
2024-03-13 23:59




Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun’s Java Odyssey: A Tale of Inheritance


On a Java-scented afternoon, our story’s protagonist, Lin Haoran, a passionate Java programmer, was embarking on a unique Java world adventure with his “dream goddess,” the equally coding-savvy leading lady, Yang Lingyun.


On this day, Lin Haoran, holding a cup of coffee, mysteriously presented a Java treasure to Yang Lingyun – “Class Inheritance.” He playfully said, “Do you know, Yang Lingyun, in Java, we can also play the game of ‘like father, like son.’ For instance, I can create a superclass called SuperHero, and you, you can define a subclass IronMan. This is like Tony Stark being the son of a superhero, inheriting superpowers and various skills perfectly.”


Yang Lingyun, smiling, responded with determination, “But what if Tony Stark has his own special skills, like armor crafting? Isn’t that method overriding? In the IronMan class, we can override the buildArmor() method, making Tony Stark’s armor crafting skill stand out.”


The two exchanged smiles, and Lin Haoran continued, “Speaking of that, we can’t forget the super keyword; it’s like the bond between us. When Tony Stark innovates in his own world, he can still call his father’s general armor crafting method through super.buildArmor(), and then add his unique elements. This way, there’s both inheritance and innovation – quite interesting, isn’t it?”


Finally, Lin Haoran gazed affectionately at Yang Lingyun, “In the Java world, all classes directly or indirectly inherit from the Object class, just like in real life, where we all trace back to common human ancestors. You see, whether it’s our SuperHero or IronMan, they will use methods like toString(), which are the basic attributes and behaviors granted by the Object class.”


Yang Lingyun nodded gently, her eyes gleaming with the wisdom of understanding. The two shared the joy of knowledge in the world of Java inheritance, as if they were reenacting a modern IT version of “Romeo and Juliet,” where keyboards replaced swords, code danced, and they wove the romantic chapter of the programming world.

// 创建一个超级英雄类(父类)
public class SuperHero {private String name;private String superpower;// 构造方法public SuperHero(String name, String superpower) {this.name = name;this.superpower = superpower;}// 超级英雄的基础技能:展示自己public void introduce() {System.out.println("我是" + name + ",我拥有超能力:" + superpower);}// 通用的铠甲制作方法public void buildArmor() {System.out.println("制造了一套通用的超级英雄铠甲");}// Object类中定义的toString()方法@Overridepublic String toString() {return "SuperHero{" +"name='" + name + '\'' +", superpower='" + superpower + '\'' +'}';}
}// 创建IronMan子类(继承自SuperHero类)
public class IronMan extends SuperHero {// 构造方法,调用父类构造器初始化基本信息public IronMan() {super("托尼·斯塔克", "创造高科技装备");}// 重写父类的铠甲制作方法,添加IronMan的独特技能@Overridepublic void buildArmor() {// 先调用父类的方法制造基础铠甲super.buildArmor();System.out.println("并在此基础上附加了能量反应堆和飞行功能");}// IronMan特有的技能展示public void fireRepulsorBeam() {System.out.println("发射冲击光束!");}
}// 使用示例
public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {IronMan tonyStark = new IronMan();// 执行IronMan特有的方法tonyStark.fireRepulsorBeam();// 继承自SuperHero类的方法tonyStark.introduce();tonyStark.buildArmor();// 通过Object类继承来的toString()方法System.out.println(tonyStark.toString());}


// Create a superclass for superheroes
public class SuperHero {private String name;private String superpower;// Constructorpublic SuperHero(String name, String superpower) {this.name = name;this.superpower = superpower;}// Superhero's basic skill: Introduce oneselfpublic void introduce() {System.out.println("I am " + name + ", and I have the superpower: " + superpower);}// Common method for building superhero armorpublic void buildArmor() {System.out.println("Created a set of generic superhero armor");}// Override the toString() method defined in the Object class@Overridepublic String toString() {return "SuperHero{" +"name='" + name + '\'' +", superpower='" + superpower + '\'' +'}';}
}// Create a subclass IronMan (inherits from SuperHero)
public class IronMan extends SuperHero {// Constructor, invoking the superclass constructor to initialize basic informationpublic IronMan() {super("Tony Stark", "Creating high-tech equipment");}// Override the buildArmor() method in the superclass, adding IronMan's unique skill@Overridepublic void buildArmor() {// First, call the superclass method to create the basic armorsuper.buildArmor();System.out.println("And added an arc reactor and flight capability on top of it");}// IronMan's specific skill displaypublic void fireRepulsorBeam() {System.out.println("Firing repulsor beam!");}
}// Example of usage
public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {IronMan tonyStark = new IronMan();// Execute IronMan's specific methodtonyStark.fireRepulsorBeam();// Methods inherited from the SuperHero classtonyStark.introduce();tonyStark.buildArmor();// toString() method inherited from the Object classSystem.out.println(tonyStark.toString());}

The above code demonstrates the concept of inheritance in Java. The IronMan class inherits from the SuperHero class, overrides the buildArmor() method, and adds a new method fireRepulsorBeam() to reflect IronMan’s uniqueness. Additionally, it inherits the introduce() method from the SuperHero class and the toString() method from the Object class, showcasing polymorphism and code reuse in Java’s inheritance mechanism.





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