Nokia's Stephen Elop is still over MeeGo, even if the N9 is a hit

2024-02-07 05:32

本文主要是介绍Nokia's Stephen Elop is still over MeeGo, even if the N9 is a hit,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Nokia's Stephen Elop is still over MeeGo, even if the N9 is a hit
An awful lot has been happening in Nokialand over the past week. A few days ago, we spent our first real quality moments with the much discussed N9, and we were pretty blown away by the MeeGo smartphone. Fast forward a mere two days, and we catch wind of a pretty suspicious looking leak of "Sea Ray," the company's first Windows Phone handset where else but sitting firmly in the hand of CEO Stephen Elop. Just in case that brand of corporate subtlety didn't quite drive the point home, the executive gave an interview with Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat this week, confirming the nearly universal suspicion that it will abandon the Linux-based OS. Elop told the paper that, even if the N9 proves a massive hit, Nokia is going to turn its attention to other, more Windows Mobiley things.

[Thanks, Vezance]

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