tc_monitor中的TC_Monitor是线程锁的监控类模板, 通常线程锁,都通过该类来使用,而不是直接用TC_ThreadMutex、TC_ThreadRecMutex
/*** Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available.** Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.** Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at** https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.*/#ifndef _TC_MONITOR_H
#define _TC_MONITOR_H#include "util/tc_thread_mutex.h"
#include "util/tc_thread_cond.h"namespace tars
/** * @file tc_monitor.h * */
/*** @brief 线程锁监控模板类.* 通常线程锁,都通过该类来使用,而不是直接用TC_ThreadMutex、TC_ThreadRecMutex * * 该类将TC_ThreadMutex/TC_ThreadRecMutex 与TC_ThreadCond结合起来; */
template <class T, class P>
class TC_Monitor
public:/*** @brief 定义锁控制对象*/typedef TC_LockT<TC_Monitor<T, P> > Lock;typedef TC_TryLockT<TC_Monitor<T, P> > TryLock;/*** @brief 构造函数*/TC_Monitor() : _nnotify(0){}/*** @brief 析够*/virtual ~TC_Monitor(){}/*** @brief 锁*/void lock() const{_mutex.lock();_nnotify = 0;}/*** @brief 解锁, 根据上锁的次数通知*/void unlock() const{notifyImpl(_nnotify);_mutex.unlock();}/*** @brief 尝试锁.** @return bool*/bool tryLock() const{bool result = _mutex.tryLock();if(result){_nnotify = 0;}return result;}/*** @brief 等待,当前调用线程在锁上等待,直到事件通知,*/void wait() const{notifyImpl(_nnotify);try{_cond.wait(_mutex);}catch(...){_nnotify = 0;throw;}_nnotify = 0;}/*** @brief 等待时间,当前调用线程在锁上等待,直到超时或有事件通知* * @param millsecond 等待时间* @return false:超时了, ture:有事件来了*/bool timedWait(int millsecond) const{notifyImpl(_nnotify);bool rc;try{rc = _cond.timedWait(_mutex, millsecond);}catch(...){_nnotify = 0;throw;}_nnotify = 0;return rc;}/*** @brief 通知某一个线程醒来 * * 通知等待在该锁上某一个线程醒过来 ,调用该函数之前必须加锁, * * 在解锁的时候才真正通知 */void notify(){if(_nnotify != -1){++_nnotify;}}/*** @brief 通知等待在该锁上的所有线程醒过来,* 注意调用该函数时必须已经获得锁.* * 该函数调用前之必须加锁, 在解锁的时候才真正通知 */void notifyAll(){_nnotify = -1;}protected:/*** @brief 通知实现. * * @param nnotify 上锁的次数*/void notifyImpl(int nnotify) const{if(nnotify != 0){if(nnotify == -1){_cond.broadcast();return;}else{while(nnotify > 0){_cond.signal();--nnotify;}}}}private:/** * @brief noncopyable*/TC_Monitor(const TC_Monitor&);void operator=(const TC_Monitor&);protected:/*** 上锁的次数*/mutable int _nnotify;mutable P _cond;T _mutex;
};/*** 普通线程锁*/
typedef TC_Monitor<TC_ThreadMutex, TC_ThreadCond> TC_ThreadLock;/*** 循环锁(一个线程可以加多次锁)*/
typedef TC_Monitor<TC_ThreadRecMutex, TC_ThreadCond> TC_ThreadRecLock;}
typedef TC_Monitor<TC_ThreadMutex, TC_ThreadCond> TC_ThreadLock;
TC_ThreadLock是非常重要的, 在tars源码中, 广泛使用。 兼具了互斥锁和条件变量的管理/监控功能, 如:
protected:/*** 上锁的次数*/mutable int _nnotify;mutable P _cond;T _mutex;