处省略一万行…….TABLE "user_follow_users" CONSTRAINT "user_follow_users_follower_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (follower_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE# SQL 查询,结果没法看……
gitlabhq_production=# select * from users where email='example@longtugame.com';id | email | encrypted_password | reset_password_token | reset_password_sent_at | remember_created_at | sign_in_count | current_s
ign_in_at | last_sign_in_at | current_sign_in_ip | last_sign_in_ip | created_at | updated_at | name | admin | projects_limit | skype | linkedin |twitter | failed_attempts | locked_at | username | can_create_group | can_create_team | state | color_scheme_id | password_expires_at | created_by_id | last_credential_check_at | avat
ar | confirmation_token | confirmed_at | confirmation_sent_at | unconfirmed_email | hide_no_ssh_key | website_url | notification_email | hide_no_password | password_automatica
lly_set | location | encrypted_otp_secret | encrypted_otp_secret_iv | encrypted_otp_secret_salt | otp_required_for_login | otp_backup_codes | public_email | dashboard | project_view | consumed_time
step | layout | hide_project_limit | unlock_token | otp_grace_period_started_at | external | incoming_email_token | organization | require_two_factor_authentication_from_group | two_factor_gra
ce_period | last_activity_on | notified_of_own_activity | preferred_language | theme_id | feed_token | accepted_term_id | private_profile | include_private_contributions | commit_email |
auditor | admin_email_unsubscribed_at | email_opted_in | email_opted_in_at | email_opted_in_ip | email_opted_in_source_id | group_view | managing_group_id | note | roadmap_layout | static_object_to
ken | first_name | last_name | role | user_type
----+------------+-----------+------+-----------27 | example@longtugame.com | $2a$10$voXXXXXXXXXXXXjNnRAeT/sAXXXXXXXXXXXXXsvr4eDx5HaTa | | | | 39 | 2021-06-16 01
:56:53.164382 | 2021-06-16 00:32:42.162386 | | | 2018-11-05 08:59:10.771467 | 2021-06-16 01:58:57.248564 | 测试用户 | t | 100000 | | |
| 0 | | example | t | f | active | 1 | 2021-06-16 01:31:20.000483 | 1 | 2021-06-16 01:56:53.136977 | || 2018-11-05 08:59:09.673473 | | | f | | example@longtugame.com | f | f || | | | f | | | 0 | 2 | |0 | f | | | f | bbXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7jq | | f | 48| 2021-06-16 | f | en | 1 | riXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6E | | f | | | f || | | | | | | | | || | |
(1 row)# 使用展开模式
gitlabhq_production=# \xgitlabhq_production=# select * from users where email='example@longtugame.com';\g
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------
id | 27
email | example@longtugame.com
encrypted_password | $2a$10$voXXXXXXXXXXXXjNnRAeT/sAXXXXXXXXXXXXXsvr4eDx5HaTa
reset_password_token |
reset_password_sent_at |
remember_created_at |
sign_in_count | 40
current_sign_in_at | 2021-06-16 03:22:18.416635
last_sign_in_at | 2021-06-16 01:56:53.164382
current_sign_in_ip |
last_sign_in_ip |
created_at | 2018-11-05 08:59:10.771467
updated_at | 2021-06-16 03:41:40.497851
name | 测试用户
admin | t
projects_limit | 100000
skype |
linkedin |
twitter |
failed_attempts | 0
locked_at |
username | example
can_create_group | t
can_create_team | f
state | active
color_scheme_id | 1
password_expires_at | 2021-06-16 01:31:20.000483
created_by_id | 1
last_credential_check_at | 2021-06-16 03:41:40.490466
avatar |
confirmation_token |
confirmed_at | 2018-11-05 08:59:09.673473
confirmation_sent_at |
unconfirmed_email |
hide_no_ssh_key | f
website_url |
notification_email | example@longtugame.com
hide_no_password | f
password_automatically_set | t
location |
encrypted_otp_secret |
encrypted_otp_secret_iv |
encrypted_otp_secret_salt |
otp_required_for_login | f
otp_backup_codes |
public_email |
dashboard | 0
project_view | 2
consumed_timestep |
layout | 0
hide_project_limit | f
unlock_token |
otp_grace_period_started_at |
external | f
incoming_email_token | bbXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7jq
organization |
require_two_factor_authentication_from_group | f
two_factor_grace_period | 48
last_activity_on | 2021-06-16
notified_of_own_activity | f
preferred_language | en
theme_id | 1
accepted_term_id |
private_profile | f
include_private_contributions |
commit_email |
auditor | f
admin_email_unsubscribed_at |
email_opted_in |
email_opted_in_at |
email_opted_in_ip |
email_opted_in_source_id |
group_view |
managing_group_id |
note |
roadmap_layout |
static_object_token |
first_name |
last_name |
role |
user_type |# 更新用户 password_expires_at、last_credential_check_at 字段为空
gitlabhq_production=# update users set password_expires_at=null, last_credential_check_at=null where email='example@longtugame.com';
这篇关于一个 Gitlab 帐号无法访问文件、克隆项目问题的解决的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!