plesk面板 卸载_Plesk或cPanel:哪个是最好的控制面板?

2024-02-28 01:30

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One of the most important features of your web hosting service is your control panel – the tool that enables you to administer your website. Whilst there are many control panels available, including a range of own-brand panels developed by web hosts, the two most popular ones are Plesk and cPanel. They are, essentially, the Android and Apple of the control panel market. In this post, we’ll compare both applications so that if you are given a choice over which one to choose, you can make a more informed decision.

网络托管服务最重要的功能之一就是控制面板,它是使您能够管理网站的工具。 虽然有许多控制面板,包括由网络托管商开发的一系列自有品牌的面板,但两个最受欢迎的面板是Plesk和cPanel 。 从本质上讲,它们是控制面板市场上的Android和Apple。 在本文中,我们将比较两种应用程序,以便在选择哪种应用程序时做出更明智的决定。

Originally introduced back in 1996, cPanel is a much-loved platform used on millions of websites and is frequently included in many Linux shared hosting packages as well as being used for dedicated servers and cloud hosting. For those who have access to their server, cPanel often comes with WHM (Web Host Manager) a sister program that acts as a server administration interface.

cPanel最初于1996年推出,是一个广受欢迎的平台,可在数百万个网站上使用,并且经常包含在许多Linux共享托管软件包中,并用于专用服务器和云托管。 对于那些有权访问其服务器的用户,cPanel通常随附WHM(Web主机管理器)一个姐妹程序,该程序充当服务器管理界面。

Plesk was launched in 2001 and, like cPanel, has come to be a dominant force in the control panel market. The most recent version, Plesk Onyx, which has over 100 extensions, is available in three versions, Web Admin, Web Pro and a special version for web hosts.

Plesk于2001年推出,和cPanel一样,已成为控制面板市场的主导力量。 最新版本的Plesk Onyx具有100多个扩展名,提供三种版本:Web Admin,Web Pro和用于Web主机的特殊版本。

OS compatibility


cPanel was developed to work on Linux servers and is currently incompatible with Windows. It is, however, compatible with CentOS, CloudLinux and RedHat Linux distribution based operating systems.

cPanel是为在Linux服务器上运行而开发的,当前与Windows不兼容。 但是,它与基于CentOS,CloudLinux和RedHat Linux发行版的操作系统兼容。

Originally developed for Windows, for which it is the world leader, Plesk can also be used on a wider range of Linux OS, including Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat Linux and CloudLinux.

Plesk最初是为Windows开发的,目前已成为世界领先者,它也可以用于更广泛的Linux操作系统,包括Debian,Ubuntu,CentOS,Red Hat Linux和CloudLinux。

In many cases, the control panel you use may be dictated by the operating system you (or your host, in the case of shared hosting) run on the server.


User interfaces


Whilst both offer very easy to navigate control panels, the Plesk interface is more in line with the standard software layout that most people are accustomed to. Very similar to the WordPress admin panel, it has its main menu down the left-hand side and when an item is selected, its contents appear in the main panel. A further set of feature boxes are located on the right side of the screen. For ease of use, icons are used for each of the main features.

两者都提供了非常易于浏览的控制面板,但Plesk界面更符合大多数人习惯的标准软件布局。 与WordPress管理面板非常相似,它的主菜单位于左侧,选择项目后,其内容就会显示在主面板中。 另一组功能框位于屏幕的右侧。 为了易于使用,图标用于每个主要功能。

The cPanel interface is laid out differently. The left-hand menu is missing and, instead, the features are grouped into sections which you access by scrolling down. Like Plesk, each feature has an icon to help you identify it. The cPanel interface also has some customisation options to make things easier to find.

cPanel接口的布局不同。 缺少左侧菜单,而是将这些功能分组为可向下滚动访问的部分。 与Plesk一样,每个功能都有一个图标来帮助您识别它。 cPanel界面还具有一些自定义选项,以使事情更容易找到。

With regards to how the panels are organised, cPanel groups its functions under the headings of preferences, mail, files, logs, security, domains, databases and software services whereas Plesk divided its functions into areas such as statistical and resource usage, users, mail, websites and domains, applications and statistics. Surprisingly, the WHM control panel, which is separate to cPanel, has the standard interface with the left-hand menu. In this sense, it is more like Plesk, than cPanel.

关于面板的组织方式,cPanel将其功能分组在首选项,邮件,文件,日志,安全性,域,数据库和软件服务的标题下,而Plesk将其功能划分为统计和资源使用,用户,邮件等领域,网站和域,应用程序和统计信息。 令人惊讶的是,独立于cPanel的WHM控制面板具有标准菜单和左侧菜单。 从这个意义上讲,它更像是Plesk,而不是cPanel。

Plesk and cPanel both enable users to have command line access. cPanel provides command line and API-based access, the latter enabling interaction with third-party apps. Command line access from Plesk comes via its not so succinctly named ‘Panel Action Log Command Line Access Tool’.

Plesk和cPanel都使用户能够进行命令行访问。 cPanel提供基于命令行和基于API的访问,后者允许与第三方应用程序进行交互。 从Plesk进行的命令行访问是通过其不太简洁的“面板操作日志命令行访问工具”实现的。



cPanel developers have worked hard on raising its performance over the years, and it’s is generally accepted that it is the fastest loading out of the control two panels. This has been achieved by reducing the amount of RAM that cPanel needs, meaning that it performs quicker page loading, account creation and other operations.

多年来,cPanel开发人员一直在努力提高其性能,并且公认这是在两个控制面板中加载最快的方法。 这是通过减少cPanel所需的RAM数量来实现的,这意味着它可以执行更快的页面加载,帐户创建和其他操作。

Features and tools


There are a standard set of server and account management tasks that every user needs and you will find that both Plesk and cPanel enable users to carry these out. For example, both can be used for:

每个用户都有一组标准的服务器和帐户管理任务,您会发现Plesk和cPanel都使用户能够执行这些任务。 例如,两者都可以用于:

  • App installation

  • Scheduling backups

  • Database management

  • Running FTP

  • Configuring DNS settings

  • Managing email accounts

  • Server logs

  • Resource reports (e.g. availability, storage and bandwidth)

  • Maintaining user accounts

  • Traffic data and analytics

  • File management


Out of the box, Plesk comes with build in support for a wider range of apps and extensions, however, cPanel also enables lots of apps to be added, too.


Web security features


Web security is essential today and both cPanel and Plesk provide a wide range of security tools to protect users. cPanel, for example, includes tools such as IP address denials, auto installation of SSL certificates and password-protected directories whilst Plesk’s security suite includes tools like active directory integration, in and outbound spam filtering for email and fail2ban intrusion prevention.

Web安全在当今至关重要,并且cPanel和Plesk都提供了广泛的安全工具来保护用户。 例如,cPanel包括诸如IP地址拒绝,自动安装SSL证书和受密码保护的目录之类的工具,而Plesk的安全套件包括诸如活动目录集成,针对电子邮件的进出垃圾邮件过滤和fail2ban入侵防御之类的工具。

Management on the go


Both cPanel and Plesk have developed smartphone apps that enable you to connect with and manage your server and website while you are on the go. There are also a variety of third-party apps you can use.

cPanel和Plesk都开发了智能手机应用程序,使您可以在旅途中连接并管理服务器和网站。 您还可以使用各种第三方应用程序。



cPanel and Plesk are both exceptional control panels that make it easy to run your server and website. In many cases, your choice may be restricted by the operating system or hosting package you choose. However, if you have a choice, such as with the VPS, cloud and dedicated hosting packages we offer at eUKhost, then hopefully, this post will have given you a better understanding of each.

cPanel和Plesk都是出色的控制面板,可轻松运行服务器和网站。 在许多情况下,您的选择可能会受到所选操作系统或主机程序包的限制。 但是,如果您可以选择,例如我们在eUKhost提供的VPS,云和专用托管程序包,那么希望这篇文章可以使您更好地理解它们。

If you are looking for great hosting using either cPanel or Plesk control panels, check out our homepage to see our range of hosting packages.




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