English:confusing words

2024-02-29 20:52
文章标签 words english confusing

本文主要是介绍English:confusing words,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

  1. accept / except:

    • accept: 表示接受或同意。
      • She decided to accept the job offer.
    • except: 表示除了、排除。
      • Everyone is going to the party except John.
  2. affect / effect:

    • affect: 表示影响或感染。
      • The bad weather can affect your mood.
    • effect: 表示结果或影响的产生。
      • The medicine had a positive effect on her health.
  3. altar / alter:

    • altar: 指的是祭坛,通常在宗教场所。
      • They placed the offerings on the altar.
    • alter: 表示改变或修改。
      • She decided to alter her dress for the occasion.
  4. compliment / complement:

    • compliment: 表示赞美或恭维。
      • He gave her a compliment on her performance.
    • complement: 表示补充或使完整。
      • The wine complemented the flavors of the dish.
  5. allude / elude:

    • allude: 表示间接提到或暗示。
      • He alluded to the upcoming changes without providing details.
    • elude: 表示逃避或躲避。
      • The answer seemed to elude her during the exam.
  6. capital / capitol:

    • capital: 表示首都,或用作资金的意义。
      • Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States.
    • capitol: 指国会大厦,通常是政府建筑。
      • The protesters gathered outside the capitol building.
  7. principal / principle:

    • principal: 表示校长、主要的或资本的。
      • The principal welcomed the students on the first day of school.
    • principle: 表示原则或法则。
      • He believed in the principles of honesty and integrity.
  8. stationary / stationery:

    • stationary: 表示不动的或静止的。
      • The car remained stationary at the traffic light.
    • stationery: 表示文具,信纸等办公用品。
      • She bought some new stationery for her desk.
  9. quiet / quite:

    • quiet: 表示安静或寂静。
      • The library is a quiet place to study.
    • quite: 表示相当、非常。
      • The movie was quite entertaining.
  10. bare / bear:

    • bare: 表示赤裸或光秃。
      • The tree had bare branches in the winter.
    • bear: 表示忍受、承受,或是动物熊。
      • She couldn’t bear the pain.
  11. departure / depart:

    • departure: 表示离开或出发。
      • The departure of the flight was delayed due to bad weather.
    • depart: 表示离开或动身。
      • The train is scheduled to depart at 10 AM.
  12. assess / assist / access:

    • assess: 表示评估或估价。
      • The teacher needs time to assess the students’ performance.
    • assist: 表示帮助或协助。
      • He offered to assist her with the heavy bags.
    • access: 表示进入或访问。
      • Employees have access to the company’s online resources.

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1、由于Mavenzh中央仓库中对于com.aspose.words jar包的缺乏,小编本地maven集成下载的 aspose-words-16.4.0-jdk16.jar 2、 package com.xw.ssm.util.word;import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;import com.aspose.words.*;import com.