新概念英语第二册 (75)

2024-03-11 04:12
文章标签 英语 概念 75 第二册

本文主要是介绍新概念英语第二册 (75),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

New words and expressions】生词和短语(6)

thick                             adj. 厚的

signal                           n. 信号

stamp                          v. 跺,踩

helicopter                    n. 直升飞机

scene                            n. 现场

survivor                       n. 幸存者

survivor           n. 幸存者(指人) survival       n. 幸存的东西

survive             v. 生存;存活下来

the person who survived

I learn how to live, but now I know how to survive.          (生存)

I survived after the fire.           (存活下来)

survive + sth.(灾难)            经过某种灾难还存在,还活着

I survived the fire.

The house survived the earthquake.

scene             n. 现场

① n.(事件发生的)地点,现场

A helicopter soon arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors.


These things were found at the scene of the murder.

② n. 风景,景色;景象

A beautiful scene always makes me delighted. I have just seen a sad scene.


When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt. It was the middle of winter. Snow lay thick on the ground. The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. Then she had an idea. She stamped out the letters 'SOS' in the snow. Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.


不久前,一架轻型客机偏离了航线,在ft区坠毁,飞行员丧生。机上仅有的乘客,一位年轻的妇女和  她的两个女婴却平安无事。此时正值隆冬季节,地上积着厚厚的雪。这位妇女知道,即使最近的村庄也有  数英里远。天黑下来的时候,她把提箱当作小床,把两个孩子放了进去,又把所有能找到的衣服都盖在了  孩子们身上。夜里,天冷得厉害。这位妇女尽可能地靠近孩子,甚至自己也想钻进箱子里去,只是箱子太  小了。第二天一大早,她听到头顶上有飞机飞过,但不知道怎样才能发个信号。后来她有了一个主意。她  在雪地上踩出了“SOS”这  3  个字母。幸运得很,一位飞行员看到这个信号,用无线电给最近的城镇发了报。不久,一架直升飞机飞抵飞机失事现场,来搭救这几个幸存者。


1、When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.

off course        脱离轨道

fly off course             飞行偏离航线

During the storm, the ship went off course.

kill              v. 杀(仅表示死了,不一定是人为的杀死,有可能是火灾等)

Fire in Tokyo. Five people killed. Ten persons injured.(受伤) murder        v. 谋杀(故意杀死)

2、It was the middle of winter. middle of winter                             隆冬

middle of summer          盛夏

3、Snow lay thick on the ground.

lay 是系动词,thick 是形容词作表语,表示主语的状态或性质。

The old man lies ill and neglected in bed.

4、The woman knew that the nearest village was miles away. miles away 几英里之外(距离的表达方式)

5、When it grew dark, she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, covering them with all the clothes she could find.

turn…into… = change sth. into …                把……变成……

6、The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small.

as…as sb. can/could = as…as possible           尽可能的……

He got through as much food as he could and set out. Tell Jim to come to my office as soon as he can.

near to = close to

7、Early next morning, she heard planes passing overhead and wondered how she could send a signal. hear sb. doing sth.                                  听见某人正在做某事

overhead            adv. 从头顶

wonder = want to know

8、Then she had an idea. She stamped out the letters 'SOS' in the snow. stamp out                            踩出

out 在这里为副词,表示“出现,显露”等

The writer has brought out another book.

He wrote out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden.

SOS = Save Our Souls            国际通用的呼救信号

in the snow           在雪地上

9、Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. by radio 通过广播

10、It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash. long before = long long ago                                    很久以前

It was not long before + 从句      不久就……(指过去)

It was not long before he went abroad.

It was not long before I finished my homework.

It will not be long before…               不久就……(将来可能发生的事)

It will not be long before he gets over his illness.

before long           不久以后(一般将来时,从现在算不久以后会怎么样)

Before long, he will go abroad. shortly before                                      ……之前不久

shortly after               ……之后立即

on the scene             在现场(固定短语)

Special Difficulties


grow,turn,go,get,com,fall 等动词均有“变成”的意思,但它们在用法上有时有差别。

grow 表示“(逐渐)变得”,比 get 要正式些: He has grown fat.

He has grown to like studying mathematics. grow dark(变黑)

grow = get slowly 慢慢变得

turn 表示“把(状态、性质)改变(成)……”或“使变颜色”等

Leaves will turn yellow in autumn.

A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive. His face turned red.

go 表示“变成(某种状态)”,通常表示不好的变化:

Some foods go bad easily. The milk went sour.

get  在口语中使用较多,表示“成为(某种状态)”,强调的是变化的过程(一下子变得)。天气变化,一般用 get,get cold(变冷)

Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.

come 可表示“变成,成为,达到”等,与 true 连用时表示“实现”

Her dream to swim across the channel has come true. come + true/right/loose

The dream comes true. 梦想成真。Take it easy. Everything will come right. come loose 变 松 动

fall 可表示“变成……的状态”

fall + asleep/ill              坠落梦乡/病倒了

You fell asleep while I was talking to you.

He fell ill last week, so he didn’t come to your wedding.

Multiple choice questions

9 It got terribly cold. The cold was __d__.

(a) frightening                             (b) horrifying           (c) shocking              (d) frightful frightful = terrible

frightening           adj. 让人产生吓了一跳的感觉

horrifying             adj. 令人恐惧的

shocking                 adj. 令人震惊的(坏事)


  1. Did you find out ___ the pie out of oven?
    1. to take                    B. have taken                  C. when to take                  D. being taken

  1. You would be irritated if you watched the mail D_ on your desk every day.
    1. putting up                      B to be put up                   C. to pile up              D. pile up see sb. do/doing sth.

put up = set up         搭建

pile up           堆起来

  1. We shall set Jim _C the passage.

A. explaining

B. explained

C. to explain

D. explain

set sb. to do sth.

set sb. doing = cause



  1. In fact, she would rather leave for San Francisco B_ in Los Angeles.
    1. to stay                    B. than stay        C than staying              D. than have stayed would rather do…than do


prefer to do…rather than do…

  1. Madame Curie is believed __D_ the radium.
    1. discovering                                              B. having discovered

C. to have discovered                        D. to discover be believed to do sth.                                被动语态时是固定用法

  1. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been __A_.
    1. the least studied                    B. study the least

C. study less and less                         D. to study the less of + 范围 ,of all 是最高级的标志

in +地点

I've ever seen

  1. During an eclipse of the sun, __A_ in the shadow of the Moon.
    1. the Earth lies                                   B. the Earth when lying

C. that the Earth lies                           D. the lying Earth

  1. The photo periodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, _B .
    1. the light is not on                  B. and not on light

C. but is not on the light            D. is not on light A 选项引入了新的谓语动词。

D 选项同样是没有连词却引入了新的谓语动词。

be on             上演;灯的点燃

The light is on.

  1. The wallflower _C because its weak stems often grow on walls and along strong cliffs for support.
    1. so called is                     B. so is called          C. is so called          D. called is so so called 所谓的

so-called human

It is a so-called clock.

  1. Because of its importance in modern living, _A__ in all parts of the world.
    1. algebra is studied in schools and colleges
    2. studying algebra in schools and colleges
    3. and the study of algebra in schools and colleges
    4. in schools and colleges are algebra studies


  1. Sociologists have long recognized that social tension D_.
    1. elements from group living
    2. elements of a normal group life
    3. living are a group of elements
    4. are normal elements of group life


① 做主语

It is important to do sth.

② 做宾语

want to do

③ 做宾补

allow/expect sb. to do sth.

④ 做定语(放在被修饰词之后)

anything to do

⑤ 做状语:目的状语

⑥ 做表语

这篇关于新概念英语第二册 (75)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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