30. 使用LotusScript排序

2024-02-01 18:58
文章标签 使用 排序 30 lotusscript

本文主要是介绍30. 使用LotusScript排序,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Public Function QuickSort(sArray As Variant) As VariantDim sA() As String    Dim j As LongDim bottom As LongDim top As LongDim vA As Variantbottom = LBound ( sArray )top = UBound ( sArray )ReDim sA( bottom To top ) As String     For j = bottom To topsA ( j ) = sArray ( j )Next' DoQS does a QuickSort if the Sublist is longer than 10 elements' Thus, when DoQS finishes, all elements are within 10 spots of their correct location.' For lists that are close to being in order, an Insertion Sort is much faster than a QuickSort, so we' run through the whole thing once doing an Insertion Sort to finish tidying up the order.Call DoQS( sA, bottom, top )Call DoInsertSort ( sA, bottom, top )ReDim vA(bottom To top) As VariantFor j = bottom To topvA ( j ) = sA ( j )Next	QuickSort = vA
End Function
Sub DoInsertSort ( sA() As String, ByVal bottom As Long, ByVal top As Long )	Dim i As LongDim x As LongDim v As StringDim Found As IntegerFor i = bottom+1 To topx = iv = sA (i )Do While (sA(x-1) > v)sA ( x ) = sA ( x-1 )x = x - 1If x=0 ThenExit DoEnd IfLoopsA (x) = vNext
End Sub
Sub DoQS( sA() As String, bottom As Long, top As Long )' Called by QuickSortDim length As LongDim i As LongDim j As LongDim Pivot As LongDim PivotValue As StringDim t As StringDim LastSmall As Longlength = top - bottom + 1' Only do the QuickSort if the sublist is at least 10 items longIf length > 10 Then' Pivot is chosen approx. halfway through sublist.' This gives us best speed if list is almost sorted already, and is no worse than any' other choice if the list is in random order.Pivot = bottom + (length \ 2)   ' Move PivotValue out of the wayPivotValue = sA( Pivot )sA ( Pivot ) = sA ( bottom )sA ( bottom ) = PivotValue' LastSmall is the location of the last value smaller than PivotValueLastSmall = bottomFor i = bottom + 1 To top If sA ( i ) < PivotValue Then LastSmall = LastSmall + 1t = sA ( i )sA ( i ) = sA ( LastSmall )sA ( LastSmall ) = tEnd IfNext' Move the PivotValue backt = sA ( LastSmall )sA ( LastSmall ) = sA ( bottom )sA ( bottom ) = tPivot = LastSmall' Now sort each sideCall DoQS ( sA, bottom, Pivot - 1 )Call DoQS ( sA, Pivot + 1, top )End IfEnd Sub


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