
2024-02-04 01:48




而这些界面有关的东西通过不同的工具有不同实现方式. 所以,找到和选择合适的工具对学习使用任何语言都是极其重要的.

从所用语言的版本Python有2.7+ 和3.3+两条路线, 两者语法上有很多不同, 前者应该最适合初学,后者更适合应用;

从所用的编辑器或IDE,比较受推崇的是pycharm, 有professional收费和community免费版本

从所需要的各种package来看, 如果全部一个个安装不是不可行,太麻烦了. 


Alternative Implementations

This site hosts the "traditional" implementation of Python (nicknamed CPython). A number of alternative implementations are available as well, namely

  • IronPython (Python running on .NET)
  • Jython (Python running on the Java Virtual Machine)
  • PyPy (A fast python implementation with a JIT compiler)
  • Stackless Python (Branch of CPython supporting microthreads)

Other parties have re-packaged CPython. These re-packagings often include more libraries or are specialized for a particular application:

  • ActiveState ActivePython (commercial and community versions, including scientific computing modules)
  • pythonxy (Scientific-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder)
  • winpython (WinPython is a portable scientific Python distribution for Windows)
  • Conceptive Python SDK (targets business, desktop and database applications)
  • Enthought Canopy (a commercial distribution for scientific computing)
  • Portable Python (Python and add-on packages configured to run off a portable device)
  • PyIMSL Studio (a commercial distribution for numerical analysis – free for non-commercial use)
  • Anaconda Python (a full Python distribution for data management, analysis and visualization of large data sets)
  • eGenix PyRun (a portable Python runtime, complete with stdlib, frozen into a single executable file)

打包的方式, python(x y)是个很好的选项: 


Download page with changelog. 
en,  fr
Updated  Feb 17 (5 days ago) by  grizzly.nyo

Current release

Python(x,y) current version is (License):

Python(x,y)- - provided by NTUA
Python(x,y)- - provided by ConnectMV
Python(x,y)- - provided by University of Kent

Installation notes

  • It is recommended to uninstall any other Python distribution before installing Python(x,y)
  • You may update your Python(x,y) installation via individual package installers which are updated more frequently -- see the plugins page
  • Please use the Issues page to request new features or report unknown bugs
  • Python(x,y) can be easily extended with other Python libraries because Python(x,y) is compatible with all Python modules installers: distutils installers (.exe), Python eggs (.egg), and all other NSIS (.exe) or MSI (.msi) setups which were built for Python 2.7 official distribution - see the plugins page for customizing options
  • Another Python(x,y) exclusive feature: all packages are optional (i.e. install only what you need)
  • Basemap users (data plotting on map projections): please see the AdditionalPlugins


The following installers will help you keep your Python(x,y) installation up-to-date: only installed plugin will be updated according to the change log.

InstallerSizeRequired version
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.3.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.2.2
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.2.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.5
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.4
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.3
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.2
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.1
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.2.0
Py(x,y)-2.1.17b.exe8 MB2.1.16
Py(x,y)-2.1.17a.exe8 MB2.1.15
Py(x,y)-2.1.15.exe60 MB2.1.14
Py(x,y)-2.1.14.exe26 MB2.1.13
Py(x,y)-2.1.13.exe95 MB2.1.12
Py(x,y)-2.1.12.exe41 MB2.1.11
Py(x,y)-2.1.11.exe73 MB2.1.10

Unstable release

Python(x,y) latest unstable release is None

Plugin updates

The following plugins will certainly be included in Python(x,y) next release: (maybe they are already included in current release and this page hasn't been refreshed yet, please check on standard plugins page)

Changes history

Version (02/15/2014)





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