Create account 892000 for 2015/12/10 as a cost element in controlling area 1800 Message no. KI280

本文主要是介绍Create account 892000 for 2015/12/10 as a cost element in controlling area 1800 Message no. KI280,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Create account 892000 for 2015/12/10 as a cost element in controlling area 1800

Message no. KI280



Account 892000 is a profit and loss account. You assigned it to an object in cost accounting (for example, a cost center, order, or project).

System Response

Account 892000 in the determined controlling area 1800 must exist as a cost element on the posting date 2015/12/10.


  • Create account 892000 as a cost element and then repeat your posting.
  • Or, delete auxiliary account assignment to objects in cost accounting.

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