TortoiseGit v2.60

2024-03-12 13:48
文章标签 tortoisegit v2.60

本文主要是介绍TortoiseGit v2.60,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

TortoiseGit 在大年初二迎来了大版 v2.60

Released: 2018-02-17This is planned to be the last version compatible with MsysGit 1.9.5 (i.e., Git for Windows < 1.9.5).== Features ==* Fixed issue #3089: Show parent SHA1 on cherry picking a merge commit* Fixed issue #3052: Filename autocomplete in commit dialog ignores filenames starting with underscores* TortoiseGitMerge now uses native ribbon instead of MFC wrappedThis results in a noticeable speed up (cf. issue #1616) and also fixes issues with rounded corners for maximized windows (cf. issue #1767)* Fixed issue #3107: Clean: Allow to remove orphaned submodules (i.e., clean -f -f)* Fixed issue #3126: Add an option to show all refs of a commit in the log (all refs are shown now by default)* Fixed issue #3116: Revision graph: add ability to delete branches* Fixed issue #3121: Create shorter branch names when checking out a commit* Update linked libraries:* pcre to 8.41* apr to 1.6.3 and apr-util to 1.6.1* Commit now informs the user if there is a conflict hint in the commit message (line starting with "# Conflicts:")* Fixed issue #3137: Add TortoiseGit to Win10 default program list* Fixed issue #3141: bisect: add good/bad continue options to progress dialog* Add support for github's new client protocol (x-github-client)* Fixed issue #3160: Close TortoiseGitBlame window by ESC key (you might need to reset keyboard shortcut settings manually)== Bug Fixes ==* Fixed issue #3029: LogDlg: Action column icons painted over Graph or message columns when turned off or resized* Fixed issue #3042: Spelling and grammar errors in First Start Wizard* Fixed issue #3035: TortoiseGit might crash in LogDlg after fetch or refreshing working tree status* Fixed issue #3050: TortoiseGitMerge UI: Context menu is not available on margin left to text any more* Fixed issue #3059: Right click in touch mode is not working* Fixed issue #3064: Commit dialog ignores "Select items automatically" when refreshing* Fixed issue #3036: Can not save changes in Settings -> Network after trying to add command-line option to the SSH-client* Fixed issue #3066: Message field needs vertical scrollbar in Create Tag dialog* Fixed issue #3033: Cannot view submodule log if repository sits under directory symlinkUpdate libgit to 2.15 based on Git for Windows source.* Fixed issue #3055: Explorer crash when deleting two independent folders* Fixed issue #3047: When Log Messages window is narrow, Filter box placeholder text may cover up the Filter Types button* Fixed issue #3090: Show Log window stuck with "Fetching changed files..."* Fixed issue #3084: Improve info message for merge-doc.js and drop broken URL* Fixed issue #3085: merge-doc.js: Word 2007 does not make a three-way comparison and the documents are shown in wrong order* Fixed issue #3086: merge-doc.js: Merge document in word >=2010 leaves three open windows* Fixed issue #3096: Duplicate 'Save as...' context menu items appear when closing and opening 'View Patch' window* Fixed issue #3093: Icon overlay might show ignored directories containing files as modified* Fixed issue #3076: Commit dialog opens with incomplete rendering in Windows 7 classic theme* Fixed issue #3094: Diff command results in crash* Fixed issue #3041: Commit Window might freeze when clicking on the last modified header shortly after opening* Fixed issue #3061: MenuButton popup might show directly under mouse arrow* Fixed issue #3108: Versioned file in ignored folder causes wrong overlays* Fixed issue #3109: Bad greying out of outer paths (other paths with same prefix also match)* Fixed issue #3132: Post commit hook doesn't show up on settings dialog* Fixed issue #2990: SendmailDlg: Don't auto select entries when using arrow keys* Fixed issue #3134: Deletion of submodule does not allow user to select the deleted (red) submodule on commit* Fixed issue #3138: "Check for modifications", "Revert" and other dialogs do not work after git update to version 2.16.0: "fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec"* Fixed issue #3139: Git SSH operations do not work after git update to version 2.16.0 if ssh URL contains a port* Fixed issue #3143: Remember last selection of "Show nested refs" when browsing references* Fixed issue #3152: TortoiseGitMerge: Single pane view as default* Fixed issue #3158: TortoiseGitProc.exe hangs with 100% CPU when displaying commit window* Fixed issue #3153: "Failed to parse config file" if .gitconfig or .gitmodules use CRLF and contain blank lines* Fixed issue #3155: Can't parse config or .gitmodules files if the encoding is UTF-8 BOM== Known issues ==* Due to changes in Win 10 1709 TortoiseGit(Merge) might start up slowly or gets slower over time without the patch KB4058258 (OS Build 16299.214) released on 2018-01-31; check Windows update (cf. issue #3087).* Due to a bug in Windows 10 1709 the mouse might jump on Drag in Commit Dialog (cf. issue #3145)

这篇关于TortoiseGit v2.60的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


如何使用 TortoiseGit(小乌龟)进行分支创建、切换与合并以及解决冲突

😀前言 本文将详细介绍如何使用 TortoiseGit(小乌龟)进行分支创建、切换与合并以及解决冲突等操作。TortoiseGit 是一个广泛使用的 Windows 图形化 Git 客户端,其友好的用户界面和丰富的功能使得 Git 操作变得更加直观和便捷。 🏠个人主页:晨犀主页 🧑个人简介:大家好,我是晨犀,希望我的文章可以帮助到大家,您的满意是我的动力😉😉 💕欢迎大家:这里

如何使用 TortoiseGit(小乌龟)进行项目源代码的检出、添加与提交、代码推送与拉取

😀前言 本文详细介绍如何使用 TortoiseGit(小乌龟)进行项目源代码的检出、文件的添加与提交、代码的推送与拉取, 🏠个人主页:晨犀主页 🧑个人简介:大家好,我是晨犀,希望我的文章可以帮助到大家,您的满意是我的动力😉😉 💕欢迎大家:这里是CSDN,我总结知识的地方,欢迎来到我的博客,感谢大家的观看🥰 如果文章有什么需要改进的地方还请大佬不吝赐教 先在此感谢啦😊


TortoiseGit在切换分支时可能遇到的问题及其解决方法。具体来说,打开TortoiseGit,发现检查已修改那里,有很多文件,当本地库中存在大量文件时,TortoiseGit可能无法成功切换分支。为了解决这个问题,复制整个项目到一个新文件夹,然后在那里使用git clone项目,并成功实现了分支的切换。         至于为什么单纯的复制粘贴不行,但复制后git clon


first blood :you don`t have right acess to XXXX 意思大概就是没有获取到远端的权限 老大把gitlab搭建好了,给了我开发者权限,我就直接用ssh 进行连接 。结果出来了这么个东西, 解决步骤:先把ssh换成了http方式进行拉取和推送操作,结果拉取好了,后来分析原因是因为在公司内部服务器上搭建的gitlab,同过ssh形式的拉取,无法正确识别域名

Git 和 TortoiseGit 安装和配置(图文详解)

使用git,需要在Windows上需要安装两个软件:1)Git  2)TortoiseGit 若需要,可以下载TortoiseGit汉化语言包。 注意:tortoiseGit是在安装了Git的基础上运行的,所以需要先安装Git,后安装运行tortoiseGit。 因为,运行TortoiseGit时需要选择git.exe路径,而git.exe是正确安装Git的产物。 一. Git安装


Git是核心,TortoiseGit是个外壳,git需要使用命令行,可以简单理解为TortoiseGit是git的GUI展现形式, 使用TortoiseGit操作,就不用记住git命令了。 Git可以使用HTTP和SSH方式: HTTP方式配置更简单,基本装好软件,使用时输入用户名和密码就可以了。需要输入用户名和密码,这也是它的麻烦之处,且相对SSH方式没有那么安全。 SSH方式配置稍微麻

Git/TortoiseGit ssh client 配置

1. Git ssh client 配置 Git 默认的 ssh client 是 <Git 安装目录>/usr/bin/ssh.exe 修改方法为打开 Git Bash 执行: git config --global core.sshCommand "'/C/Program Files/TortoiseGit/bin/TortoiseGitPlink.exe'" 注意:如果路径中包含空格


删除注册表中的TortoiseGit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TortoiseGit