Oracle 工单完工退回,WIP完工入库及完工退回的几个重要问题

2024-02-25 00:40

本文主要是介绍Oracle 工单完工退回,WIP完工入库及完工退回的几个重要问题,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Note: If there are multiple operation sequences then,

Insert multiple records in CST_COMP_SNAP_INTERFACE, one record for each

OPERATION_SEQ_NUM in WIP_OPERATIONS for the appropriate WIP_ENTITY_ID (with the

same transaction_interface_id).


(1)工单通过mtl_transactions_interface接口表,完工入库了,但是没有扣减最后一站移动站(to move站)数量

“接口表提交后,没有错误信息,数据成功提交了;;  查询物料交易事务处理表,此工单已有完工入库记录(库存也有增加),但就是没有扣减最后一站移动站(to move站)数量(同时工单已完工量也没有相应增加)。   CST_COMP_SNAP_INTERFACE 表中的数据一点都不动(成本管理器正常)”


CSTPACMS:validate_snap_interface 30 : OPERATION_SEQ_NUM in CST_COMP_SNAP_INTERFACE is missing or incorrect.

应为 不需要投料的工序也是要计算成本的,所以工单所有工序都必须插值,工序来自wip_operations




Serial number &TOKEN does not exist for the given item; and you cannot dynamically create a new one for this item.




Wip Assembly Completion For A Job Through MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE Is Not Updating Job Completed Quantity [ID 745112.1]           修改时间 11-SEP-2010     类型 PROBLEM     状态 MODERATED          In this Document   Symptoms   Cause   Solution   References Platforms: 1-914CU; This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process and therefore has not been subject to an independent technical review. Applies to: Oracle Work in Process - Version: 11.5.9 to 12.0.4 - Release: 11.5 to 12 Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance 11-SEP-2010 Symptoms On 12.0.4 in Production: Find that when WIP Assembly Completion transaction is performed for a Discrete job through mtl_transaction_interface, the transaction is getting processed successfully but the completed quantity is not getting updated in the Discrete job also quantity still remaining in To Move of last operation. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR Expect that the quantity should get updated in the discrete jobs. STEPS The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Create a discrete job, release it 2. Perform Move transaction to the last operation to move step. 3. Perform WIP Assembly Completion through the MTI, it gets processed successfully 4. Verify the job header infoformation, still the quantity is not completed. BUSINESS IMPACT The issue has the following business impact: Due to this issue, there is lot of discrepancy in the job. . Cause The cause of the issue is invalid / incorrect data in cst_comp_snap_interface table. The cause for this invalid data has been determined as the data in cst_comp_snap_interface corresponding to completion record in MTI (linked with transaction_interface_id) was not populated with the correct op_seq_num. This has explained in the following bug. Bug 5746008  'CSTPACMS:VALIDATE_SNAP_INTERFACE 30' ERROR IN TRANSACTION OPEN INTERFACE Customer was incorrectly populating the interface data. cst_comp_snap_interface corresponding to completion record in MTI (linked with transaction_interface_id) was not populated with the op_seq_num. In the current scenario, user populated the op_seq_num but it is wrong value. For any reference related to WIP Assembly Completion through MTI, can refer  Note 458801.1 Solution To implement the solution, please execute the following steps: 1. Insert the correct operation sequence number in to cst_comp_snap_interface table which corresponds to the operation sequence of that particular job. Note: If there are multiple operation sequences then, Insert multiple records in CST_COMP_SNAP_INTERFACE, one record for each OPERATION_SEQ_NUM in WIP_OPERATIONS for the appropriate WIP_ENTITY_ID (with the same transaction_interface_id). 2. Retest the issue. References NOTE:458801.1 - Standard API/Interface Needed to Perform Work Order Completion: WIP Assembly Completion Transaction For Discrete Jobs Can Be Performed Through Mtl_Transactions_Interface Table SR 7174967.993 显示相关信息 相关的 产品     * Oracle E-Business Suite > Manufacturing > Discrete Manufacturing > Oracle Work in Process 关键字 CST_COMP_SNAP_INTERFACE; DISCRETE JOB; OPEN INTERFACES; COMPLETION TRANSACTIONS 错误 30 ERROR

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