SKNet的全称是“Selective Kernel Network”,和SENet是一个团队提出来的,SENet对通道执行注意力机制,而SKNet则是对卷积核执行注意力机制,即让网络自己选择合适的卷积核。

组卷积相比标准卷积,减少了一些参数量。假设feature map的尺寸大小为 W × H × C 1 W \times H \times C_1 W×H×C1,卷积核的尺寸为 w × h × C 1 w \times h \times C_1 w×h×C1,生成的feature map的尺寸大小为 W × H × C 2 W \times H \times C_2 W×H×C2,那么标准卷积的参数量为 w × h × C 1 × C 2 w \times h \times C_1 \times C_2 w×h×C1×C2;如果换为分组卷积,假设分为 g g g组,原feature map和生成的feature map 尺寸同上,那么每组卷积的参数量为 w × h × ( C 1 / g ) × ( C 2 / g ) w \times h \times (C_1 / g) \times (C_2 / g) w×h×(C1/g)×(C2/g),共有 g g g组,那么总参数量为 w × h × C 1 × C 2 / g w \times h \times C_1 \times C2/g w×h×C1×C2/g,参数量与标准卷积相比,减少为原来的 1 / g 1/g 1/g。
空洞卷积与标准卷积相比,增大了感受野。一般情况下,卷积之后的池化操作缩小feature map的尺寸也能达到增加感受野的效果,但是池化过程会导致信息丢失,所以引入了空洞卷积操作。下图为Dilation=2时的卷积效果,当Dilation=2时,3x3的卷积核的感受野变为5x5。空洞卷积与标准卷积相比,在不增加参数量的同时增大了感受野。
下图为SENet中的注意力机制模块,该通道注意力模块很好理解,图中Ftr函数表示标准卷积,Fsq函数表示一个全局平均池化,通过该函数,生成1x1xC的feature map。然后将该feature map 送人Fex函数(该函数由两个全连接层组成),输出1x1xC的feature map。将该feature map通过sigmoid函数将值控制到(0, 1)之间,然后与最开始的HxWxC的feature map对应相乘,即实现了对各个通道的权重控制,实现了注意力机制。
Split操作是将原feature map分别通过一个 3 × 3 3\times3 3×3的分组/深度卷积和 3 × 3 3\times3 3×3的空洞卷积(感受野为 5 × 5 5\times5 5×5)生成两个feature map: U 1 U_1 U1(图中黄色)和 U 2 U_2 U2(图中绿色)。然后将这两个feature map进行相加,生成 U U U。生成的 U U U通过 F q p F_{qp} Fqp函数(全局平均池化)生成 1 × 1 × C 1\times1\times C 1×1×C的feature map(图中的 s s s),该feature map通过 F f c F_{fc} Ffc函数(全连接层)生成 d × 1 d\times1 d×1的向量(图中的 z z z),公式如图中所示( δ \delta δ表示ReLU的激活函数, B B B表示BatchNormlization, W W W是一个 d × C d\times C d×C维的)。 d d d的取值是由公式 d = m a x ( C / r , L ) d=max(C/r, L) d=max(C/r,L)确定, r r r是一个缩小的比率(与SENet中相似), L L L表示 d d d的最小值,实验中 L L L的值为32。生成的 z z z通过 a c a_c ac和 b c b_c bc两个函数,并将生成的函数值与原先的 U 1 U_1 U1和 U 2 U_2 U2相乘。由于 a c a_c ac和 b c b_c bc的函数值相加等于1,因此能够实现对分支中的feature map设置权重,因为不同的分支卷积核尺寸不同,因此实现了让网络自己选择合适的卷积核( a c a_c ac和 b c b_c bc中的 A 、 B A、B A、B矩阵均是需要在训练之前初始化的,其尺寸均为 C × d C\times d C×d)
import torch
from torch import nnclass SKConv(nn.Module):def __init__(self, features, WH, M, G, r, stride=1, L=32):"""ConstructorArgs:features:input channel dimensionality.WH: input spatial dimensionality, used for GAP kernel size.M: the number of branches.G: number of convlution groups.r: the ratio for compute d, the length of z.stride: stride, default 1.L: the minimum dim of the vector z in paper, default 32."""super(SKConv, self).__init__()d = max(int(features/r), L)self.M = Mself.features = featuresself.convs = nn.ModuleList([])for i in range(M):self.convs.append(nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(features, features, kernel_size=3+i*2, stride=stride, padding=1+i, groups=G),nn.BatchNorm2d(features),nn.ReLU(inplace=False)))self.gap = nn.AvgPool2d(int(WH/stride))self.fc = nn.Linear(features, d)self.fcs = nn.ModuleList([])for i in range(M):self.fcs.append(nn.Linear(d, features))self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)def forward(self, x):for i, conv in enumerate(self.convs):fea = conv(x).unsqueeze_(dim=1)if i == 0:feas = feaelse:feas = torch.cat([feas, fea], dim=1)fea_U = torch.sum(feas, dim=1)fea_s = self.gap(fea_U).squeeze_()fea_z = self.fc(fea_s)for i, fc in enumerate(self.fcs):vector = fc(fea_z).unsqueeze_(dim=1)if i == 0:attention_vectors = vectorelse:attention_vectors = torch.cat([attention_vectors, vector], dim=1)attention_vectors = self.softmax(attention_vectors)attention_vectors = attention_vectors.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)fea_v = (feas * attenstion_vectors).sum(dim=1)return fea_vclass SKUnit(nn.Module):def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, WH, M, G, r, mid_features=None, stride=1, L=32):"""ConstructorArgs:in_features: input channel dimensionalityout_feauters: output channel dimensionality.WH: input spatial dimensionality, used for GAP kernel size.M: the number of branchs.G: number of convolution groups.r: the ratio for compute d, the length of z.mid_features: the channel dim of the middle conv with stride not 1, default out_features/2.stride: stride.L: the minimum dim of the vector z in paper."""super(SKUnit, self).__init__()if mid_features is None:mid_features = int(out_features/2)self.feas = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_features, mid_features, 1, stride=1),nn.BatchNorm2d(mid_features),SKConv(mide_features, WH, M, G, r, stride=stride, L=L),nn.BatchNorm2d(mid_features),nn.Conv2d(mid_features, out_features, 1, stride=1),nn.BatchNorm2d(out_features))if in_features == out_features: #when dim not change, in could be added directly to out self.shortcut = nn.Sequential()else: # when dim not change, in should also change dim to be added to outself.shortcut = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_features, out_features, 1, stride=stride),nn.BatchNorm2d(out_features))def forward(self, x):fea = self.feas(x)return fea + self.shortcut(x)class SKNet(nn.Module):def __init__(self, class_num):super(SKNet, self).__init__()self.basic_conv = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(3, 64, 3, padding=1),nn.BatchNorm2d(64))# 32x32self.stage_1 = nn.Sequential(SKUnit(64, 256, 32, 2, 8, 2, stride=2),nn.ReLU(),SKUnit(256, 256, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU(),SKUnit(256, 256, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU()) # 32x32self.stage_2 = nn.Sequential(SKUnit(256, 512, 32, 2, 8, 2, stride=2),nn.ReLU(),SKUnit(512, 512, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU()SKUnit(512, 512, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU()) # 16 x 16self.stage_3 = nn.Sequential(SKUnit(512, 1024, 32, 2, 8, 2, stride=2),nn.ReLU(),SKUnit(1024, 1024, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU(),SKUnit(1024, 1024, 32, 2, 8, 2),nn.ReLU(),)# 8x8self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(8)self.classifier = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1024, class_num))def forward(self, x):fea = self.basic_conv(x)fea = self.stage_1(fea)fea = self.stage_2(fea)fea = self.stage_3(fea)fea = self.pool(fea)fea = torch.squeeze(fea)fea = self.classifier(fea)return fea
if __name__ == '__main__':x = torch.rand(8, 64, 32, 32)conv = SKConv(64, 32, 3, 8, 2)out = conv(x)criterion = nn.L1Loss()loss = criterion(out, x)loss.backward()print('out shape: {}'.format(out.shape))print('loss value: {}'.format(loss))
Selective Kernel Networks(2019)
人工智能 SKNet