本文主要是介绍Hive的CTE 公共表达式,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
2. 使用场景
chaining CTEs 链式
insert into 语句
create table as 语句
Common Table Expressions(CTE):公共表达式是一个临时的结果集,该结果集是从with子句中指定的查询派生而来的,紧跟在select 或 insert关键字之前。CTE可以在 select,insert, create table as select 等语句中使用。
[wtih CommonTableExpression]
selectcolumn1,column2, ...
from table
[where 条件]
[group by column]
[order by column]
[cluster by column| [distribute by column] [sort by column]
[limit [offset,] rows];
2. 使用场景
with tmp as (selectoid,uid,otime,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt,oamount,---计算rk的目的是为了获取记录中的第一条row_number() over (partition by uid,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') order by otime) rkfrom t_order
)selectuid,--每个用户一月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,--每个用户二月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_count
from tmpgroup by uidhaving m1_count >0 and m2_count=0;
chaining CTEs 链式
with tmp1 as (selectoid,uid,otime,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt,oamount,---计算rk的目的是为了获取记录中的第一条row_number() over (partition by uid,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') order by otime) as rkfrom t_order
),tmp2 as(selectuid,--每个用户一月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,--每个用户二月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_countfrom tmp1group by uidhaving m1_count > 0and m2_count = 0)
select * from tmp2 limit 1;
with q1 as (select * from student where num = 95002),q2 as (select * from student where num = 95004)
select * from q1 union all select * from q2;
insert into 语句
with tmp1 as (selectoid,uid,otime,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt,oamount,---计算rk的目的是为了获取记录中的第一条row_number() over (partition by uid,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') order by otime) as rkfrom t_order
),tmp2 as(selectuid,--每个用户一月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,--每个用户二月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_countfrom tmp1group by uidhaving m1_count > 0and m2_count = 0)insert into tmp3
select * from tmp2 limit 10;
create table as 语句
--- 从tmp2 表中取10条数据,基于此创建表tmp3
create table tmp3 as
with tmp1 as (selectoid,uid,otime,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') as dt,oamount,---计算rk的目的是为了获取记录中的第一条row_number() over (partition by uid,date_format(otime, 'yyyy-MM') order by otime) as rkfrom t_order
),tmp2 as(selectuid,--每个用户一月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-01', 1, 0)) as m1_count,--每个用户二月份的订单数sum(if(dt = '2018-02', 1, 0)) as m2_countfrom tmp1group by uidhaving m1_count > 0and m2_count = 0)
select * from tmp2 limit 10;
这篇关于Hive的CTE 公共表达式的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!