c++ winpcap开发(7)

2024-02-29 16:32
文章标签 c++ 开发 winpcap

本文主要是介绍c++ winpcap开发(7),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


在这个课程中,我们将学习如何处理数据包捕获到一个文件(转储到文件)。WinPcap提供广泛的功能来将文件的网络流量保存到文件并读取转储的内容 - 本课将介绍如何使用所有这些功能。我们还将了解如何使用WinPcap的内核转储功能来获取高性能转储(注意:由于新内核缓冲区存在一些问题,此功能已禁用)。





#include "pcap.h"/* prototype of the packet handler */
void packet_handler(u_char *param, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data);int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_if_t *alldevs;
pcap_if_t *d;
int inum;
int i=0;
pcap_t *adhandle;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
pcap_dumper_t *dumpfile;/* Check command line */if(argc != 2){printf("usage: %s filename", argv[0]);return -1;}/* Retrieve the device list on the local machine */if (pcap_findalldevs_ex(PCAP_SRC_IF_STRING, NULL, &alldevs, errbuf) == -1){fprintf(stderr,"Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n", errbuf);exit(1);}/* Print the list */for(d=alldevs; d; d=d->next){printf("%d. %s", ++i, d->name);if (d->description)printf(" (%s)\n", d->description);elseprintf(" (No description available)\n");}if(i==0){printf("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\n");return -1;}printf("Enter the interface number (1-%d):",i);scanf_s("%d", &inum);if(inum < 1 || inum > i){printf("\nInterface number out of range.\n");/* Free the device list */pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);return -1;}/* Jump to the selected adapter */for(d=alldevs, i=0; i< inum-1 ;d=d->next, i++);/* Open the device */if ( (adhandle= pcap_open(d->name,          // name of the device65536,            // portion of the packet to capture// 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layersPCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,    // promiscuous mode1000,             // read timeoutNULL,             // authentication on the remote machineerrbuf            // error buffer) ) == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", d->name);/* Free the device list */pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);return -1;}/* Open the dump file */dumpfile = pcap_dump_open(adhandle, argv[1]);if(dumpfile==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening output file\n");return -1;}printf("\nlistening on %s... Press Ctrl+C to stop...\n", d->description);/* At this point, we no longer need the device list. Free it */pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);/* start the capture */pcap_loop(adhandle, 0, packet_handler, (unsigned char *)dumpfile);return 0;
}/* Callback function invoked by libpcap for every incoming packet */
void packet_handler(u_char *dumpfile, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{/* save the packet on the dump file */pcap_dump(dumpfile, header, pkt_data);


  • 一旦打开接口,就会发出一个对pcap_dump_open()的调用。此调用打开一个转储文件并将其与该接口相关联。
  • 数据包将从packet_handler()回调中使用pcap_dump()写入此文件。的参数pcap_dump()是在1-1对应于参数pcap_handler() 。


现在我们有一个转储文件可用,我们可以尝试阅读它的内容。以下代码打开一个WinPcap / libpcap转储文件,并显示文件中包含的每个数据包。该文件使用pcap_open_offline()打开,那么通常使用pcap_loop()来对数据包进行排序。如您所见,从离线捕获读取数据包与从物理接口接收数据包几乎相同。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>#define LINE_LEN 16void dispatcher_handler(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *);int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_t *fp;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
char source[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];if(argc != 2){printf("usage: %s filename", argv[0]);return -1;}/* Create the source string according to the new WinPcap syntax */if ( pcap_createsrcstr( source,         // variable that will keep the source stringPCAP_SRC_FILE,  // we want to open a fileNULL,           // remote hostNULL,           // port on the remote hostargv[1],        // name of the file we want to openerrbuf          // error buffer) != 0){fprintf(stderr,"\nError creating a source string\n");return -1;}/* Open the capture file */if ( (fp= pcap_open(source,         // name of the device65536,          // portion of the packet to capture// 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layersPCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,     // promiscuous mode1000,              // read timeoutNULL,              // authentication on the remote machineerrbuf         // error buffer) ) == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the file %s.\n", source);return -1;}// read and dispatch packets until EOF is reachedpcap_loop(fp, 0, dispatcher_handler, NULL);return 0;
}void dispatcher_handler(u_char *temp1, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *pkt_data)
{u_int i=0;/** Unused variable*/(VOID)temp1;/* print pkt timestamp and pkt len */printf("%ld:%ld (%ld)\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec, header->len);          /* Print the packet */for (i=1; (i < header->caplen + 1 ) ; i++){printf("%.2x ", pkt_data[i-1]);if ( (i % LINE_LEN) == 0) printf("\n");}printf("\n\n");     }
以下示例与最后一个示例具有相同的用途,但是使用 pcap_next_ex() 而不是 pcap_loop() 回调方法。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pcap.h>#define LINE_LEN 16int main(int argc, char **argv)
pcap_t *fp;
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
char source[PCAP_BUF_SIZE];
struct pcap_pkthdr *header;
const u_char *pkt_data;
u_int i=0;
int res;if(argc != 2){printf("usage: %s filename", argv[0]);return -1;}/* Create the source string according to the new WinPcap syntax */if ( pcap_createsrcstr( source,         // variable that will keep the source stringPCAP_SRC_FILE,  // we want to open a fileNULL,           // remote hostNULL,           // port on the remote hostargv[1],        // name of the file we want to openerrbuf          // error buffer) != 0){fprintf(stderr,"\nError creating a source string\n");return -1;}/* Open the capture file */if ( (fp= pcap_open(source,         // name of the device65536,          // portion of the packet to capture// 65536 guarantees that the whole packet will be captured on all the link layersPCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS,     // promiscuous mode1000,              // read timeoutNULL,              // authentication on the remote machineerrbuf         // error buffer) ) == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the file %s.\n", source);return -1;}/* Retrieve the packets from the file */while((res = pcap_next_ex( fp, &header, &pkt_data)) >= 0){/* print pkt timestamp and pkt len */printf("%ld:%ld (%ld)\n", header->ts.tv_sec, header->ts.tv_usec, header->len);          /* Print the packet */for (i=1; (i < header->caplen + 1 ) ; i++){printf("%.2x ", pkt_data[i-1]);if ( (i % LINE_LEN) == 0) printf("\n");}printf("\n\n");     }if (res == -1){printf("Error reading the packets: %s\n", pcap_geterr(fp));}return 0;

Writing packets to a dump file with pcap_live_dump





#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>#include <pcap.h>#error At the moment the kernel dump feature is not supported in the drivermain(int argc, char **argv) {pcap_if_t *alldevs, *d;pcap_t *fp;u_int inum, i=0;char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];printf("kdump: saves the network traffic to file using WinPcap kernel-level dump faeature.\n");printf("\t Usage: %s [adapter] | dump_file_name max_size max_packs\n", argv[0]);printf("\t Where: max_size is the maximum size that the dump file will reach (0 means no limit)\n");printf("\t Where: max_packs is the maximum number of packets that will be saved (0 means no limit)\n\n");if(argc < 5){/* The user didn't provide a packet source: Retrieve the device list */if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf) == -1){fprintf(stderr,"Error in pcap_findalldevs: %s\n", errbuf);exit(1);}/* Print the list */for(d=alldevs; d; d=d->next){printf("%d. %s", ++i, d->name);if (d->description)printf(" (%s)\n", d->description);elseprintf(" (No description available)\n");}if(i==0){printf("\nNo interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.\n");return -1;}printf("Enter the interface number (1-%d):",i);scanf("%d", &inum);if(inum < 1 || inum > i){printf("\nInterface number out of range.\n");/* Free the device list */return -1;}/* Jump to the selected adapter */for(d=alldevs, i=0; i< inum-1 ;d=d->next, i++);/* Open the device */if ( (fp = pcap_open_live(d->name, 100, 1, 20, errbuf) ) == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening adapter\n");return -1;}/* Free the device list */pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);/* Start the dump */if(pcap_live_dump(fp, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]))==-1){printf("Unable to start the dump, %s\n", pcap_geterr(fp));return -1;}}else{/* Open the device */if ( (fp= pcap_open_live(argv[1], 100, 1, 20, errbuf) ) == NULL){fprintf(stderr,"\nError opening adapter\n");return -1;}/* Start the dump */if(pcap_live_dump(fp, argv[0], atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]))==-1){printf("Unable to start the dump, %s\n", pcap_geterr(fp));return -1;}}/* Wait until the dump finishes, i.e. when  max_size or max_packs is reached*/pcap_live_dump_ended(fp, TRUE);/* Close the adapter, so that the file is correctly flushed */pcap_close(fp);return 0;

除了设置限制的可能性之外,pcap_live_dump()和pcap_dump()之间的区别是性能。pcap_live_dump()利用了WinPcap NPF驱动程序的功能(参见NPF驱动程序内部手册)从内核级写入转储,最小化上下文切换和内存副本的数量。


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