关于AppDomain 的 UnhandledException事件

2024-02-12 10:18

本文主要是介绍关于AppDomain 的 UnhandledException事件,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

这个事件实际上只是一个通知处理,并不是一个异常处理,在.net 2.0中,任何AppDomain的未处理异常都会导致进程的退出,你注册了这个事件只会在退出之前给你个通知,然后你就可以做一些日志或者记录。

你只能在托管线程上监听到AppDomain的这个事件。另外,这个事件必须在Default AppDomain中注册。



Managed Application Shutdown


另外,关于在.net 3.5下plugin的异常处理,请看如下描述:

The short answer is that up through .NetFX 3.5 there is no easy way to catch exceptions that go unhandled in child threads. If you use the unmanaged hosting API's to start up and manage the runtime you can use something called "escalation policy" to manage this but there are significant drawbacks to that approach (not the least of which is the amount of effort required).

The best you can generally do is detect which add-in (really which AppDomain) threw the unhandled exception and can do something interesting with that information (such as inform the user or disable the add-in). This is generally enough and is actually the strategy that office uses for its add-ins.

 If you're interested in this approach these two blog posts will show you how to do this in the context of our new NetFX 3.5 based add-in model but the techniques they describe are still valid on 2.0 and I believe 1.1:



In general, if you are building your own extensible application with a plug-in/add-in model I encourage you to take a look at the blog. There is a lot of information there about using this new system as well as some good info for those who decide for some reason that they still need to build their own.



这篇关于关于AppDomain 的 UnhandledException事件的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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