ubuntu 12.10 安装 bcm4312无线网卡驱动

2024-02-05 15:48

本文主要是介绍ubuntu 12.10 安装 bcm4312无线网卡驱动,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1.记得上次ubuntu 11.10时是在带驱动的,为什么这次升级到12.10后反而没有自带驱动了呢







Building this driver requires that your machine have the proper tools,
packages, header files and libraries to build a standard kernel module.
This usually is done by installing the kernel developer or kernel source
package and varies from distro to distro. Consult the documentation for
your specific OS.If you cannot successfully build a module that comes with your distro's
kernel developer or kernel source package, you will not be able to build
this module either.If you try to build this module but get an error message that looks like
this:make: *** /lib/modules/"release"/build: No such file or directory. Stop.Then you do not have the proper packages installed, since installing the
proper packages will create /lib/modules/"release"/build on your system.On Fedora install 'kernel-devel' (Development Package for building kernel
modules to match the kernel) from the Package Manager (System->
Administration-> Add/Remove Software).On Ubuntu, you will need headers and tools.  Try these commands:
# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic
# apt-get build-dep linuxTo check to see if you have this directory do this:# ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/buildBUILD INSTRUCTIONS
1. Setup the directory by untarring the proper tarball:For 32 bit: 	hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz
For 64 bit: 	hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gzExample:
# mkdir hybrid_wl
# cd hybrid_wl
# tar xzf <path>/hybrid-v35-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz or <path>/hybrid-v35_64-nodebug-pcoem-portsrc.tar.gz2. Build the driver as a Linux loadable kernel module (LKM):# make clean   (optional)
# makeWhen the build completes, it will produce a wl.ko file in the top level
directory.If your driver does not build, check to make sure you have installed the
kernel package described in the requirements above.This driver uses cfg80211 API. Code for Wext API is present and can be built
but we have dropped support for it.
As before, the Makefile will still build the matching version for your system.# make API=CFG80211or
--------------------Upgrading from a previous version:
---------------------------------If you were already running a previous version of wl, you'll want to provide
a clean transition from the older driver. (The path to previous driver is
usually /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/kernel/net/wireless)# rmmod wl 
# mv <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko.orig
# cp wl.ko <path-to-prev-driver>/wl.ko
# depmod
# modprobe wlThe new wl driver should now be operational and your all done.Fresh installation:
1: Remove any other drivers for the Broadcom wireless device.There are several other drivers (besides this one) that can drive 
Broadcom 802.11 chips. These include b43, brcmsmac, bcma and ssb. They will
conflict with this driver and need to be uninstalled before this driver
can be installed.  Any previous revisions of the wl driver also need to
be removed.Note: On some systems such as Ubuntu 9.10, the ssb module may load during
boot even though it is blacklisted (see note under Common Issues on how to
resolve this. Nevertheless, ssb still must be removed
(by hand or script) before wl is loaded. The wl driver will not function 
properly if ssb the module is loaded.# lsmod  | grep "brcmsmac\|b43\|ssb\|bcma\|wl"If any of these are installed, remove them:
# rmmod b43
# rmmod brcmsmac
# rmmod ssb
# rmmod bcma
# rmmod wlTo blacklist these drivers and prevent them from loading in the future:
# echo "blacklist ssb" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# echo "blacklist bcma" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# echo "blacklist b43" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# echo "blacklist brcmsmac" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf2: Insmod the driver.Otherwise, if you have not previously installed a wl driver, you'll need
to add a security module before using the wl module.  Most newer systems 
use lib80211 while others use ieee80211_crypt_tkip. See which one works for 
your system.# modprobe lib80211 or 
# modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkipIf your using the cfg80211 version of the driver, then cfg80211 needs to be
loaded:# modprobe cfg80211Then:
# insmod wl.ko


make: *** /lib/modules/3.5.0-17-generic/build: 没有那个文件或目录。 停止。

执行:apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`安装内核源码即可

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