
2024-02-15 15:20





You don’t need a task killer because Android can normally manage processes better on its own. However, this all falls apart if there’s a buggy app hogging your resources and running when it shouldn’t be. But how do you identify these misbehaving apps?

您不需要任务杀手,因为Android通常可以更好地自行管理流程。 但是,如果有一个错误的应用程序占用了资源并在不应该运行的情况下运行,那么一切都将崩溃。 但是,您如何识别这些行为异常的应用程序?

Carat, an app developed by a team of researches at AMP Lab at UC Berkeley, is an Android app that collects samples from many devices and suggests actions you can take to improve your phone’s battery life. Carat uses machine learning to analyze the data it collects and identify battery hogs.

Carat是由UC Berkeley AMP实验室的一组研究团队开发的应用程序,它是一款Android应用程序,可从许多设备中收集样本并提出可采取的行动来改善手机的电池寿命。 克拉使用机器学习来分析其收集的数据并识别电池消耗。

克拉入门 (Getting Started With Carat)

Carat isn’t a quick-fix app. It’s very easy to use, but it will take some time to do its work. To generate personalized recommendations, you’ll need to use Carat for about a week before it will start generating reports specific to your phone. However, Carat doesn’t run in the background, so it won’t drain your battery life.

克拉不是快速修复的应用。 它非常易于使用,但是需要一些时间才能完成工作。 要生成个性化推荐,您需要使用Carat大约一周,然后才能开始生成特定于您手机的报告。 但是,Carat不在后台运行,因此不会耗尽电池寿命。

To get started, first install the free Carat app from Google Play. In the first week, you’ll want to open Carat at least once per day (when you have a network connection) so it can collect samples of your phone’s data and upload it to its servers, where it can be analyzed. Carat does not run in the background, so it depends on you opening it so it can collect this data.

首先,请先从Google Play安装免费的Carat应用程序。 在第一周,您将希望每天至少打开一次Carat(有网络连接时),以便它可以收集手机数据的样本并将其上传到服务器中进行分析。 Carat不在后台运行,因此取决于您打开它的方式,以便它可以收集此数据。


Don’t expect any suggestions for the first week. If you’re lucky, you may not see any suggestions even after the first week — that’s a sign your phone is in good shape and you’re not using any known battery-hogging apps.

不要期望第一周有任何建议。 如果幸运的话,即使在第一周之后,您也可能看不到任何建议-这表明您的手机状态良好,并且您没有使用任何已知的耗电应用。

设备,错误和生猪 (Device, Bugs, and Hogs)

The Device screen shows you information about your smartphone’s battery life.  You’ll see a J-Score, which lets you compare your device’s actual battery life to the battery life of other devices running Carat. For example, a J-Score of 89 in the screenshot below indicates that our phone has better battery life in-use than 89% of the other phones Carat knows about.

设备屏幕显示有关智能手机电池寿命的信息。 您会看到一个J-Score,可让您将设备的实际电池寿命与其他运行Carat的设备的电池寿命进行比较。 例如,下面的屏幕快照中的J-Score为89,表明我们的手机在使用中的电池寿命比Carat知道的其他手机的89%更长。

Carat also measures your phone’s Active Battery Life, which is approximately “the amount of time your battery would last if you started from a full charge and discharged the battery at a rate that was the average of what Carat observed on your device during active use.”

Carat还可以测量手机的有效电池寿命,该时间大约是“如果您从充满电开始并以正常使用期间在设备上观察到的Carat观察到的平均值放电,则电池可以持续的时间。 ”


Carat divides problem apps into Bugs and Hogs. Bugs are apps that use a lot of energy on a small percentage of devices — a sign that they’re potentially buggy. Restarting them may improve your battery life.

Carat将有问题的应用程序分为Bug和Hogs。 错误是在一小部分设备上消耗大量能量的应用程序-这表明它们可能存在错误。 重新启动它们可能会延长电池寿命。

Hogs are apps that seem to cause additional battery drain on a large number of devices. A hog app is likely programmed badly, and having it running at all will decrease your battery life. You should kill these apps.

猪是似乎在大量设备上造成额外电池消耗的应用程序。 猪的应用程序可能编程错误,完全运行会减少电池寿命。 您应该杀死这些应用程序。


Of course, you can also improve things by uninstalling a Bug or Hog app and replacing it with a better-behaved alternative if you use the app.


更多电池寿命改善 (More Battery Life Improvements)

In the future, you should open Carat every few days or so to upload new samples from your device and see if it has any additional suggestions for you.


However, Carat is focused on identifying buggy apps, not features that drain your battery life. It won’t advise you to turn your screen brightness down to squeeze out more battery life. It also won’t identify wakelocks and inform you that you can improve battery life by turning off automatic syncing in apps such as Gmail. If you’re looking for recommendations like this one, check out our guide to identifying and eliminating wakelocks and our tips for improving your Android phone’s battery life in general.

但是,Carat专注于识别错误的应用程序,而不是消耗电池寿命的功能。 它不建议您调低屏幕亮度以延长电池寿命。 它还不会识别唤醒锁,并通知您可以通过关闭Gmail等应用程序中的自动同步来延长电池寿命。 如果您正在寻找这样的建议,请查看我们的识别和消除唤醒锁的指南,以及有关总体上改善Android手机电池寿命的提示。

Thanks to sdaigherty on the forum for suggesting this app!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/162932/get-suggestions-for-improving-your-android-phones-battery-life-with-carat/






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