【记录】记一次关于前端单元测试的全英文问卷调查( Survey: Automatically Generated Test Suites for JavaScript)

本文主要是介绍【记录】记一次关于前端单元测试的全英文问卷调查( Survey: Automatically Generated Test Suites for JavaScript),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


  • Background
  • Task background: Fix the failing test cases
    • Before the task:
  • Task: Fix the failing test cases
  • Task: Executable Documentation
    • Before the task:
  • Bonus Opportunity: One more task
  • Task: Test Cases Clustering
  • Reward
  • Thank You!

  • 原地址:Survey: Automatically Generated Test Suites for JavaScript


You are being invited to participate in a research study that explores the effort developers put into understanding the content of the automatically generated test suite.

The purpose of this research study is to explore if different kinds of automatically generated test suites affect developers’ performance on program comprehension tasks. This study will take you approximately 30 minutes to complete. The anonymised data will be used for a master’s thesis project. We will be asking you to read multiple test suites, and answer related questions.

As with any online activity, the risk of a breach is always possible. To the best of our ability, your answers in this study will remain confidential. We will minimize any risks.

  • Until the end of the survey, the data is stored in Alchemer EU Data Center. Alchemer protects the respondents’ data and allows for its complete deletion. After the survey, the data is going to be deleted from Alchemer servers and transferred to an internal server at the Delft University of Technology. This means all data is protected by strict privacy laws. All the data are used for research purposes only; the data will not be, in any circumstances, sold or shared to third parties.
  • The only directly identifiable PPI (Personally Identifiable Information) that will be collected in this survey is the email address you provide at the end of the survey. The purpose of collecting the email address is for reward distribution, and all email addresses will be deleted once the project is completed. The email address data will only be accessible to the research team.
  • Only anonymised or aggregated information (questionnaire responses) will be made publicly available as part of the thesis project. All data will be uploaded to 4TU.ResearchData with public access for the purpose of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable).

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. The email address data will be immediately deleted after the project ends, and the anonymous survey responses will be uploaded to 4TU.ResearchData with public access.

If you have any questions, please contact L.Lin-11@student.tudelft.nl. If you agree to this opening statement, you could participate in this study by clicking the button below and moving to the next page. Remember, your participation is completely voluntary, and you’re free to withdraw from the study at any time.

Thank you for considering participating in this research study.

  1. Select your Answer Choices *
    I consent to take part in this survey.
    I do not want to take part in this survey.



  1. What is your professional role? *(-- Please Select --)
  • Student (Bachelor or Master)
  • Researcher (Ph.D candidate, Post-doctoral, or Professor)
  • Software Developer
  1. Years of experience *
    < 1 year 1-2 years 3-6 years 6-10 years > 10 years
    Software testing
Space Cell< 1 year1-2 years3-6 years6-10 years> 10 years
Software testing

  1. Have you ever used any automated test case generation tool? (If the answer is yes, please list the name of the tools) *
  • Yes
  • No

Task background: Fix the failing test cases

  1. Suppose you are a software developer on a challenging project with a vast and complex codebase. This project has an elaborate, automatically generated test suite, including many regression tests. These tests, designed to ensure that changes don’t break existing functionality, are vital to the project. Your task is to implement a new feature, which involves modifying some of the underlying logic in the codebase.


  1. Following the project’s coding standards and best practices, you design and implement this change carefully. After finishing, you run the entire test suite. Your goal is to ensure that your changes haven’t inadvertently broken anything. Most of the tests pass. However, you find that some tests are failing.

Designers created these tests to check the behavior of the system’s part you’ve just modified. You changed this behavior intentionally to implement the new feature, so you know that the source code isn’t the issue. The problem is with the test suite—it hasn’t been updated to reflect the new expected behavior of the system.


  1. Instead of altering your source code to fit the old tests, which would mean failing to deliver the new feature, you meticulously examine the failing regression tests. You identify the assumptions these tests made about the system behavior that aren’t true anymore. Then, you fix these failing tests so that they accurately test the new behavior of the system.

Before the task:

We value your participation in this study and hope to gather the most accurate data possible to enhance the quality of our research. As part of this survey, we are recording the time you spend on each task.

We kindly request that once you start a task, you continue working on it without interruption until it’s completed. This measure will ensure the timing data we collect reflects the time actively spent on the task.

Please understand, this is not a test of speed, but a means for us to better understand the time dynamics of the tasks involved in our study.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Thank you for your time and effort.

Task: Fix the failing test cases

As described in the previous page’s introduction, the bugs in this test code are caused by changes in the internal logic of certain methods in the class under test. The following image is a screenshot of the change history of the class under test. You can find the changes history here. These code changes resulted in the failure of some test cases in the test suite.

Your task is to find bugs in the test suite and answer questions.

You can find the class under test here.


  • Polygon.js
/*** Class representing a Polygon.*/
export default class Polygon {/*** Create a polygon.*/constructor() {this.vertices = [];}/*** Add a vertex to the polygon.* @param {Object} vertex - The vertex to add.* @throws {Error} If the vertex is not an object with numeric x and y properties.*/addVertex(vertex) {if (typeof vertex.x !== "number" || typeof vertex.y !== "number") {throw new Error("Vertex must be an object with numeric x and y properties");}this.vertices.push(vertex);}/*** Remove a vertex from the polygon by its index.* @param {number} index - The index of the vertex to remove.* @throws {Error} If the index is out of bounds.*/removeVertex(index) {if (index < 0 || index >= this.vertices.length) {throw new Error("Index out of bounds");}this.vertices.splice(index, 1);}/*** Calculate the perimeter of the polygon.* @returns {number} The calculated perimeter.*/calculatePerimeter() {let perimeter = 0;for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {const v1 = this.vertices[i];const v2 = this.vertices[(i + 1) % this.vertices.length];const dx = v2.x - v1.x;const dy = v2.y - v1.y;perimeter += Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);}return perimeter;}/*** Calculate the area of the polygon.* @returns {number} The calculated area.*/calculateArea() {let area = 0;for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {const v1 = this.vertices[i];const v2 = this.vertices[(i + 1) % this.vertices.length];area += v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y;}return Math.abs(area) / 2;}/*** Check if a point is inside the polygon.* @param {Object} point - The point to check.* @returns {boolean} True if the point is inside the polygon, false otherwise.*/isPointInside(point) {// This is a simple implementation based on ray casting algorithm and it assumes that the polygon is simple and convexlet inside = false;for (let i = 0, j = this.vertices.length - 1;i < this.vertices.length;j = i++) {const xi = this.vertices[i].x,yi = this.vertices[i].y;const xj = this.vertices[j].x,yj = this.vertices[j].y;const intersect =yi > point.y !== yj > point.y &&point.x < ((xj - xi) * (point.y - yi)) / (yj - yi) + xi;if (intersect) inside = !inside;}return inside;}/*** Translate the polygon by a vector.* @param {Object} vector - The vector to translate the polygon.* @throws {Error} If the vector is not an object with numeric x and y properties.*/translate(vector) {if (typeof vector.x !== "number" || typeof vector.y !== "number") {throw new Error("Vector must be an object with numeric x and y properties");}for (let vertex of this.vertices) {vertex.x += vector.x;vertex.y += vector.y;}}/*** Scale the polygon by a factor.* @param {number} factor - The scale factor.* @throws {Error} If the scale factor is not a number.*/scale(factor) {if (typeof factor !== "number") {throw new Error("Scale factor must be a number");}for (let vertex of this.vertices) {vertex.x *= factor;vertex.y *= factor;}}/*** Rotate the polygon by an angle.* @param {number} angle - The rotation angle.* @throws {Error} If the rotation angle is not a number.*/rotate(angle) {if (typeof angle !== "number") {throw new Error("Rotation angle must be a number");}const cos = Math.cos(angle);const sin = Math.sin(angle);for (let vertex of this.vertices) {const x = vertex.x * cos - vertex.y * sin;const y = vertex.x * sin + vertex.y * cos;vertex.x = x;vertex.y = y;}}
  • Polygon.test.js
import Polygon from "Polygon.js";
import chai from "chai";
import chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised";chai.use(chaiAsPromised);
const expect = chai.expect;describe("Polygon.js", () => {context("Tests for multiple actions return Polygon object", () => {it("calls rotate after addVertex and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: 128,y: -7,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const angle = 39;await polygon.rotate(angle);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [{x: 40.876863046060585,y: 121.49930891784368,},],});});it("calls scale after addVertex and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: 113,y: -704,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const factor = 15;await polygon.scale(factor);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [{x: 1695,y: -10560,},],});});it("calls rotate and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: -82,y: -356,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const angle = "tqp1-E";await polygon.rotate(angle);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [{x: null,y: null,},],});});});context("Tests for error handling of addVertex and removeVertex", () => {it("throws an error with positive index", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const index = 254;try {await polygon.removeVertex(index);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error with array vertex.x ", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: ["Ln0qFysBnz1"],y: "RTurhxUamchFWW",};try {await polygon.addVertex(vertex);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls removeVertex after addVertex and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {y: -9.058398620535518,x: -2.4308041085729872,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const index = 0;await polygon.removeVertex(index);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [],});});it("throws an error with string factor", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: 282,y: -46,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const factor = "Nn_ESQK";try {await polygon.scale(factor);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error with undefined vertex", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = undefined;try {await polygon.addVertex(vertex);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error with null vertex", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = null;try {await polygon.addVertex(vertex);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error with undefined point.y", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: 212,y: -72,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const point = undefined;try {await polygon.isPointInside(point);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});});context("Test for isPointInside", () => {it("calls isPointInside and returns false", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const point = {y: 90,x: 198,};const returnValue = await polygon.isPointInside(point);expect(returnValue).to.equal(false);});});context("Tests for translate with different arguments", () => {it("calls translate after addVertex and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex = {x: -94,y: 82,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex);const vector = {x: 108,y: -168,};await polygon.translate(vector);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [{x: -202,y: 250,},],});});it("throws an error with string vector.x", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vector = {x: "zwxHQ",y: 916,};try {await polygon.translate(vector);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls translate and returns Polygon object", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vector = {x: -287,y: -47,};await polygon.translate(vector);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(polygon))).to.deep.equal({vertices: [],});});});context("Test for calculatePerimeter", () => {it("calls calculatePerimeter after addVertex and returns positive", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex1 = {x: 125,y: -7,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex1);const returnValue = await polygon.calculatePerimeter();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);});});context("Tests for calculateArea", () => {it("throws an error with vertices.length=2", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vector1 = {x: 459,y: -387,};await polygon.addVertex(vector1);const vector2 = {x: 361,y: 23,};await polygon.addVertex(vector2);try {const returnValue = await polygon.calculateArea();expect.fail();} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error with vertices.length=1", async () => {const polygon = new Polygon();const vertex1 = {x: 23,y: 499,};await polygon.addVertex(vertex1);try {const returnValue = await polygon.calculateArea();expect.fail();} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});});
  1. Please select the test cases that you believe will fail. (The number of the failing test cases is no more than 5) *
  • calls rotate after addVertex and returns Polygon object
  • calls scale after addVertex and returns Polygon object
  • calls rotate and returns Polygon object
  • throws an error with positive index
  • throws an error with array vertex.x
  • calls removeVertex after addVertex and returns Polygon object
  • throws an error with string factor
  • throws an error with undefined vertex
  • throws an error with null vertex
  • throws an error with undefined point.y
  • calls isPointInside and returns false
  • calls translate after addVertex and returns Polygon object
  • throws an error with string vector.x
  • calls translate and returns Polygon object
  • calls calculatePerimeter after addVertex and returns positive
  • throws an error with vertices.length=2
  • throws an error with vertices.length=1
  1. For the test cases that you believe would fail, please provide the line number(s) or range of lines that you suspect may contain a bug, and explain what the bug is.

test case name what the bug is





Space Celltest case namewhat the bug is


  1. During the process of identifying bugs in the test cases, which parts of the test suite do you think would be helpful to you? *
  • Test suite structure or layout
  • Test case description or purpose
  • Input data and conditions
  • Expected results (assertions)
  • Executed steps and actions in test case
  • Code highlight
  • Other reason *

Task: Executable Documentation

  1. Suppose you are a new developer who is dealing with legacy codebase, one of the main challenges you face is understanding the existing system, which can be complex and convoluted. To make matters worse, the original developers are no longer available to address queries, and the documentation provided is both poor and outdated.

  2. Despite these obstacles, there is a silver lining: the system boasts a suite of automatically generated unit tests for the class you are currently investigating. Remarkably, all the test cases in the suite have passed successfully.

  3. Recognizing the value of these automatically generated unit tests, your objective is to dive into the content of this test suite. Your aim is to extract meaningful insights regarding the intended behavior and expected functionality of the CUT (class under test). By analyzing the test suite, you hope to gain a clearer understanding of how the CUT is supposed to do and what the expected outcome is under various circumstances.

Before the task:

We value your participation in this study and hope to gather the most accurate data possible to enhance the quality of our research. As part of this survey, we are recording the time you spend on each task.

We kindly request that once you start a task, you continue working on it without interruption until it’s completed. This measure will ensure the timing data we collect reflects the time actively spent on the task.

Please understand, this is not a test of speed, but a means for us to better understand the time dynamics of the tasks involved in our study.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Thank you for your time and effort.

Task: Executable Documentation

In this task, you will first be asked to carefully read a test suite that we have prepared.

This test suite contains valuable information necessary to answer the subsequent questions. It is important to understand the contents thoroughly before moving forward as the questions are closely related to the provided material.

Here the the automatically generated test suite for the CUT.

describe("AnonymousClass", () => {it("throws an error when itemName is null", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = null;const quantity = 6;try {await anonymousInstance.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error when discount is boolean", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const discount = false;try {await anonymousInstance.applyDiscount(discount);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error when itemName is boolean and quantity is negative", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = false;const quantity = -4.463676586368846;try {await anonymousInstance.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls getTotalPrice and returns 0", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getTotalPrice();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);});it("calls getItem and returns undefined", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = "f7TRlPDk8rN_1QhwDGbjrD0RS";const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getItem(itemName);expect(returnValue).to.equal(undefined);});it("throws an error when itemName is boolean", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = true;const quantity = 5;try {await anonymousInstance.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error when itemName is function", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = () => {};try {const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.findItem(itemName);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error when itemName is positve, quantity is string, and price is string", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = 9;const quantity = " ";const price = "QAvFGJhRb7V89b";try {await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls getItems and returns empty array", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getItems();expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(returnValue))).to.deep.equal([]);});it("throws an error when itemName is array", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = ["FLxn4T3hFmo_pdwa"];try {const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getItem(itemName);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls getTotalPrice and returns 0", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getTotalPrice();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);});it("calls clearCart and return an object", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();await anonymousInstance.clearCart();expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anonymousInstance))).to.deep.equal({items: [],});});it("throws an error when itemName is number", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = 2;const quantity = 1;const price = 3;try {await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("throws an error when quantity is string and price is negative", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = "kzExxpeYXazeWf9mt1jS-lYsz_VLg";const quantity = "3bBWPprqh6-UQhXbeB3JDd3ZjZlxM";const price = -9;try {await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls getItemCount after clearCart and returns 0", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();await anonymousInstance.clearCart();const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getItemCount();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);});it("throws an error when price is negative", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = "eyAo";const quantity = 3;const price = -5;try {const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.validateInput(itemName,quantity,price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls findItem after addItem and returns undefined", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName1 = "  ";const quantity = 8;const price = 3;await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName1, quantity, price);const itemName2 = "wzjojDV1";const returnValue2 = await anonymousInstance.findItem(itemName2);expect(returnValue2).to.equal(undefined);});it("throws an error when existingItem is null", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = "1q_r-l5U";const quantity = 9;try {await anonymousInstance.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls applyDiscount and returns an object", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const discount = 0.8899157137301756;await anonymousInstance.applyDiscount(discount);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anonymousInstance))).to.deep.equal({items: [],});});it("throws an error when itemName is boolean, quantity is negative, and price is string", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName = true;const quantity = -5;const price = "rLq8PuPerUGBxu-Eun0OqMbNU";try {await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}});it("calls getItem after addItem and returns undefined", async () => {const anonymousInstance = new AnonymousClass();const itemName1 = "pvl3A6SYojiN3mtY-cRXQfm5!93";const quantity = 1;const price = 9.956023066500322;await anonymousInstance.addItem(itemName1, quantity, price);const itemName2 = "VNVsx7";const returnValue = await anonymousInstance.getItem(itemName2);expect(returnValue).to.equal(undefined);});
  1. Based on the functionalities demonstrated in the provided test cases, can you infer an approximate name for the AnonymousClass ?
    (A name that conveys the class’s general purpose or a specific class name that might be used in a real codebase) *

Class Name [ _______________________ ]

Based on your understanding from the test suite, can you identify any specific inputs or scenarios where the removeItem and addItem might throw an exception? Select the answer that you think is appropriate.

  1. removeItem *
  • Removing an item when the item name is null.
  • Removing an item with a quantity greater than the existing quantity in the cart.
  • Removing an item with a negative quantity.
  • Removing an item that does not exist in the shopping cart.
  • Removing an item when the quantity is a postive number.
  • Removing an item from an empty shopping cart.
  • Removing an item when the itemName is a number.

  1. addItem *
  • Adding an item when the item name is an empty string.
  • Adding an item when the quantity is not a positive number.
  • Adding an item when the price is a string value.
  • Adding an item when the item already exists in the shopping cart
  • Adding an item when the price is a floating point number.
  • Adding an item when the both price and quantity are positive numbers.

Here we provide the source code of the addItem and removeItem.

Please read the following code and answer the related questions.

addItem(itemName, quantity, price) {this.validateInput(itemName, quantity, price);const existingItem = this.findItem(itemName);if (existingItem) {existingItem.quantity += quantity;} else {this.items.push(new ShoppingCartItem(itemName, quantity, price));}return this;
}removeItem(itemName, quantity) {this.validateInput(itemName, quantity, 0);const existingItem = this.findItem(itemName);if (!existingItem) {throw new Error("Item does not exist");}if (existingItem.quantity < quantity) {throw new Error("Invalid quantity");} else if (existingItem.quantity === quantity) {this.items = this.items.filter((item) => item.productName !== itemName);} else {existingItem.quantity -= quantity;}return this;
}validateInput(itemName, quantity, price) {const errors = [];if (typeof itemName !== "string" || itemName.length === 0) {errors.push("Invalid item name");}if (typeof quantity !== "number" || quantity < 0) {errors.push("Invalid quantity");}if (typeof price !== "number" || price < 0) {errors.push("Invalid price");}if (errors.length > 0) {throw new Error(errors.join(", "));}
}findItem(itemName) {if (typeof itemName !== "string" || itemName.length === 0) {throw new Error("Invalid item name");}return this.items.find((item) => item.productName === itemName);
  1. After reading the source code, you may have a complete understanding of the inputs, outputs, and operational logic of these two methods. Do you agree that *

the test suite provided earlier effectively serves as “live” documentation that helps you understand these two methods better.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Not applicable

  1. Now, let’s expand the scope to the entire class under test. Do you agree that *

it was easy for you to understand the functionality and design of the AnonymousClass from the test suite

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Not applicable

you were confident in your understanding of the AnonymousClass based on the test suite

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  • Not applicable

  1. Did you encounter any difficulties while reading the test cases, or do you think some of the content in the test cases was helpful to you? *
    Selection: *
  • encounter some difficulties
  • the test suite is helpful

Please elaborate on your answer *

Bonus Opportunity: One more task

We value your insights and would like to offer you an optional opportunity to earn additional rewards. By choosing to complete one more task following, you will receive extra reward.

  1. Please indicate your interest:
  • I would like to participate and earn bonus.
  • I would like to skip this opportunity.

Task: Test Cases Clustering

In this task, we will provide you with a set of automatically generated test cases. Your task is to review these test cases and group them into different categories. This process is known as ‘test case clustering’.

You need to categorize these test cases based on your own idea, such as the functionality they test, the methods they use, the input data they require, or any other criteria that make sense to you. We encourage you to create clusters that help you understand the test suite and the underlying code better.

After you finish the clustering, we will ask you to provide a brief justification for your categorization. This is to help us understand your thought process and the logic behind your decisions.

Here are all the test cases you will use in this task, you can go to the question part first and review the code as you need.

Find the class under test here.

it("TC1: throws an error when itemName is null", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = null;const quantity = 6;try {await shoppingCart.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC2: throws an error when discount is boolean", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const discount = false;try {await shoppingCart.applyDiscount(discount);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC3: throws an error when itemName is boolean and quantity is negative", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = false;const quantity = -4.463676586368846;try {await shoppingCart.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC4: calls getTotalPrice and returns 0", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getTotalPrice();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);
});it("TC5: calls getItem and returns undefined", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = "f7TRlPDk8rN_1QhwDGbjrD0RS";const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getItem(itemName);expect(returnValue).to.equal(undefined);
});it("TC6: throws an error when itemName is boolean", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = true;const quantity = 5;try {await shoppingCart.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC7: throws an error when itemName is function", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = () => {};try {const returnValue = await shoppingCart.findItem(itemName);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC8: throws an error when itemName is positve, quantity is string, and price is string", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = 9;const quantity = " ";const price = "QAvFGJhRb7V89b";try {await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC9: calls getItems and returns empty array", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getItems();expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(returnValue))).to.deep.equal([]);
});it("TC10: throws an error when itemName is array", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = ["FLxn4T3hFmo_pdwa"];try {const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getItem(itemName);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC11: calls getTotalPrice and returns 0", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getTotalPrice();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);
});it("TC12: calls clearCart and return an object", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();await shoppingCart.clearCart();expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shoppingCart))).to.deep.equal({items: [],});
});it("TC13: throws an error when itemName is number", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = 2;const quantity = 1;const price = 3;try {await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC14: throws an error when quantity is string and price is negative", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = "kzExxpeYXazeWf9mt1jS-lYsz_VLg";const quantity = "3bBWPprqh6-UQhXbeB3JDd3ZjZlxM";const price = -9;try {await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC15: calls getItemCount after clearCart and returns 0", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();await shoppingCart.clearCart();const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getItemCount();expect(returnValue).to.equal(0);
});it("TC16: throws an error when price is negative", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = "eyAo";const quantity = 3;const price = -5;try {const returnValue = await shoppingCart.validateInput(itemName,quantity,price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC17: calls findItem after addItem and returns undefined", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName1 = "  ";const quantity = 8;const price = 3;await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName1, quantity, price);const itemName2 = "wzjojDV1";const returnValue2 = await shoppingCart.findItem(itemName2);expect(returnValue2).to.equal(undefined);
});it("TC18: throws an error when existingItem is null", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = "1q_r-l5U";const quantity = 9;try {await shoppingCart.removeItem(itemName, quantity);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC19: calls applyDiscount and returns an object", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const discount = 0.8899157137301756;await shoppingCart.applyDiscount(discount);expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shoppingCart))).to.deep.equal({items: [],});
});it("TC20: throws an error when itemName is boolean, quantity is negative, and price is string", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName = true;const quantity = -5;const price = "rLq8PuPerUGBxu-Eun0OqMbNU";try {await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName, quantity, price);} catch (e) {expect(e).to.be.an("error");}
});it("TC21: calls getItem after addItem and returns undefined", async () => {const shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart();const itemName1 = "pvl3A6SYojiN3mtY-cRXQfm5!93";const quantity = 1;const price = 9.956023066500322;await shoppingCart.addItem(itemName1, quantity, price);const itemName2 = "VNVsx7";const returnValue = await shoppingCart.getItem(itemName2);expect(returnValue).to.equal(undefined);
  1. Please classify/cluster/group the test cases into any number of categories based on any rules you desire.

Please remember, there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers in this task. We are interested in your personal approach to understanding test cases and how you perceive their organization can aid in comprehension.

(tip: you can review the categoried image by zooming in or out on the webpage, the image retains its original resolution) *
Drag items from below into the appropriate categories.

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  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

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  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 在这里插入图片描述

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  • 在这里插入图片描述

Drop an item here to create a new category
16. Please provide a simple explanation of your rules of categorizing. *


  1. Please write down your email for rewarding. If you do not receive your reward in 3 working days, please send a email to me (L.Lin-11@student.tudelft.nl) *

Thank You!

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这篇关于【记录】记一次关于前端单元测试的全英文问卷调查( Survey: Automatically Generated Test Suites for JavaScript)的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




文章目录 前言一、定时器介绍二、STC89C52定时器资源三、定时器框图四、定时器模式五、定时器相关寄存器六、定时器练习 前言 一个学习嵌入式的小白~ 有问题评论区或私信指出~ 提示:以下是本篇文章正文内容,下面案例可供参考 一、定时器介绍 定时器介绍:51单片机的定时器属于单片机的内部资源,其电路的连接和运转均在单片机内部完成。 定时器作用: 1.用于计数系统,可


上篇针对了Java项目中的解构思维,在这篇内容中我们不妨从整体项目中拆解拿出一个非常重要的五子棋逻辑实现:坐标校正,我们如何使漫无目的鼠标点击变得有序化和可控化呢? 目录 一、从鼠标监听到获取坐标 1.MouseListener和MouseAdapter 2.mousePressed方法 二、坐标校正的具体实现方法 1.关于fillOval方法 2.坐标获取 3.坐标转换 4.坐

Spring Cloud:构建分布式系统的利器

引言 在当今的云计算和微服务架构时代,构建高效、可靠的分布式系统成为软件开发的重要任务。Spring Cloud 提供了一套完整的解决方案,帮助开发者快速构建分布式系统中的一些常见模式(例如配置管理、服务发现、断路器等)。本文将探讨 Spring Cloud 的定义、核心组件、应用场景以及未来的发展趋势。 什么是 Spring Cloud Spring Cloud 是一个基于 Spring


原始值与引用值 原始值:简单的数据即基础数据类型,按值访问。 引用值:由多个值构成的对象即复杂数据类型,按引用访问。 动态属性 对于引用值而言,可以随时添加、修改和删除其属性和方法。 let person = new Object();person.name = 'Jason';person.age = 42;console.log(person.name,person.age);//'J

java8的新特性之一(Java Lambda表达式)

1:Java8的新特性 Lambda 表达式: 允许以更简洁的方式表示匿名函数(或称为闭包)。可以将Lambda表达式作为参数传递给方法或赋值给函数式接口类型的变量。 Stream API: 提供了一种处理集合数据的流式处理方式,支持函数式编程风格。 允许以声明性方式处理数据集合(如List、Set等)。提供了一系列操作,如map、filter、reduce等,以支持复杂的查询和转


怎么通过Java程序判断JVM是32位还是64位 可以通过Java程序内部检查系统属性来判断当前运行的JVM是32位还是64位。以下是一个简单的方法: public class JvmBitCheck {public static void main(String[] args) {String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");String dataM


目录 前言1. 注解用法1.1 方法参数1.2 方法1.3 类 2. 注解场景2.1 表单参数2.2 AJAX请求2.3 文件上传 3. 实战4. 总结 前言 将请求参数绑定到模型对象上,或者在请求处理之前添加模型属性 可以在方法参数、方法或者类上使用 一般适用这几种场景: 表单处理:通过 @ModelAttribute 将表单数据绑定到模型对象上预处理逻辑:在请求处理之前


解决办法尝试了很多种,下载sts压缩包行不通。最后解决办法如图: help--->Eclipse Marketplace--->Popular--->找到Spring Tools 3---->Installed。


1:Jsp页面: <td><img src="${ctx}/mongoImg/show"></td> 2:xml配置: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001


在 SQL 中,连接(JOIN)用于在多个表之间组合行。最常用的连接类型是内连接(INNER JOIN)、左外连接(LEFT OUTER JOIN)和右外连接(RIGHT OUTER JOIN)。它们的主要区别在于它们如何处理表之间的匹配和不匹配行。下面是每种连接的详细说明和示例。 表示例 假设有两个表:Customers 和 Orders。 Customers CustomerIDCus