The most interesting thing that I find about space is that it never ceases to amaze you with mind-boggling discoveries. The element of surprise is huge since we know very little about the cosmos and even what we know is equivalent to a grain of dust on a long sandy beach. The other day I was reading that astronomers just discovered a neutron star — dubbed as SN 1987A, the original star was first sighted in 1987 and it lies in a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way 170,000 light-years from Earth.
吨他最有趣的是,我找到空间的是,它从未停止以令人难以置信的发现使你惊奇。 令人惊讶的元素是巨大的,因为我们对宇宙知之甚少,甚至我们所知道的东西都相当于长长的沙滩上的灰尘。 前几天我读到,天文学家刚刚发现了一颗中子星 ,被称为SN 1987A,它最初是在1987年被发现的,它位于距离地球170,000光年的银河系卫星星系中。
At age 33, it is the youngest ever neutron star which was formed as a result of a star going supernova but didn’t collapse on itself to become a black hole. A paper on the subject was published recently in The Astrophysical Journal. However, today’s surprise discovery that I am going to talk about is not the neutron star but a galaxy that defies the conventional explanation of cosmic evolution.
在3 3岁时,它是有史以来最年轻的中子星,它是恒星进行超新星形成的结果,但它自身并未坍塌而成为黑洞。 关于这一主题的论文最近发表在《天体物理学杂志》上。 但是,我今天要谈论的令人惊讶的发现不是中子星,而是与传统的宇宙演化解释相悖的星系。
For starters, consider that the most widely accepted estimate for the age of the universe is about 13.8 billion years, with the current theory on galactic formation suggesting that the early universe was chaotic and unstable, taking galaxies billions of years to get to their current state — like the most commonly found as is our own Milky Way galaxy, which has spiral arms & a bulge in the middle.
首先,请考虑一下最广为接受的关于宇宙年龄的估计,大约是138亿年,而目前关于银河形成的理论表明,早期宇宙是混乱且不稳定的,需要数十亿年才能达到当前状态。 -就像最常见的一样,就是我们自己的银河系,它的中间有螺旋臂和凸起。
“This result represents a breakthrough in the field of galaxy formation, showing that the structures that we observe in nearby spiral galaxies and in our Milky Way were already in place 12 billion years ago.”
~ Francesca Rizzo, Lead Researcher
〜Francesca Rizzo,首席研究员
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of telescopes in Chile, the astronomers have discovered the Milky Way-look alike galaxy — dubbed as SPT0418–47, it had features like a rotating disk and a bulge, with a large group of stars packed around its center. Located 12 billion light-years away, it means we are seeing it as it was 12 billion years ago.
天文学家使用智利的阿塔卡马大毫米/亚毫米阵列 (ALMA)望远镜发现了银河系类似的星系-称为SPT0418-47 ,它具有旋转盘和凸起的特征,并且有大量的繁星点点围绕其中心。 距离我们有120亿光年,这意味着我们正在像120亿年前一样看到它。
At roughly 10% of the age of the universe, the galaxy is incredibly calm and well structured as we see most of the galaxies today including our very own Milky Way. But according to the current theory of galactic formation, it should still be a chaotic blob of stars. The observations, however, paint a completely different picture.
在大约宇宙年龄的10%处,银河系非常平静且结构良好,正如我们今天所见的大多数星系,包括我们自己的银河系一样。 但是根据当前的银河系形成理论,它仍然应该是恒星的混沌斑点。 但是,观察结果却描绘出了完全不同的图景。
Mapping the galaxy was no easy task even with the most powerful telescopes in the world — simply because of the massive distance involved. The team of astronomers used an advanced technique called the gravitational lensing to look into the ancient past of the universe. The technique involves using a nearby galaxy as a powerful magnifying glass — its gravitational pull distorts and bends light from faraway galaxies, magnifying it in the process.
即使是使用世界上最强大的望远镜,绘制星系图也不是一件容易的事,这仅仅是因为所涉及的距离很大。 天文学家团队使用一种称为引力透镜的先进技术来观察宇宙的古老历史。 该技术涉及使用附近的星系作为强大的放大镜,其引力会扭曲并弯曲来自遥远星系的光线,并在此过程中对其进行放大。
In addition to gravitational lensing, the astronomers utilized some sophisticated computer modeling techniques to recreate the shape of the galaxy. The team was astonished to find that SPT0418–47 is the most well-ordered galaxy disc ever observed in the early Universe. The discovery might very well change our current understanding of how galaxies formed over the course of billions of years ever since the Big Bang.
除了引力透镜外,天文学家还利用一些复杂的计算机建模技术来重现银河的形状。 研究小组惊讶地发现SPT0418-47是在早期宇宙中观察到的最有序的星系盘。 这一发现很可能会改变我们目前对自大爆炸以来数十亿年间银河系如何形成的认识。
The team further intends to use European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) upcoming Extremely Large Telescope to get an even closer look in an effort to confirm their findings and gain a better understanding of how galaxies looked like right after the inception of the universe.
该研究小组还打算使用欧洲南方天文台 (ESO)即将推出的超大型望远镜进行更仔细的观察,以确认他们的发现并更好地了解宇宙诞生后的星系外观。
Complete Research was published in the Journal Nature.
完整的研究发表在《 自然 》杂志上 。
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翻译自: https://medium.com/technicity/advanced-ancient-galaxy-questions-the-traditional-model-of-cosmic-evolution-7b7ced45fd93