
2024-03-03 19:32
文章标签 int get opts vmm




simv +vmm_opts+FOO=HELLO

simv +vmm_opts+FOO=100

参考文献 : http://www.testbench.in/VM_12_VMM_OPTS.html

Some of the test parameters in functional verification are passed from the command line. Passing Parameters from the command line allows simulating the same testcase file with different scenario. For example, let say you are verifying Ethernet protocol. Insert_crc_error.sv is a testcase file which verifies the DUT by sending CRC error packets. Now you can use the same testcase file to verify the DUT in 3 different modes , 10G 1000M and 100M modes by passing these parameters from the command prompt, this increases the testcase reusability. 

As parameters became one of the most important techniques in reusing the testcases, vmm has added vmm_opts class to manage parameters efficiently.  
vmm_opts captures parameter from run time options. 

There are 2 ways to specify the parameters during runtime.  

 1) Command line 
vmm_opts internally uses $plusargs to recognize the options specified on command line. 
 2) text file  
If you have lot of parameters to mentions, then you can also mention all the parameters in a text file and pass it as command line options. 

vmm_opts can recognize 3 types of parameters. They are  

 String type parameters  
 Integer type parameters  
 Bit type parameters  

Following are the 3 static methods which are defined in vmm_opts to get the parameter values.  

Static  function   bit  get_bit ( string   name ,   string  doc  =   "" );  

Static  function   int  get_int ( string





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【C语言】---- 基本数据类型(char、int、float)

1 基本数据类型 C语言中的基本数据类型包括整型、浮点型和字符型,每种类型都有不同的存储大小和表示范围。以下是它们的常见表示形式和特点: 1.1 字符型 char类型用于表示单个字符,通常用于表示文本数据。char类型也被用来存储字符,但也可以用来存储较小的整数。在C语言中,char类型的大小一般为1字节(8位)。char类型可以是有符号的或无符号的,这取决于编译器和平台的实现。 1.2