
2024-03-04 00:08
文章标签 vmware x11 xorg drv


2012-1-30 上午7:23

Display Problems Fusion 4.1 with CentOS 6.2



Since upgrading to Fusion 4.1 and to CentOS 6.2 as the guest operating system, the Fusion display for the VM no longer adjusts when I resize the Mac OS X window. It just gets bigger or smaller i.e. the texts, the windows, everything expands or contracts but maintains aspect (see the two attached images).


After upgrading to Fusion 4.1 and CentOS 6.2, I re-installed VMware Tools on the Centos guest and ran the VMware Tools configuration script.


During the configuration I noticed the following messages:


Distribution provided drivers for Xorg X server are used.
Skipping X configuration because X drivers are not included.


Am I correct in assuming that CentOS 6.2 is not yet supported for Fusion 4.x ?

2. 2012-2-10 上午7:10 回复: mknappe
Re: Display Problems Fusion 4.1 with CentOS 6.2

OK, it is rather simple to solve:


1.) 'yum erase xorg-x11-drv-vmware.x86_64'

2.) 'yum install xorg-x11-drv-vmware.x86_64'

3.) vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf replace line 'Driver "vesa"' with 'Driver "vmware"'


brgds, Michael

3. 2012-2-10 上午7:12 回复: mknappe
Re: Display Problems Fusion 4.1 with CentOS 6.2

I am not sure if 1.) and 2.) are really needed. Most probably you only need to do 3.)


brgds, Michael




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