这里没什么特别的,考大家一个问题,为什么在mstime中需要加long long转化?是为了溢出,这里做得非常专业,我曾经踩过这个坑:
typedef struct _client {redisContext *context;sds obuf;char **randptr; /* Pointers to :rand: strings inside the command buf */size_t randlen; /* Number of pointers in client->randptr */size_t randfree; /* Number of unused pointers in client->randptr */char **stagptr; /* Pointers to slot hashtags (cluster mode only) */size_t staglen; /* Number of pointers in client->stagptr */size_t stagfree; /* Number of unused pointers in client->stagptr */size_t written; /* Bytes of 'obuf' already written */long long start; /* Start time of a request */long long latency; /* Request latency */int pending; /* Number of pending requests (replies to consume) */int prefix_pending; /* If non-zero, number of pending prefix commands. Commandssuch as auth and select are prefixed to the pipeline ofbenchmark commands and discarded after the first send. */int prefixlen; /* Size in bytes of the pending prefix commands */int thread_id;struct clusterNode *cluster_node;int slots_last_update;
} *client;/* Threads. */typedef struct benchmarkThread {int index;pthread_t thread;aeEventLoop *el;
} benchmarkThread;/* Cluster. */
typedef struct clusterNode {char *ip;int port;sds name;int flags;sds replicate; /* Master ID if node is a slave */int *slots;int slots_count;int current_slot_index;int *updated_slots; /* Used by updateClusterSlotsConfiguration */int updated_slots_count; /* Used by updateClusterSlotsConfiguration */int replicas_count;sds *migrating; /* An array of sds where even strings are slots and odd* strings are the destination node IDs. */sds *importing; /* An array of sds where even strings are slots and odd* strings are the source node IDs. */int migrating_count; /* Length of the migrating array (migrating slots*2) */int importing_count; /* Length of the importing array (importing slots*2) */struct redisConfig *redis_config;
} clusterNode;typedef struct redisConfig {sds save;sds appendonly;
} redisConfig;/* Prototypes */
char *redisGitSHA1(void);
char *redisGitDirty(void);
static void writeHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
static void createMissingClients(client c);
static benchmarkThread *createBenchmarkThread(int index);
static void freeBenchmarkThread(benchmarkThread *thread);
static void freeBenchmarkThreads();
static void *execBenchmarkThread(void *ptr);
static clusterNode *createClusterNode(char *ip, int port);
static redisConfig *getRedisConfig(const char *ip, int port,const char *hostsocket);
static redisContext *getRedisContext(const char *ip, int port,const char *hostsocket);
static void freeRedisConfig(redisConfig *cfg);
static int fetchClusterSlotsConfiguration(client c);
static void updateClusterSlotsConfiguration();
int showThroughput(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop, long long id,void *clientData);static sds benchmarkVersion(void) {sds version;version = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(), "%s", REDIS_VERSION);/* Add git commit and working tree status when available */if (strtoll(redisGitSHA1(),NULL,16)) {version = sdscatprintf(version, " (git:%s", redisGitSHA1());if (strtoll(redisGitDirty(),NULL,10))version = sdscatprintf(version, "-dirty");version = sdscat(version, ")");}return version;
}/* Dict callbacks */
static uint64_t dictSdsHash(const void *key);
static int dictSdsKeyCompare(void *privdata, const void *key1,const void *key2);/* Implementation */
static long long ustime(void) {struct timeval tv;long long ust;gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);ust = ((long)tv.tv_sec)*1000000;ust += tv.tv_usec;return ust;
}static long long mstime(void) {struct timeval tv;long long mst;gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);mst = ((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000;mst += tv.tv_usec/1000;return mst;
}static uint64_t dictSdsHash(const void *key) {return dictGenHashFunction((unsigned char*)key, sdslen((char*)key));
}static int dictSdsKeyCompare(void *privdata, const void *key1,const void *key2)
{int l1,l2;DICT_NOTUSED(privdata);l1 = sdslen((sds)key1);l2 = sdslen((sds)key2);if (l1 != l2) return 0;return memcmp(key1, key2, l1) == 0;
}/* _serverAssert is needed by dict */
void _serverAssert(const char *estr, const char *file, int line) {fprintf(stderr, "=== ASSERTION FAILED ===");fprintf(stderr, "==> %s:%d '%s' is not true",file,line,estr);*((char*)-1) = 'x';
}static redisContext *getRedisContext(const char *ip, int port,const char *hostsocket)
{redisContext *ctx = NULL;redisReply *reply = NULL;if (hostsocket == NULL)ctx = redisConnect(ip, port);elsectx = redisConnectUnix(hostsocket);if (ctx == NULL || ctx->err) {fprintf(stderr,"Could not connect to Redis at ");char *err = (ctx != NULL ? ctx->errstr : "");if (hostsocket == NULL)fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",ip,port,err);elsefprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",hostsocket,err);goto cleanup;}if (config.tls==1) {const char *err = NULL;if (cliSecureConnection(ctx, config.sslconfig, &err) == REDIS_ERR && err) {fprintf(stderr, "Could not negotiate a TLS connection: %s\n", err);goto cleanup;}}if (config.auth == NULL)return ctx;if (config.user == NULL)reply = redisCommand(ctx,"AUTH %s", config.auth);elsereply = redisCommand(ctx,"AUTH %s %s", config.user, config.auth);if (reply != NULL) {if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) {if (hostsocket == NULL)fprintf(stderr, "Node %s:%d replied with error:\n%s\n", ip, port, reply->str);elsefprintf(stderr, "Node %s replied with error:\n%s\n", hostsocket, reply->str);freeReplyObject(reply);redisFree(ctx);exit(1);}freeReplyObject(reply);return ctx;}fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to fetch reply from ");if (hostsocket == NULL)fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d\n", ip, port);elsefprintf(stderr, "%s\n", hostsocket);
cleanup:freeReplyObject(reply);redisFree(ctx);return NULL;
}static redisConfig *getRedisConfig(const char *ip, int port,const char *hostsocket)
{redisConfig *cfg = zcalloc(sizeof(*cfg));if (!cfg) return NULL;redisContext *c = NULL;redisReply *reply = NULL, *sub_reply = NULL;c = getRedisContext(ip, port, hostsocket);if (c == NULL) {freeRedisConfig(cfg);return NULL;}redisAppendCommand(c, "CONFIG GET %s", "save");redisAppendCommand(c, "CONFIG GET %s", "appendonly");int i = 0;void *r = NULL;for (; i < 2; i++) {int res = redisGetReply(c, &r);if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply);reply = res == REDIS_OK ? ((redisReply *) r) : NULL;if (res != REDIS_OK || !r) goto fail;if (reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) {fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n", reply->str);goto fail;}if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY || reply->elements < 2) goto fail;sub_reply = reply->element[1];char *value = sub_reply->str;if (!value) value = "";switch (i) {case 0: cfg->save = sdsnew(value); break;case 1: cfg->appendonly = sdsnew(value); break;}}freeReplyObject(reply);redisFree(c);return cfg;
fail:fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to fetch CONFIG from ");if (hostsocket == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d\n", ip, port);else fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", hostsocket);int abort_test = 0;if (reply && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_ERROR &&(!strncmp(reply->str,"NOAUTH",5) ||!strncmp(reply->str,"WRONGPASS",9) ||!strncmp(reply->str,"NOPERM",5)))abort_test = 1;freeReplyObject(reply);redisFree(c);freeRedisConfig(cfg);if (abort_test) exit(1);return NULL;
static void freeRedisConfig(redisConfig *cfg) {if (cfg->save) sdsfree(cfg->save);if (cfg->appendonly) sdsfree(cfg->appendonly);zfree(cfg);
}static void freeClient(client c) {aeEventLoop *el = CLIENT_GET_EVENTLOOP(c);listNode *ln;aeDeleteFileEvent(el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE);aeDeleteFileEvent(el,c->context->fd,AE_READABLE);if (c->thread_id >= 0) {int requests_finished = 0;atomicGet(config.requests_finished, requests_finished);if (requests_finished >= config.requests) {aeStop(el);}}redisFree(c->context);sdsfree(c->obuf);zfree(c->randptr);zfree(c->stagptr);zfree(c);if (config.num_threads) pthread_mutex_lock(&(config.liveclients_mutex));config.liveclients--;ln = listSearchKey(config.clients,c);assert(ln != NULL);listDelNode(config.clients,ln);if (config.num_threads) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(config.liveclients_mutex));
}static void freeAllClients(void) {listNode *ln = config.clients->head, *next;while(ln) {next = ln->next;freeClient(ln->value);ln = next;}