Siebel Server does not start after changing the SADMIN password on Siebel 8.1.1

2024-02-18 13:32

本文主要是介绍Siebel Server does not start after changing the SADMIN password on Siebel 8.1.1,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

问题 : Siebel Server does not start after changing the SADMIN password on Siebel 8.1.1

Customer changed the sadmin's password following the Siebel Security Guide > Changing or Adding Passwords > Changing Passwords > Changing System Administrator Passwords on Microsoft Windows, but after changing the password the Siebel Server did not come up .

In the Siebsrvr.log file it was found the following error message:

siebctl -d -S siebsrvr -i "<enterprise name>_<siebel server name>"
siebctl -d -S siebsrvr -i "SBA_81:appcnbj035"
b) Restart the machine

c) Recreate the Siebel Server service providing the new password, it will be encrypted by siebctl.
siebctl -h %SIEBEL_ROOT% -S siebsrvr -i "<enterprise name>_<siebel server name>" -a -g "-g <gateway hostname>:<port#> -e <enterprise name -s <siebel server name> -u sadmin" -e <new password> -u <NT Account> -p <NT password>

siebctl -r "/app/siebel/sia811/siebsrvr/" -S siebsrvr -i SBA_81:appcnbj035 -a -g "-g appcnbj035:2320 -e SBA_81 -s appcnbj035 -u SADMIN" -e SADMINdev75

d) Restart the machine
There are now in Siebel 8.1.1 user and password information in the Windows registry for the Siebel Server service. This can be verified by on "Path to executable:" field on General tab for the respective Siebel Server service in Administrative Tools > Services. See the example below:

C:\sia81\siebsrvr\bin\siebsvc -s siebsrvr -i Siebel_app01 -a "-g localhost:2320 -e Siebel -s app01 -l ENU -u SADMIN -ep 9ntkUOUf" -t 120 -h C:\sia81\siebsrvr 

Follow the instructions below to reflect the sadmin's password to all Siebel Serves in the Enterprise, i.e. repeat the process on all Siebel Servers in the Enterprise.

a) Delete the Siebel Server service
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacFatalError 0 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 SCFMessageFacility::s_pSCFMsgFacLock is null and hence the SCFMessageFacility cannot be initialized 
IPCLog IPCFatal 0 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 ipcFacility GetInstance called before initialization - object is null 

GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 (scfsis.cpp (64) err=1310749 sys=0) SBL-SVR-00029: Internal: Shared memory has not been initialized.


The issue was due to the new security feature that was introduced on Siebel 8.1.1 to avoid access to the Gateway Server without being properly authenticated.
GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 (scmnsclnt.cpp (135) err=2555922 sys=0) SBL-SCM-00018: Could not open connection to Siebel Gateway configuration store (siebel03:2320).

The following errors were just a symptom of the failure to connect to the Siebel Gateway:

GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 (scisvc.cpp (1391) err=1311765 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01045: No components are configured. 

GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 (scfsis.cpp (274) err=1310725 sys=0) SBL-SVR-00005: Stale or invalid Task handle 

ScfEventLog SubEvtFacFatal 0 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 scfEventFac::s_pEvtFacLock is NULL and hence SCF event facility cannot be initialised 

GenericLog GenericError 1 00000002499b0e08:0 2009-02-17 16:41:28 (scfeventfac.cpp (3790) err=1319869 sys=0) SBL-SVR-09149: Could not initialize the event facility.

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