2019年06月24日 16:23:16 最老程序员闫涛 阅读数 1145
在上一篇博文中,我们已经使用Rust语言开发了一款简单的Web服务器,虽然以单线程方式工作,但是可以正确解析Libra Core的常见命令,完成了程序的基本框架,在这一篇文件中,我们将带领大家逐个实现这些命令,最后形成一个基本完整的程序,最后集成Libra Core的client工具中。这样我们就有一个Libra Core的Web接口,大家就可以将自己的应用系统第一时间移植到Libra Core,相信应该在绝对是Libra Core上的第一批应用,为明年Facebook推出的主网商用服务抢占有利的位置。
我们首先需要将我们开发的Web服务器,集成到Libra Core Client中。首先打开libra/client/src/main.rs文件,将上一篇博文中的代码,除main函数外,全部拷贝到libra/client/src/main.rs文件中。
拷贝完成之后,我们首先编译运行一下Libra Core Client,以保证我们的程序没有编译错误,在libra目录下运行如下命令:
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......let config = Config::builder().history_ignore_space(true).completion_type(CompletionType::List).auto_add_history(true).build();let mut rl = Editor::<()>::with_config(config);start_server(&mut client_proxy);/*loop {let readline = rl.readline("libra% ");match readline {Ok(line) => {......
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在上面的代码中,我们将client_proxy作为参数传入,实际上所有调用Libra Core功能的操作,均由此对象来实现。
重新编译运行客户端。我们应该可以看到Web服务器已经正常启动,在浏览器上输入http:// ,会显示如下所示的结果:
如果可以显示上述结果,就证明我们的Web服务器已经正常启动,并且可以正常接受和处理Libra Core的命令了。下面我们将在接收到客户端发送过来的命令之后,调用Libra Core相应接口,执行相应的逻辑,最后将调用结果返回给客户端。
由于我们要在Libra Core Client的模式下运行,我们的启动方法需要做出如下改动:
fn start_server(client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) {println!("Libra Server v0.0.3 Starting up ...");let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();for stream in listener.incoming() {let stream = stream.unwrap();handle_connection(stream, client_proxy);}
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fn handle_connection(mut stream: TcpStream, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) {let mut contents: String = String::from("Hello World!");let mut buffer = [0; 1024];// 获取请求信息stream.read(&mut buffer).unwrap();println!("Request: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[..]));let request = String::from_utf8_lossy(&buffer[..]);// 不处理请求网站图标请求if request.find("GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1") >= Some(0) {return ;}// 请出请求中的query stringlet query_string = &get_query_string(&request);println!("query_string:{}", query_string);let cmd = get_cmd_param(query_string.to_string());println!("接收到命令:cmd={}!", cmd);let params: Vec<_> = query_string.split("&").collect();if cmd.find("account_create")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_account_create(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("account_list")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_account_list(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("account_mint")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_account_mint(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("query_balance")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_query_balance(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("query_sequence")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_query_sequence(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("transfer")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_transfer(params, client_proxy);} else if cmd.find("query_txn_acc_seq")>=Some(0) {contents = handle_query_txn_acc_seq(params, client_proxy);}let response = format!("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n{}", contents);stream.write(response.as_bytes()).unwrap();stream.flush().unwrap();
* 获取请求中的Query String,规定参数以?cmd=开头
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn get_query_string(request: &str) -> String {let pos = request.find("?cmd=");if pos <= Some(0) {return "Has no parameters in request".to_string();}let end_pos = request.find(" HTTP/1.1");return (&request[(pos.unwrap()+1)..end_pos.unwrap()]).to_string();
* 获取请求cmd参数值
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn get_cmd_param(query_string: String) -> String {let params: Vec<_> = query_string.split("&").collect();for param in params.iter() {println!("item: {}!", param);if param.find("cmd=") >= Some(0) {let cmd = ¶m[4..];return cmd.to_string();}}return "".to_string();
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在命令行模式下,我们通过account create来创建账户,在我们的web服务器中我们通过http://来创建账户,命令处理代码如下所示:
* 生成账户命令处理函数
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_account_create(_params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {println!("生成新账户!");let mut rst: String;match client_proxy.create_next_account() {Ok(account_data) => {rst = format!("{{\"account_id\": \"{}\", \"wallet_address\": \"{}\"}}", account_data.index, hex::encode(account_data.address));},Err(e) => rst = format!("Error creating account:{}", e),}return rst;
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在这个例子中使用了Rust的一种比较特别的语法,我们用match修饰调用client_proxy.create_next_account方法,该方法会返回Ok或Err两种情况,我们需要分别进行处理,大家可以将match 理解为其他语言中的switch语句。
* 列出当前系统的所有账户
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_account_list(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &ClientProxy) -> String {return client_proxy.get_all_accounts();
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/// Print index and address of all accounts.pub fn get_all_accounts(&self) -> String {let mut rst: String = String::new();rst.push_str("[");if !self.accounts.is_empty() {for (ref index, ref account) in self.accounts.iter().enumerate() {let mut item: String = String::new();item.push_str(&format!("{{\"account_id\":{}, \"wallet_address\":\"{}\", \"account_seq\":{}, \"account_status\":\"{:?}\"}},", index, hex::encode(&account.address), account.sequence_number, account.status));rst.push_str(&item);}}if let Some(faucet_account) = &self.faucet_account {println!("Faucet account address: {}, sequence_number: {}, status: {:?}",hex::encode(&faucet_account.address),faucet_account.sequence_number,faucet_account.status,);}rst.push_str("]");return rst;}
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* 挖指定数量的币发送给指定的账户
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_account_mint(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {let mut account_id: String = String::new();let mut num_coins: String = String::new();for param in params.iter() {if param.find("account_id=") >= Some(0) {account_id.push_str(¶m[11..]);} else if param.find("num_coins=") >= Some(0) {num_coins.push_str(¶m[10..]);}}println!("挖矿发币:account_id={}; num_coins={}!", account_id, num_coins);let cmd = format!("mint {} {}", account_id, num_coins);let params = ["mint", account_id.as_str(), num_coins.as_str()];match client_proxy.account_mint_coins(¶ms, false) {Ok(msg) => return msg,Err(_) => "{{\"status\": \"Error\"}}".to_string()}
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* 查询账户余额
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_query_balance(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {let mut account_id: String = String::new();for param in params.iter() {if param.find("account_id=") >= Some(0) {account_id.push_str(¶m[11..]);} }println!("查询余额:account_id={};!", account_id);let params = ["balance", account_id.as_str()];match client_proxy.get_balance(¶ms) {Ok(num) => {let resp = format!("{{\"status\": \"Ok\", \"balance\": {} }}", num);return resp;},Err(_) => "{{\"status\": \"Error\"}}".to_string()}
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* 查询指定账户的交易编号,即已经发生的交易数(指转出的笔数)
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_query_sequence(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {let mut account_id: String = String::new();for param in params.iter() {if param.find("account_id=") >= Some(0) {account_id.push_str(¶m[11..]);}}println!("查询交易编号:account_id={};!", account_id);let params = ["sequence", account_id.as_str()];match client_proxy.get_sequence_number(¶ms) {Ok(seq) => {let resp = format!("{{\"status\": \"Ok\", \"sequence\": {} }}", seq);return resp;},Err(_) => "{{\"status\": \"Error\"}}".to_string()}
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* 账户之间转账
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_transfer(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {let mut src_account_id: String = String::new();let mut dest_account_id: String = String::new();let mut amount: String = String::new();for param in params.iter() {if param.find("src_account_id=") >= Some(0) {src_account_id.push_str(¶m[15..]);} else if param.find("dest_account_id=") >= Some(0) {dest_account_id.push_str(¶m[16..]);} else if param.find("amount=") >= Some(0) {amount.push_str(¶m[7..]);}}println!("账户间转账交易:src_account_id={}; dest_account_id={}; amount={}!", src_account_id, dest_account_id, amount);let params = ["transfer", src_account_id.as_str(),dest_account_id.as_str(),amount.as_str()];match client_proxy.transfer_coins(¶ms, false) {Ok(ias) => {let resp = format!("{{\"status\": \"Ok\", \"account_index\": {}, \"account_number\": {} }}", ias.account_index, ias.sequence_number);return resp;},Err(_) => "{{\"status\": \"Error\"}}".to_string()}
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* 查询交易详情
* @version v0.0.1 闫涛 2019.06.23
fn handle_query_txn_acc_seq(params: Vec<&str>, client_proxy: &mut ClientProxy) -> String {let mut account_id: String = String::new();let mut seq: String = String::new();for param in params.iter() {if param.find("account_id=") >= Some(0) {account_id.push_str(¶m[11..]);} else if param.find("seq=") >= Some(0) {seq.push_str(¶m[4..]);}}println!("查询交易详情:account_id={}; seq={}!", account_id, seq);let params = ["txn_acc_seq", account_id.as_str(), seq.as_str(), "false"];match client_proxy.get_committed_txn_by_acc_seq(¶ms) {Ok(rst) => {let mut resp = String::new(); //format!("{{\"status\": \"Ok\" }}");if let Some(obj) = rst {let trans = obj.0;resp.push_str(&trans.format_for_client(name_cb));}return resp;},Err(_) => "{{\"status\": \"Error\"}}".to_string()}
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这样,我们就拥有了一个与官方命令功能相等的Web API,虽然十分简陋,但是作为应用系统测试后台已经足够了,我们可以现在就开始构建基于Libra的应用系统,祝大家能抓住Libra的商机。