这个文件很简单, 来看下:
/*** Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available.** Copyright (C) 2016THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.** Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at** https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.*/#ifndef _TC_LOCK_H
#define _TC_LOCK_H#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cerrno>
#include "util/tc_ex.h"using namespace std;namespace tars
/*** @file tc_lock.h * @brief 锁类 */
* @brief 锁异常
struct TC_Lock_Exception : public TC_Exception
{TC_Lock_Exception(const string &buffer) : TC_Exception(buffer){};TC_Lock_Exception(const string &buffer, int err) : TC_Exception(buffer, err){};~TC_Lock_Exception() throw() {};
};/*** @brief 锁模板类其他具体锁配合使用,* 构造时候加锁,析够的时候解锁*/
template <typename T>
class TC_LockT
public:/*** @brief 构造函数,构造时枷锁* * @param mutex 锁对象*/TC_LockT(const T& mutex) : _mutex(mutex){_mutex.lock();_acquired = true;}/*** @brief 析构,析构时解锁*/virtual ~TC_LockT(){if (_acquired){_mutex.unlock();}}/*** @brief 上锁, 如果已经上锁,则抛出异常*/void acquire() const{if (_acquired){throw TC_Lock_Exception("thread has locked!");}_mutex.lock();_acquired = true;}/*** @brief 尝试上锁.** @return 成功返回true,否则返回false*/bool tryAcquire() const{_acquired = _mutex.tryLock();return _acquired;}/*** @brief 释放锁, 如果没有上过锁, 则抛出异常*/void release() const{if (!_acquired){throw TC_Lock_Exception("thread hasn't been locked!");}_mutex.unlock();_acquired = false;}/*** @brief 是否已经上锁.** @return 返回true已经上锁,否则返回false*/bool acquired() const{return _acquired;}protected:/*** @brief 构造函数* 用于锁尝试操作,与TC_LockT相似* */TC_LockT(const T& mutex, bool) : _mutex(mutex){_acquired = _mutex.tryLock();}private:// Not implemented; prevents accidental use.TC_LockT(const TC_LockT&);TC_LockT& operator=(const TC_LockT&);protected:/*** 锁对象*/const T& _mutex;/*** 是否已经上锁*/mutable bool _acquired;
};/*** @brief 尝试上锁*/
template <typename T>
class TC_TryLockT : public TC_LockT<T>
public:TC_TryLockT(const T& mutex) : TC_LockT<T>(mutex, true){}
};/*** @brief 空锁, 不做任何锁动作*/
class TC_EmptyMutex
public:/*** @brief 写锁.* * @return int, 0 正确*/int lock() const {return 0;}/*** @brief 解写锁*/int unlock() const {return 0;}/*** @brief 尝试解锁. * * @return int, 0 正确*/bool trylock() const {return true;}
};/*** @brief 读写锁读锁模板类* 构造时候加锁,析够的时候解锁*/template <typename T>
class TC_RW_RLockT
public:/*** @brief 构造函数,构造时枷锁** @param lock 锁对象*/TC_RW_RLockT(T& lock): _rwLock(lock),_acquired(false){_rwLock.ReadLock();_acquired = true;}/*** @brief 析构时解锁*/~TC_RW_RLockT(){if (_acquired){_rwLock.Unlock();}}
private:/***锁对象*/const T& _rwLock;/*** 是否已经上锁*/mutable bool _acquired;TC_RW_RLockT(const TC_RW_RLockT&);TC_RW_RLockT& operator=(const TC_RW_RLockT&);
};template <typename T>
class TC_RW_WLockT
public:/*** @brief 构造函数,构造时枷锁** @param lock 锁对象*/TC_RW_WLockT(T& lock): _rwLock(lock),_acquired(false){_rwLock.WriteLock();_acquired = true;}/*** @brief 析构时解锁*/~TC_RW_WLockT(){if(_acquired){_rwLock.Unlock();}}
private:/***锁对象*/const T& _rwLock;/*** 是否已经上锁*/mutable bool _acquired;TC_RW_WLockT(const TC_RW_WLockT&);TC_RW_WLockT& operator=(const TC_RW_WLockT&);
针对锁和基本操作,定义了类模板, 仅此而已。
这种代码, 我是很欣赏的:
private:// Not implemented; prevents accidental use.TC_LockT(const TC_LockT&);TC_LockT& operator=(const TC_LockT&);