本文主要是介绍OGG DDL 操作详解,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
从OGG 12c 开始,提供了2种DDL方式:
(1)trigger-based DDL capture:通过数据库级别的触发器来捕获。
(2)native DDL capture:也叫:triggerless DDLcapture模式,在
Source 端进行logmining。
(1)Extract 使用的是integrated 模式,但是数据库是11.2.0.4 之前的,
那么必须使用trigger-based DDL capture。
(2)Extract 使用的是classic capture 模式,不管数据库是什么版本,都
必须使用trigger-based DDL capture。因为Native DDL capture不
支持classic capture 模式。
使用native DDL capture。 这种模式也叫triggerless DDL capture。
Replicat 报告包含如下信息:
(1)Source 端每个DDL 操作的语法和SCN 值。
2013-01-20 15:11:45 GGS INFO 2104 DDL found, operation [drop table myTableTemp ], Source SCN [1186713.0]. 2013-01-20 15:11:45 GGS INFO 2100 DDL is of mapped scope, after mapping new operation [drop table "QATEST2"."MYTABLETEMP" ]. 2013-01-20 15:11:45 GGS INFO 2100 DDL operation included [include objname myTable*], optype [DROP], objtype [TABLE], objname [QATEST2.MYTABLETEMP]. 2013-01-20 15:11:45 GGS INFO 2100 Executing DDL operation. 2013-01-20 15:11:48 GGS INFO 2105 DDL error ignored for next retry: error code [942], filter [include objname myTableTemp], error text [ORA-00942: table or view does not exist], retry [1]. 2013-01-20 15:11:48 GGS INFO 2100 Executing DDL operation , trying again due to RETRYOP parameter. 2013-01-20 15:11:51 GGS INFO 2105 DDL error ignored for next retry: error code [942], filter [include objname myTableTemp], error text [ORA-00942: table or view does not exist], retry [2]. 2013-01-20 15:11:51 GGS INFO 2100 Executing DDL operation, trying again due to RETRYOP parameter. 2013-01-20 15:11:54 GGS INFO 2105 DDL error ignored for next retry: error code [942], filter [include objname myTableTemp], error text [ORA-00942: table or view does not exist], retry [3]. 2013-01-20 15:11:54 GGS INFO 2100 Executing DDL operation, trying again due to RETRYOP parameter. 2013-01-20 15:11:54 GGS INFO 2105 DDL error ignored: error code [942], filter [include objname myTableTemp], error text [ORA-00942:table or view does not exist]. |
Extract report 包含如下信息:
(1) Capture DDL 操作的条目语法,开始和结束的SCN值, oracle 实例,DDL sequence number(从
history table的SEQNO 列查询)和 操作的大小(单位byte)。
(2) 记录应用操作的子条目,如INCLUDE 和 EXCLUDE filtering。
(3) 其他的条目,记录操作是否写入trail 。
2013-01-20 15:11:41 GGS INFO 2100 DDL found, operation [create table myTable ( myId number (10) not null, myNumber number, myString varchar2(100), myDate date, primary key (myId) ) ], start SCN [1186754], commit SCN [1186772] instance [test11g (1)], DDL seqno [4134]. 2013-01-20 15:11:41 GGS INFO 2100 DDL operation included [INCLUDE OBJNAME myTable*], optype [CREATE], objtype [TABLE], objname [QATEST1.MYTABLE]. 2013-01-20 15:11:41 GGS INFO 2100 DDL operation written to extract trail file. 2013-01-20 15:11:42 GGS INFO 2100 Successfully added TRAN DATA for table with the key, table [QATEST1.MYTABLE], operation [ALTER TABLE "QATEST1"."MYTABLE" ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP "GGS_MYTABLE_53475" (MYID) ALWAYS /* GOLDENGATE_DDL_REPLICATION */ ]. 2013-01-20 15:11:43 GGS INFO 2100 DDL found, operation [create table myTableTemp (vid varchar2(100),someDate date,primary key (vid) ) ], start SCN [1186777], commit SCN [1186795] instance [test11g (1)], DDL seqno [4137]. 2013-01- 20 15:11:43 GGS INFO 2100 DDL operation excluded [EXCLUDE OBJNAME myTableTemp OPTYPE CREATE], optype [CREATE], objtype [TABLE],objname [QATEST1.MYTABLETEMP]. |
可以使用如下命令来查看DDL 处理过程的统计信息,该命令可以查看Extract和Replicat的报告:
这篇关于OGG DDL 操作详解的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!