【openFrameworks】Face Substitution

2024-03-11 06:48

本文主要是介绍【openFrameworks】Face Substitution,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Face Substitution

Source Code:https://github.com/arturoc/FaceSubstitution








================ arturo castro====================



This is a technical demo for face substitution technique. The application works in real time and it's developed using the opensource framework for creative coding openFrameworks: openFrameworks.cc

Most of the "magic" happens thanks to Jason Saragih's c++ library for face trackingweb.mac.com/jsaragih/FaceTracker/FaceTracker.html. The face tracking library returns a mesh that matches the contour of the eyes, nose, mouth and other facial features.

That way the mesh obtained from a photo is matched to my own face in the video. Applying some color interpolation algorithms from Kevin Atkinson's image clone code: methodart.blogspot.com/ gives it the blending effect that can be seen in the final footage.

I'm also using Kyle McDonald's ofxFaceTracker addon for openframeworksgithub.com/kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker which wraps Jason's library for easier use.

Kyle has uploaded another video giving a try at a different blending algorithm, which get rids of the artifacts and an even creepier look: vimeo.com/29348533






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Hugging Face Offline Mode 离线模式

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自然语言处理领域的明星项目推荐:Hugging Face Transformers

在当今人工智能与大数据飞速发展的时代,自然语言处理(NLP)已成为推动科技进步的重要力量。而在NLP领域,Hugging Face Transformers无疑是一个备受瞩目的开源项目。本文将从项目介绍、代码解释以及技术特点等角度,为您深入剖析这一热门项目。 一、项目介绍 Hugging Face Transformers是一个包含众多NLP领域先进模型的开源项目,由Hugging F