S32 Design Studio PE工具配置Flash

2024-03-12 23:36

本文主要是介绍S32 Design Studio PE工具配置Flash,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!





/*! @brief Configuration structure flashCfg_0 */
const flash_user_config_t Flash_InitConfig0 = {.PFlashBase  = 0x00000000U,                     /* Base address of Program Flash block */.PFlashSize  = 0x00100000U,                     /* Size of Program Flash block         */.DFlashBase  = 0x10000000U,                     /* Base address of Data Flash block    */.EERAMBase   = 0x14000000U,                     /* Base address of FlexRAM block *//* If using callback, any code reachable from this function must not be placed in a Flash block targeted for a program/erase operation.*/.CallBack    = NULL_CALLBACK






/*FUNCTION********************************************************************************* Function Name : FLASH_DRV_Init* Description   : Initializes Flash module by reporting the memory configuration via* SSD configuration structure.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_Init_Activity*END***********************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_Init(const flash_user_config_t * const pUserConf,flash_ssd_config_t * const pSSDConfig)
{DEV_ASSERT(pUserConf != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;
#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMuint8_t DEPartitionCode;    /* store D/E-Flash Partition Code */
#endifpSSDConfig->PFlashBase = pUserConf->PFlashBase;pSSDConfig->PFlashSize = pUserConf->PFlashSize;pSSDConfig->DFlashBase = pUserConf->DFlashBase;pSSDConfig->EERAMBase = pUserConf->EERAMBase;pSSDConfig->CallBack = pUserConf->CallBack;#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVM/* Temporary solution for FTFC and S32K144 CSEc part *//* Get DEPART from Flash Configuration Register 1 */DEPartitionCode = (uint8_t)((SIM->FCFG1 & SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_MASK) >> SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_SHIFT);/* Get data flash size */FLASH_DRV_GetDEPartitionCode(pSSDConfig, DEPartitionCode);if (pSSDConfig->DFlashSize < FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_SIZE){pSSDConfig->EEESize = FEATURE_FLS_FLEX_RAM_SIZE;}else{pSSDConfig->EEESize = 0U;}
#else /* FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVM == 0 *//* If size of D/E-Flash = 0 */pSSDConfig->DFlashSize = 0U;pSSDConfig->EEESize = 0U;
#endif /* End of FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVM */return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_GetPFlashProtection* Description   : Retrieves the current P-Flash protection status.* Considering the time consumption for getting protection is very low and* even can be ignored. It is not necessary to utilize the Callback function to* support the time-critical events.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_GetPFlashProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_GetPFlashProtection(uint32_t * protectStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(protectStatus != NULL);uint32_t reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3;reg0 = FTFx_FPROT0;reg1 = FTFx_FPROT1;reg2 = FTFx_FPROT2;reg3 = FTFx_FPROT3;*protectStatus = (uint32_t)((reg0 << 24U) | (reg1 << 16U) | (reg2 << 8U) | reg3);



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_SetPFlashProtection* Description   : Sets the P-Flash protection to the intended protection status.* Setting P-Flash protection status is subject to a protection transition* restriction. If there is a setting violation, it returns an error code* and the current protection status will not be changed.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_SetPFlashProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_SetPFlashProtection(uint32_t protectStatus)
{status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;uint8_t reg0, reg1, reg2, reg3;bool flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3;/* Get register */reg0 = GET_BIT_24_31(protectStatus);reg1 = GET_BIT_16_23(protectStatus);reg2 = GET_BIT_8_15(protectStatus);reg3 = GET_BIT_0_7(protectStatus);/* Write to register */FTFx_FPROT0 = reg0;FTFx_FPROT1 = reg1;FTFx_FPROT2 = reg2;FTFx_FPROT3 = reg3;/* Compare changes */flag0 = (FTFx_FPROT0 != reg0);flag1 = (FTFx_FPROT1 != reg1);flag2 = (FTFx_FPROT2 != reg2);flag3 = (FTFx_FPROT3 != reg3);/* Read the value of FPPROT registers */if (flag0 || flag1 || flag2 || flag3){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_GetSecurityState* Description   : Retrieves the current Flash security status, including* the security enabling state and the back door key enabling state.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_GetSecurityState_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_GetSecurityState(uint8_t * securityState)
{DEV_ASSERT(securityState != NULL);/* Store data read from flash register */uint8_t regValue;/* Get flash security register value */regValue = FTFx_FSEC;/* Check the status of the flash security bits in the security register */if (FLASH_SECURITY_STATE_UNSECURED == (regValue & FTFx_FSEC_SEC_MASK)){/* Flash in unsecured state */*securityState = FLASH_NOT_SECURE;}else{/* Flash in secured state* Check for backdoor key security enable bit*/if (0x80U == (regValue & FTFx_FSEC_KEYEN_MASK)){/* Backdoor key security enabled */*securityState = FLASH_SECURE_BACKDOOR_ENABLED;}else{/* Backdoor key security disabled */*securityState = FLASH_SECURE_BACKDOOR_DISABLED;}}



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_SecurityBypass* Description   : Un-secures the device by comparing the user's provided back* door key with the ones in the Flash Configuration Field. If they are* matched, the security is released. Otherwise, an error code is returned.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_SecurityBypass_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_SecurityBypass(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,const uint8_t * keyBuffer)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(keyBuffer != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;   /* Temporary variable */uint8_t i;/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_SECURITY_BY_PASS;for (i = 0U; i < 8U; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;*(uint8_t *)temp = keyBuffer[i];}ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlock* Description   : Erases all Flash memory, initializes the FlexRAM, verifies* all memory contents, and then releases the MCU security.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlock_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlock(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_ERASE_ALL_BLOCK;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_VerifyAllBlock* Description   : Checks to see if the P-Flash and/or D-Flash, EEPROM* backup area, and D-Flash IFR have been erased to the specified read* margin level, if applicable, and releases security if the readout passes.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_VerifyAllBlock_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_VerifyAllBlock(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t marginLevel)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_VERIFY_ALL_BLOCK;FTFx_FCCOB1 = marginLevel;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseSector* Description   : Erases one or more sectors in P-Flash or D-Flash memory.* This API always returns STATUS_SUCCESS if size provided by the user is* zero regardless of the input validation.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseSector_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EraseSector(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint32_t size)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;       /* Return code variable */uint32_t sectorSize;                 /* Size of one sector   */uint32_t temp;                       /* Temporary variable   */uint32_t tempSize = size;            /* Temporary of size variation */#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_SECTOR_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest += 0x800000U - temp;sectorSize = (uint32_t)FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;}else
#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_SECTOR_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest -= temp;sectorSize = (uint32_t)FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;tempSize = 0U;sectorSize = 0U;}}/* Check if the size is sector alignment or not */if ((tempSize & (sectorSize - 1U)) != 0U){/* Return an error code */ret = STATUS_ERROR;}while ((tempSize > 0U) && (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret)){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_ERASE_SECTOR;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);/* Update size and destination address */tempSize -= sectorSize;dest += sectorSize;}}return ret;






/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_VerifySection* Description   : Checks if a section of the P-Flash or the D-Flash memory* is erased to the specified read margin level.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_VerifySection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_VerifySection(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint16_t number,uint8_t marginLevel)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;/* Check if the destination is aligned or not */
#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_SECTION_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else
#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_SECTION_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_VERIFY_SECTION;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);FTFx_FCCOB4 = GET_BIT_8_15(number);FTFx_FCCOB5 = GET_BIT_0_7(number);FTFx_FCCOB6 = marginLevel;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseSuspend* Description   : Suspend a current operation of Flash erase sector command.* This function must be located in RAM memory or different Flash blocks which are* targeted for writing to avoid the RWW error.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseSuspend_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_EraseSuspend(void)
{uint32_t count = SUSPEND_WAIT_CNT;    /* Counter variable */if ((FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK) == 0U){FTFx_FCNFG |= FTFx_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK;/* Wait till CCIF bit is set */while (((FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK) == 0U) && (count > 0U)){count--;}}



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseResume* Description   : Resume a previous suspended operation of Flash erase sector command* This function must be located in RAM memory or different Flash blocks which are targeted* for writing to avoid RWW error.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseResume_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_EraseResume(void)
{uint16_t i = 0U;    /* Counter variable *//* Check ERSSUSP bit of the flash configuration register */if ((FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK) == FTFx_FCNFG_ERSSUSP_MASK){/* Clear CCIF to launch command */FTFx_FSTAT |= FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK;/* Wait for completion of this command */while ((0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)) && (i < RESUME_WAIT_CNT)){i++;}}



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_ReadOnce* Description   : Read out a reserved 64 byte field located in the P-Flash IFR via given number* of record. See the corresponding reference manual to get the correct value of this number.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_ReadOnce_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_ReadOnce(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t recordIndex,uint8_t * pDataArray)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pDataArray != NULL);status_t ret;              /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;             /* Temporary variable */uint8_t i;/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_READ_ONCE;FTFx_FCCOB1 = recordIndex;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);/* Checking for the success of command execution */if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Read the data from the FCCOB registers into the pDataArray */for (i = 0U; i < FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;pDataArray[i] = *(uint8_t *)temp;}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_ProgramOnce* Description   : Program to a reserved 64 byte field located in the* P-Flash IFR via given number of record. See the corresponding reference manual* to get correct value of this number.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_ProgramOnce_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_ProgramOnce(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t recordIndex,const uint8_t * pDataArray)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pDataArray != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;   /* Temporary variable */uint8_t i;/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_ONCE;FTFx_FCCOB1 = recordIndex;for (i = 0U; i < FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;*(uint8_t *)temp = pDataArray[i];}/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_ReadResource* Description   : Read data from special purpose memory in Flash memory module* including P-Flash IFR, swap IFR, D-Flash IFR space and version ID.**END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_ReadResource(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint8_t * pDataArray,uint8_t resourceSelectCode)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pDataArray != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;uint8_t i;/* Check if the destination is aligned or not */
#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT(dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_RESOURCE_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT == 0);dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else
#endif{DEV_ASSERT(dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_RESOURCE_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT == 0);temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}if (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_READ_RESOURCE;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);FTFx_RSRC_CODE_REG = resourceSelectCode;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Read the data from the FCCOB registers into the pDataArray */for (i = 0U; i < FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;pDataArray[i] = *(uint8_t *)temp;}}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_Program* Description   : Program 4 consecutive bytes (for program long word command)* and 8 consecutive bytes (for program phrase command) on P-Flash or D-Flash block.* This API always returns STATUS_SUCCESS if size provided by user is* zero regardless of the input validation.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_Program_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_Program(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint32_t size,const uint8_t * pData)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pData != NULL);DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE) == 0U);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;uint8_t i;if ((size & (FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE - 1U)) != 0U){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}else{#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}while ((size > 0U) && (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret)){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */#if (FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE == FTFx_PHRASE_SIZE)FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_PHRASE;#elseFTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_LONGWORD;#endifFTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);for (i = 0U; i < FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;*(uint8_t *)(temp) = pData[i];}/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);/* Update destination address for next iteration */dest += FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;/* Update size for next iteration */size -= FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;/* Increment the source address by 1 */pData += FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_Program* Description   : Program 4 consecutive bytes (for program long word command)* and 8 consecutive bytes (for program phrase command) on P-Flash or D-Flash block.* This API always returns STATUS_SUCCESS if size provided by user is* zero regardless of the input validation.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_Program_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_Program(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint32_t size,const uint8_t * pData)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pData != NULL);DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE) == 0U);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;uint8_t i;if ((size & (FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE - 1U)) != 0U){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}else{#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}while ((size > 0U) && (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret)){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */#if (FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE == FTFx_PHRASE_SIZE)FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_PHRASE;#elseFTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_LONGWORD;#endifFTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);for (i = 0U; i < FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE; i++){temp = FTFx_BASE + i + 0x08U;*(uint8_t *)(temp) = pData[i];}/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);/* Update destination address for next iteration */dest += FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;/* Update size for next iteration */size -= FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;/* Increment the source address by 1 */pData += FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_WRITE_UNIT_SIZE;}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_CheckSum* Description   : Performs 32 bit sum of each byte data over a specified Flash* memory range without carry which provides rapid method for checking data integrity.* The callback time period of this API is determined via FLASH_CALLBACK_CS macro in the* flash_driver.h which is used as a counter value for the CallBack() function calling in* this API. This value can be changed as per the user requirement. User can change this value* to obtain the maximum permissible callback time period.* This API always returns STATUS_SUCCESS if size provided by user is zero regardless of the input* validation.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_CheckSum_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_CheckSum(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint32_t size,uint32_t * pSum)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pSum != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;      /* Return code variable           */uint32_t counter = 0U;              /* Counter for callback operation */uint32_t data;                      /* Data read from Flash address   */uint32_t endAddress;                /* PFlash end address             */uint32_t tempSize = size;           /* Temporary of size variation    *//* Calculating Flash end address */endAddress = dest + tempSize;/* Check for valid range of the target addresses */if ((dest < pSSDConfig->PFlashBase) || (endAddress > (pSSDConfig->PFlashBase + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMif ((dest < pSSDConfig->DFlashBase) || (endAddress > (pSSDConfig->DFlashBase + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){#endifret = STATUS_ERROR;tempSize = 0U;#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVM}#endif /* End of if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVM */}*pSum = 0U;/* Doing sum operation */while (tempSize > 0U){data = *(uint8_t *)(dest);*pSum += data;dest += 1U;tempSize -= 1U;++counter;/* Check if need to serve callback function */if (counter >= FLASH_CALLBACK_CS){/* Serve callback function if counter reaches limitation */if (NULL_CALLBACK != pSSDConfig->CallBack){pSSDConfig->CallBack();}/* Reset counter */counter = 0U;}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection* Description   : Program the data found in the Section Program Buffer* to previously erased locations in the Flash memory. Data is preloaded into* the Section Program Buffer by writing to the acceleration Ram and FlexRam* while it is set to function as a RAM. The Section Program Buffer is limited* to the value of FlexRam divides by a ratio. Refer to the associate reference* manual to get correct value of this ratio.* For derivatives including swap feature, the swap indicator address is encountered* during FlashProgramSection, it is bypassed without setting FPVIOL but the content* are not be programmed. In addition, the content of source data used to program to* swap indicator will be re-initialized to 0xFF after completion of this command.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_ProgramSection(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint16_t number)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;/* Check RAMRDY bit of the flash configuration register */if (0U == (FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_RAMRDY_MASK)){/* Return an error code */ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}else{#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_SECTION_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_SECTION_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}if (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register.* Write 1 to clear*/CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_SECTION;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);FTFx_FCCOB4 = GET_BIT_8_15(number);FTFx_FCCOB5 = GET_BIT_0_7(number);/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseBlock* Description   : Erases all addresses in an individual P-Flash or D-Flash block.* For the derivatives including multiply logical P-Flash or D-Flash blocks,* this API erases a single block in a single call.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseBlock_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EraseBlock(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;       /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;                       /* Temporary variable   *//* Check if the destination is aligned or not */
#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else
#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_ERASE_BLOCK;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}}return ret;




每块大小 512K = 512 * 1024byte = 0x0008 0000




/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_VerifyBlock* Description   : Checks to see if an entire P-Flash or D-Flash block has been* erased to the specified margin level. For the derivatives including multiply* logical P-Flash or D-Flash blocks, this API erases a single block in a single call.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_VerifyBlock_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_VerifyBlock(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint8_t marginLevel)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;/* Check if the destination is aligned or not */
#if FEATURE_FLS_HAS_FLEX_NVMtemp = pSSDConfig->DFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->DFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_DF_BLOCK_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest += 0x800000U - temp;}else
#endif{temp = pSSDConfig->PFlashBase;if ((dest >= temp) && (dest < (temp + pSSDConfig->PFlashSize))){DEV_ASSERT((dest % FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_CMD_ADDRESS_ALIGMENT) == 0U);dest -= temp;}else{ret = STATUS_ERROR;}}if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_VERIFY_BLOCK;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(dest);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(dest);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(dest);FTFx_FCCOB4 = marginLevel;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_GetEERAMProtection* Description   : Retrieves which EEPROM sections of FlexRAM are protected* against program and erase operations. Considering the time consumption* for getting protection is very low and even can be ignored, it is not necessary* to utilize the Callback function to support the time-critical events** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_GetEERAMProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_GetEERAMProtection(uint8_t * protectStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(protectStatus != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable *//* Check if EERAM is set for EEPROM */if ((FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK) == FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK){*protectStatus = FTFx_FEPROT;}else{ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_SetEERAMProtection* Description   : Sets protection to the intended protection status for EEPROM us* area of FlexRam. This is subject to a protection transition restriction.* If there is a setting violation, it returns failed information and* the current protection status will not be changed.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_SetEERAMProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_SetEERAMProtection(uint8_t protectStatus)
{status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable *//* Check if FlexRAM is set for EEPROM */if (0U == (FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK)){/* FlexRAM is not set for EEPROM */ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}else{FTFx_FEPROT = protectStatus;if (protectStatus != FTFx_FEPROT){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}else{/* Do nothing */}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_SetFlexRamFunction* Description   : This function is used to change the function of the FlexRAM. When not partitioned for* emulated EEPROM, the FlexRAM is typically used as traditional RAM.* Otherwise, the FlexRam is typically used to store EEPROM data, the writing to EEPROM is normal write or* quick write.* In addition, this function may be used to get EEPROM status or complete interrupted EEPROM quick write process.* For example, after partitioning to have EEPROM backup, FlexRAM is used for EEPROM* use accordingly and if want to change FlexRAM to traditional RAM for FlashProgramSection() use, call this API* with the function control code is 0xFFU.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_SetFlexRamFunction_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_SetFlexRamFunction(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,flash_flexRam_function_control_code_t flexRamFuncCode,uint16_t byteOfQuickWrite,flash_eeprom_status_t * const pEEPROMStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_SET_EERAM;FTFx_FCCOB1 = (uint8_t)flexRamFuncCode;if (flexRamFuncCode == EEE_QUICK_WRITE){FTFx_FCCOB4 = (uint8_t)(byteOfQuickWrite >> 0x8U);FTFx_FCCOB5 = (uint8_t)(byteOfQuickWrite & 0xFFU);}/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);if ((flexRamFuncCode == EEE_STATUS_QUERY) && (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS)){if (pEEPROMStatus == NULL){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}else{pEEPROMStatus->brownOutCode = FTFx_FCCOB5;pEEPROMStatus->sectorEraseCount = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)FTFx_FCCOB8 << 8U);pEEPROMStatus->sectorEraseCount |= (uint16_t)FTFx_FCCOB9;pEEPROMStatus->numOfRecordReqMaintain = (uint16_t)((uint16_t)FTFx_FCCOB6 << 8U);pEEPROMStatus->numOfRecordReqMaintain |= (uint16_t)FTFx_FCCOB7;}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_WaitEEWriteToFinish* Description   : Write to EEPROM with data was aligned and wait until operation finish.**END**************************************************************************/
static status_t FLASH_DRV_WaitEEWriteToFinish(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,const uint8_t * pData,uint8_t step)
{DEV_ASSERT(pData != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint32_t temp;                    /* Temporary variable   */if (0x01U == step){*(uint8_t *)dest = *pData;}if (0x02U == step){temp = (uint32_t)(pData[1]) << 8U;temp |= (uint32_t)(pData[0]);*(volatile uint16_t *)dest = (uint16_t)temp;}if (0x04U == step){temp =  (uint32_t)(pData[3]) << 24U;temp |= (uint32_t)(pData[2]) << 16U;temp |= (uint32_t)(pData[1]) << 8U;temp |= (uint32_t)(pData[0]);*(volatile uint32_t *)dest = temp;}while (0U == (FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK)){/* Wait till EEERDY bit is set* Serve callback function as often as possible*/if (NULL_CALLBACK != pSSDConfig->CallBack){(pSSDConfig->CallBack)();}}/* Check for protection violation error */if ((FTFx_FSTAT & (FTFx_FSTAT_MGSTAT0_MASK | FTFx_FSTAT_FPVIOL_MASK | FTFx_FSTAT_ACCERR_MASK | FTFx_FSTAT_RDCOLERR_MASK)) != 0U){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EEEWrite* Description   : Write data to FlexRAM section which is partitioned* as EEPROM use for EEPROM operation. After data has been written to EEPROM* use section of FlexRAM, the EEPROM file system will create new data record* in EEPROM back-up area of FlexNVM in round-robin fashion.* There is no alignment constraint for destination and size parameters* provided by user. However, according to user's input provided, this* API will set priority to write to FlexRAM with following rules:* 32-bit writing is invoked if destination is 32 bit aligned and size* is not less than 32 bits.* 16-bit writing is invoked if destination is 16 bit aligned and size* is not less than 16 bits.* 8-bit writing is invoked if destination is 8 bit aligned and size* is not less than 8 bits.* When EEPROM was set to EEPROM quick writes mode, the dest address * should be aligned 4 bytes,the size should be divided by 4.* Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EEEWrite_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EEEWrite(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t dest,uint32_t size,const uint8_t * pData)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pData != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(size > 0U);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint8_t i;/* Check if EEE is enabled */if ((FTFx_FCNFG & FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK) == FTFx_FCNFG_EEERDY_MASK){/* Check range */if ((dest < pSSDConfig->EERAMBase) || ((dest + size) > (pSSDConfig->EERAMBase + pSSDConfig->EEESize))){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}while ((size > 0U) && (ret == STATUS_SUCCESS)){/* Dest is 32bit-aligned and size is not less than 4 */if ((0U == (dest & 3U)) && (size >= 4U)){i = 4U;}else if ((0U == (dest & 1U)) && (size >= 2U)){i = 2U;}else{i = 1U;}ret = FLASH_DRV_WaitEEWriteToFinish(pSSDConfig,dest,pData,i);/* Update destination address for next iteration */dest += i;/* Update size for next iteration */size -= i;/* Update data for next iteration */pData += i;}}else{ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_DEFlashPartition* Description   : Prepares the FlexNVM block for use as D-Flash, EEPROM backup, or a combination* of both and initializes the FlexRAM.* The single partition choice should be used through entire life time of a given* application to guarantee the Flash endurance and data retention of Flash module.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_DEFlashPartition_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_DEFlashPartition(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t uEEEDataSizeCode,uint8_t uDEPartitionCode,uint8_t uCSEcKeySize,bool uSFE,bool flexRamEnableLoadEEEData)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(uCSEcKeySize <= CSE_KEY_SIZE_CODE_MAX);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL & MGSTAT0 flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PROGRAM_PARTITION;FTFx_FCCOB1 = uCSEcKeySize;FTFx_FCCOB2 = (uint8_t)(uSFE ? 1U : 0U);FTFx_FCCOB3 = (uint8_t)(flexRamEnableLoadEEEData ? 0U : 1U);FTFx_FCCOB4 = uEEEDataSizeCode;FTFx_FCCOB5 = uDEPartitionCode;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_GetDFlashProtection* Description   : Retrieves current P-Flash protection status. Considering the time consumption* for getting protection is very low and even can be ignored, it is not necessary to utilize* the Callback function to support the time-critical events.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_GetDFlashProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_GetDFlashProtection(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t * protectStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(protectStatus != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable *//* Check if size of DFlash = 0 */if (pSSDConfig->DFlashSize == 0U){ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}else{*protectStatus = FTFx_FDPROT;}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_SetDFlashProtection* Description   : Sets the D-Flash protection to the intended protection status.* Setting D-Flash protection status is subject to a protection transition restriction.* If there is a setting violation, it returns failed information* and the current protection status will not be changed.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_SetDFlashProtection_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_SetDFlashProtection(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint8_t protectStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable *//* Check if size of DFlash = 0 */if (pSSDConfig->DFlashSize == 0U){ret = STATUS_UNSUPPORTED;}else{FTFx_FDPROT = protectStatus;if (protectStatus != FTFx_FDPROT){ret = STATUS_ERROR;}else{/* Do nothing */}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwap* Description   : Provides to user with an ability to interfere in a swap progress by letting the* user code know about the swap state in each phase of the process. This is done via pSwapCallBack()* parameter. To stop at each intermediate swap state, set the return value of* this callback function to FALSE. To complete swap process within a single call,* set the return value of this function to TRUE.** Erase the non-active swap indicator somewhere in the application code* or in the swap call back function when swap system is in UPDATE state.** In addition, if user does not want to use the swap call back parameter, pass the NULL_SWAP_CALLBACK* as a null pointer. In this situation, the PFlashSwap() behaves in the same way as setting the return* value of pSwapCallBack to TRUE and the user does not need to erase the non-active swap* indicator when the swap system is in UPDATE state.* The swap indicator provided by the user must be within the lower half of P-Flash block but not in the* Flash configuration area. If P-Flash block has two logical blocks, the swap indicator must be* in P-Flash block 0. If the P-Flash block has four logical blocks, the swap indicator can be in block* 0 or block 1. It must not be in the Flash configuration field.* The user must use the same swap indicator for all swap control code except report swap status once* swap system has been initialized. To refresh swap system to un-initialization state,* use the FlashEraseAllBlock() to clean up the swap environment.**END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwap(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t addr,flash_swap_callback_t pSwapCallback)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pSwapCallback != NULL);status_t ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;    /* Return code variable */uint8_t currentSwapMode, currentSwapBlockStatus, nextSwapBlockStatus;bool swapContinue;currentSwapMode = 0xFFU;currentSwapBlockStatus = 0xFFU;nextSwapBlockStatus = 0xFFU;swapContinue = false;/* Report current swap state */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig, addr, FTFx_SWAP_REPORT_STATUS, &currentSwapMode, &currentSwapBlockStatus, &nextSwapBlockStatus);if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){if ((FTFx_SWAP_UNINIT == currentSwapMode) || (FTFx_SWAP_READY == currentSwapMode) || (FTFx_SWAP_UPDATE == currentSwapMode)){/* If current swap mode is Uninitialized */if (FTFx_SWAP_UNINIT == currentSwapMode){/* Initialize Swap to Initialized/READY state */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig,addr,FTFx_SWAP_SET_INDICATOR_ADDR,&currentSwapMode,&currentSwapBlockStatus,&nextSwapBlockStatus);}/* If current swap mode is Initialized/Ready */else if (FTFx_SWAP_READY == currentSwapMode){/* Initialize Swap to UPDATE state */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig,addr,FTFx_SWAP_SET_IN_PREPARE,&currentSwapMode,&currentSwapBlockStatus,&nextSwapBlockStatus);}else{/* If (FTFx_SWAP_UPDATE == currentSwapMode) do nothing */}/* Check for the success of command execution* Report the current swap state to user via callback*/if ((NULL_SWAP_CALLBACK != pSwapCallback) && (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret)){swapContinue = pSwapCallback(currentSwapMode);if (swapContinue == true){/* Report current swap state */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig,addr,FTFx_SWAP_REPORT_STATUS,&currentSwapMode,&currentSwapBlockStatus,&nextSwapBlockStatus);}}}else{/* Do nothing */}if ((NULL_SWAP_CALLBACK == pSwapCallback) && (FTFx_SWAP_UPDATE == currentSwapMode)){/* Erase indicator sector in non active block to proceed swap system to update-erased state */ret = FLASH_DRV_EraseSector(pSSDConfig, addr + (pSSDConfig->PFlashSize >> 1U), (uint32_t)FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_SECTOR_SIZE);if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){/* Now the swap state must be Update-Erased, so report current swap state */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig,addr,FTFx_SWAP_REPORT_STATUS,&currentSwapMode,&currentSwapBlockStatus,&nextSwapBlockStatus);}}/* If current swap mode is Update or Update-Erased */if (FTFx_SWAP_UPDATE_ERASED == currentSwapMode){if (NULL_SWAP_CALLBACK == pSwapCallback){swapContinue = true;}else{swapContinue = pSwapCallback(currentSwapMode);}if (swapContinue == true){/* Progress Swap to COMPLETE State */ret = FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(pSSDConfig,addr,FTFx_SWAP_SET_IN_COMPLETE,&currentSwapMode,&currentSwapBlockStatus,&nextSwapBlockStatus);}}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl* Description   : Performs swap control command corresponding with the swap* control code provided via the swap command parameter.**END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_PFlashSwapCtl(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig,uint32_t addr,uint8_t swapcmd,uint8_t * pCurrentSwapMode,uint8_t * pCurrentSwapBlockStatus,uint8_t * pNextSwapBlockStatus)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pCurrentSwapMode != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pCurrentSwapBlockStatus != NULL);DEV_ASSERT(pNextSwapBlockStatus != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_PFLASH_SWAP;FTFx_FCCOB1 = GET_BIT_16_23(addr);FTFx_FCCOB2 = GET_BIT_8_15(addr);FTFx_FCCOB3 = GET_BIT_0_7(addr);FTFx_FCCOB4 = swapcmd;FTFx_FCCOB5 = 0xFFU;FTFx_FCCOB6 = 0xFFU;FTFx_FCCOB7 = 0xFFU;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ret){*pCurrentSwapMode = FTFx_FCCOB5;*pCurrentSwapBlockStatus = FTFx_FCCOB6;*pNextSwapBlockStatus = FTFx_FCCOB7;}}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlockUnsecure* Description   : Erases all Flash memory, initializes the FlexRAM, verifies* all memory contents, and then releases the MCU security.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlockUnsecure_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EraseAllBlockUnsecure(const flash_ssd_config_t * pSSDConfig)
{DEV_ASSERT(pSSDConfig != NULL);status_t ret;    /* Return code variable *//* Check CCIF to verify the previous command is completed */if (0U == (FTFx_FSTAT & FTFx_FSTAT_CCIF_MASK)){ret = STATUS_BUSY;}else{/* Clear RDCOLERR & ACCERR & FPVIOL flag in flash status register. Write 1 to clear */CLEAR_FTFx_FSTAT_ERROR_BITS;/* Passing parameter to the command */FTFx_FCCOB0 = FTFx_ERASE_ALL_BLOCK_UNSECURE;/* Calling flash command sequence function to execute the command */ret = FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence(pSSDConfig);}return ret;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EnableCmdCompleteInterupt* Description   : Enable the command complete interrupt is generated when* an FTFC command completes.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EnableCmdCompleteInterupt_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EnableCmdCompleteInterupt(void)
{const IRQn_Type flashIrqId = FTFC_COMMAND_COMPLETE_IRQS;/* Enable the command complete interrupt */FTFx_FCNFG |= FTFx_FCNFG_CCIE_MASK;INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(flashIrqId);return STATUS_SUCCESS;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_DisableCmdCompleteInterupt* Description   : Disable the command complete interrupt.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_DisableCmdCompleteInterupt_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_DisableCmdCompleteInterupt(void)
{const IRQn_Type flashIrqId = FTFC_COMMAND_COMPLETE_IRQS;/* Disable the command complete interrupt */FTFx_FCNFG &= (uint8_t)(~FTFx_FCNFG_CCIE_MASK);INT_SYS_DisableIRQ(flashIrqId);



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_EnableReadColisionInterupt* Description   : Enable the read collision error interrupt generation when an* FTFC read collision error occurs.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_EnableReadColisionInterupt_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
status_t FLASH_DRV_EnableReadColisionInterupt(void)
{const IRQn_Type flashIrqId = FTFC_READ_COLLISION_IRQS;/* Enable the read collision error interrupt */FTFx_FCNFG |= FTFx_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_MASK;INT_SYS_EnableIRQ(flashIrqId);return STATUS_SUCCESS;



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_DisableReadColisionInterupt* Description   : Disable the read collision error interrupt** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_DisableReadColisionInterupt_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_DisableReadColisionInterupt(void)
{const IRQn_Type flashIrqId = FTFC_READ_COLLISION_IRQS;/* Disable the read collision error interrupt */FTFx_FCNFG &= (uint8_t)(~FTFx_FCNFG_RDCOLLIE_MASK);INT_SYS_DisableIRQ(flashIrqId);



/*FUNCTION************************************************************************ Function Name : FLASH_DRV_GetDefaultConfig* Description   : This function will get default flash user configuration.** Implements    : FLASH_DRV_GetDefaultConfig_Activity*END**************************************************************************/
void FLASH_DRV_GetDefaultConfig(flash_user_config_t * const config)
{DEV_ASSERT(config != NULL);config->PFlashBase  = 0x00000000U;config->PFlashSize  = FEATURE_FLS_PF_BLOCK_SIZE;config->DFlashBase  = 0x10000000U;config->EERAMBase   = 0x14000000U;config->CallBack    = NULL_CALLBACK;

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一、Zookeeper的搭建方式 Zookeeper安装方式有三种,单机模式和集群模式以及伪集群模式。 ■ 单机模式:Zookeeper只运行在一台服务器上,适合测试环境; ■ 伪集群模式:就是在一台物理机上运行多个Zookeeper 实例; ■ 集群模式:Zookeeper运行于一个集群上,适合生产环境,这个计算机集群被称为一个“集合体”(ensemble) Zookeeper通过复制来实现

CentOS7安装配置mysql5.7 tar免安装版

一、CentOS7.4系统自带mariadb # 查看系统自带的Mariadb[root@localhost~]# rpm -qa|grep mariadbmariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7.centos.x86_64# 卸载系统自带的Mariadb[root@localhost ~]# rpm -e --nodeps mariadb-libs-5.5.44-2.el7


开启回收站功能,可以将删除的文件在不超时的情况下,恢复原数据,起到防止误删除、备份等作用。 开启回收站功能参数说明 (1)默认值fs.trash.interval = 0,0表示禁用回收站;其他值表示设置文件的存活时间。 (2)默认值fs.trash.checkpoint.interval = 0,检查回收站的间隔时间。如果该值为0,则该值设置和fs.trash.interval的参数值相等。


Hadoop2.x 系列,配置 NameNode 内存 NameNode 内存默认 2000m ,如果服务器内存 4G , NameNode 内存可以配置 3g 。在 hadoop-env.sh 文件中配置如下。 HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS=-Xmx3072m Hadoop3.x 系列,配置 Nam


1. wolfCrypt Only 解释:wolfCrypt是一个开源的、轻量级的、可移植的加密库,支持多种加密算法和协议。选择“wolfCrypt Only”意味着系统或应用将仅使用wolfCrypt库进行加密操作,而不依赖其他加密库。 2. DTLS Support 解释:DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)是一种基于UDP的安全协议,提供类似于


在快节奏的工作生活中,能够快速将录音转换成文字是一项非常实用的能力。特别是在需要记录会议纪要、讲座内容或者是采访素材的时候,一款优秀的在线录音转文字工具能派上大用场。以下推荐几个好用的录音转文字工具! 365在线转文字 直达链接:https://www.pdf365.cn/ 365在线转文字是一款提供在线录音转文字服务的工具,它以其高效、便捷的特点受到用户的青睐。用户无需下载安装任何软件,只


1.创建 使用 venv 创建虚拟环境。例如,在当前目录下创建一个名为 myenv 的虚拟环境: python3 -m venv myenv 2.激活 激活虚拟环境使其成为当前终端会话的活动环境。运行: source myenv/bin/activate 3.与notebook连接 在虚拟环境中,使用 pip 安装 Jupyter 和 ipykernel: pip instal

如何在Visual Studio中调试.NET源码

今天偶然在看别人代码时,发现在他的代码里使用了Any判断List<T>是否为空。 我一般的做法是先判断是否为null,再判断Count。 看了一下Count的源码如下: 1 [__DynamicallyInvokable]2 public int Count3 {4 [__DynamicallyInvokable]5 get

【Linux 从基础到进阶】Ansible自动化运维工具使用

Ansible自动化运维工具使用 Ansible 是一款开源的自动化运维工具,采用无代理架构(agentless),基于 SSH 连接进行管理,具有简单易用、灵活强大、可扩展性高等特点。它广泛用于服务器管理、应用部署、配置管理等任务。本文将介绍 Ansible 的安装、基本使用方法及一些实际运维场景中的应用,旨在帮助运维人员快速上手并熟练运用 Ansible。 1. Ansible的核心概念

什么是 Flash Attention

Flash Attention 是 由 Tri Dao 和 Dan Fu 等人在2022年的论文 FlashAttention: Fast and Memory-Efficient Exact Attention with IO-Awareness 中 提出的, 论文可以从 https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14135 页面下载,点击 View PDF 就可以下载。 下面我