ANSI / NEMA- MW- 1000-2020 磁铁线标准。. 最新原版

2024-03-05 07:50

本文主要是介绍ANSI / NEMA- MW- 1000-2020 磁铁线标准。. 最新原版,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

ANSI -NEMA-MW-1000-2020 磁铁线标准



This publication is designed to present in concise and convenient form all existing NEMA Standards for magnet wire. It contains Standards for round, rectangular, and square film-insulated and/or fibrouscovered copper and aluminum magnet wire for use in electrical apparatus. Included are the definitions, type designations, dimensions, constructions, performance, and test methods for magnet wire generally used in the winding of coils for electrical apparatus. Unless otherwise stated, a revision to a product specification in this Standards publication does not affect  compliance of product manufactured during the time a previous version of that specification was in effect.

Test Procedures
(See Part 1, clause 1.3, for Definitions; clause 1.6 for Test Conditions and Parameters)
3.1 Safety Statement
It is not the intent of this Standard to address all of the safety issues associated with its use. It is
the responsibility of the user of this Standard to train personnel; establish proper health and safety
procedures; and be aware of local, state, and national regulatory restrictions that may apply.
chemical hazard: some tests use materials that local, state, and national regulatory agencies have
determined to be hazardous. These tests shall be performed under controlled conditions that allow for
proper safety and protection of personnel. Information and instructions contained in Safety Data Sheets
(SDS) for handling, working, and disposal of hazardous chemicals shall be followed. Furthermore,
discharges of these chemicals to the environment (the air, water, or ground) must comply with the latest
applicable regulations.
electrical hazard: certain test procedures require high voltage. It is important that the equipment be
designed to comply with good engineering practices—with safety being an integral part of the design.
To avoid electric shocks in such cases, necessary precautions must be taken and test equipment
manufacturers’ recommendations shall be followed.
mechanical hazard: some tests utilizing mechanical equipment may expose the operator to mechanical
hazards. Care must be exercised to protect eyes, fingers, hands, and other body parts from injury.
thermal hazard: in tests requiring elevated temperatures, precautions must be taken in handling
materials exposed to heat to avoid skin burns.

这篇关于ANSI / NEMA- MW- 1000-2020 磁铁线标准。. 最新原版的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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