
2024-01-31 15:18



The Sorted String Table (SSTable) is one of the most popular outputs for storing, processing, and exchanging datasets. 
An SSTable is a simple abstraction to efficiently store large numbers of key-value pairs while optimizing for high throughput, sequential read/write workloads.

Unfortunately, the SSTable name itself has also been overloaded by the industry to refer to services that go well beyond just the sorted table, which has only added unnecessary confusion to what is a very simple and a useful data structure on its own. Let's take a closer look under the hood of an SSTable and how LevelDB makes use of it.


SSTable: Sorted String Table

SSTable本身是个简单而有用的数据结构, 而往往由于工业界对于它的overload, 导致大家的误解 
它本身就像他的名字一样, 就是a set of sorted key-value pairs 
如下图左, 当文件比较大的时候, 也可以建立key:offset的index, 用于快速分段定位, 但这个是可选的.

这个结构和普通的key-value pairs的区别, 可以support range query和random r/w


A "Sorted String Table" then is exactly what it sounds like, it is a file which contains a set of arbitrary, sorted key-value pairs inside
Duplicate keys are fine, there is no need for "padding" for keys or values, and keys and values are arbitrary blobs. Read in the entire file sequentially and you have a sorted index. Optionally, if the file is very large, we can also prepend, or create a standalone key:offset index for fast access.

That's all an SSTable is: very simple, but also a very useful way to exchange large, sorted data segments.


SSTables and Log Structured Merge Trees

仅仅SSTable数据结构本身仍然无法support高效的range query和random r/w的场景 
还需要一整套的机制来完成从memory sort, flush to disk, compaction以及快速读取……这样的一个完成的机制和架构称为,"The Log-Structured Merge-Tree" (LSM Tree
名字很形象, 首先是基于log的, 不断产生SSTable结构的log文件, 并且是需要不断merge以提高效率的

下图很好的描绘了LSM Tree的结构和大部分操作

We want to preserve the fast read access which SSTables give us, but we also want to support fast random writes. Turns out, we already have all the necessary pieces: random writes are fast when the SSTable is in memory (let's call it MemTable), and if the table is immutable then an on-disk SSTable is also fast to read from. Now let's introduce the following conventions:


  1. On-disk SSTable indexes are always loaded into memory
  2. All writes go directly to the MemTable index
  3. Reads check the MemTable first and then the SSTable indexes
  4. Periodically, the MemTable is flushed to disk as an SSTable
  5. Periodically, on-disk SSTables are "collapsed together"

What have we done here? Writes are always done in memory and hence are always fast. Once the MemTable reaches a certain size, it is flushed to disk as an immutable SSTable. However, we will maintain all the SSTable indexes in memory, which means that for any read we can check the MemTable first, and then walk the sequence of SSTable indexes to find our data. Turns out, we have just reinvented the "The Log-Structured Merge-Tree" (LSM Tree), described by Patrick O'Neil, and this is also the very mechanism behind "BigTable Tablets".


LSM & SSTables: Updates, Deletes and Maintenance

This "LSM" architecture provides a number of interesting behaviors: writes are always fast regardless of the size of dataset (append-only), and random reads are either served from memory or require a quick disk seek. However, what about updates and deletes?

Once the SSTable is on disk, it is immutable, hence updates and deletes can't touch the data. 
Instead, a more recent value is simply stored in MemTable in case of update, and a "tombstone" record (不能直接删除,标上已deleted) is appended for deletes. 
Because we check the indexes in sequence, future reads will find the updated or the tombstone record without ever reaching the older values! 
Finally, having hundreds of on-disk SSTables is also not a great idea, hence periodically we will run a process to merge the on-disk SSTables, at which time the update and delete records will overwrite and remove the older data.


SSTables and LevelDB

Take an SSTable, add a MemTable and apply a set of processing conventions and what you get is a nice database engine for certain type of workloads. 
In fact, Google's BigTable, Hadoop's HBase, and Cassandra amongst others are all using a variant or a direct copy of this very architecture.

Simple on the surface, but as usual, implementation details matter a great deal. Thankfully, Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, the original contributors to the SSTable and BigTable infrastructure at Google released LevelDB earlier last year, which is more or less an exact replica of the architecture we've described above:

  • SSTable under the hood, MemTable for writes
  • Keys and values are arbitrary byte arrays
  • Support for Put, Get, Delete operations
  • Forward and backward iteration over data
  • Built-in Snappy compression


LevelDB中LSM Tree的实现细节

http://blog.csdn.net/anderscloud/article/details/7182165,  LevelDB设计与实现


由于LevelDB是开源的, 所以从中可以了解到更多的SSTable和LSM tree的实现细节 
LevelDb作为存储系统,其中核心就是SSTable, 下面先看看SSTable在LevelDb中的结构是怎样的...


Memtable, Immutable Memtable 
写入首先写入Memtable, 当Memtable插入的数据占用内存到了一个界限后,需要将内存的记录导出到外存文件中. 
生成新的Log文件和Memtable,原先的Memtable就成为Immutable Memtable,顾名思义,就是说这个Memtable的内容是不可更改的,只能读不能写入或者删除。新到来的数据被记入新的Log文件和Memtable,LevelDb后台调度会将Immutable Memtable的数据导出到磁盘,形成一个新的SSTable文件.



主要是多level的SSTable(levelDB也由此得名), 每个SSTable文件, 以.sst为后缀, 并且文件内的key:value都是按key排序的, 局部有序

Level 0 SSTable, 由Immutable Memtable进行minor compaction得到. 所以level 0比较特殊, SSTable files之间的key range会有重合, 因为是从Memtable compaction生成, 所以无法保证不重合

其他level SSTable, 由上级的SSTable进行major compaction得到, 比如level 1是由level 0 compaction得到

不断把多个低级别的SSTable, compaction到一个高级别的SSTable, 目的是提高读效率, 因为如果需要打开很多的SSTable进行查询, 明显效率会很低. 而经过多level的compaction, 来删除掉一些不再有效的KV数据, 减小数据规模, 减少文件数量等, 使效率大大提高. 

Bigtable中讲到三种类型的compaction: minor, major和full。所谓minor Compaction,就是把memtable中的数据导出到SSTable文件中;major compaction就是合并不同层级的SSTable文件,而full compaction就是将所有SSTable进行合并。LevelDb包含其中两种,minor和major。


除了SSTable文件外, 还有3种files,

log文件, 防止数据丢失的


Manifest文件,记录各个SSTable文件的元数据, 哪一层,范围


Current文件, 记录当前的manifest文件名




LevelDb对于一个log文件,会把它切割成以32K为单位的物理Block,每次读取的单位以一个Block作为基本读取单位. 为什么要分block? 应该出于磁盘读取效率的考虑

记录如果在一个block里面就可以放下, 那么Type就是full, 如A, C

记录如果需要多个block才可以放下, 那么Type分别是, First, Middle, Last 如B






SSTable, .sst文件的结构, 也是分成固定大小的block. 
除了大部分Data blocks外, 在文件的末端, 还会有一些用于数据管理的blocks…


其中比较重要的是, block index, 这个用于有效的提高读效率, 尤其当SSTable比较大的时候

索引的结构如下图, 也很简单







SkipList是由William Pugh发明。他在Communications of the ACM June 1990, 33(6) 668-676 发表了Skip lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees,在该论文中详细解释了SkipList的数据结构和插入删除操作。SkipList是平衡树的一种替代数据结构,但是和红黑树不相同的是,SkipList对于树的平衡的实现是基于一种随机化的算法的,这样也就是说SkipList的插入和删除的工作是比较高效的.






对于SSTable而言, 插入, 更新, 删除, 都是通过append来实现的, 只不过delete插入的“Key:删除标记”, 后台Compaction的时候才去做真正的删除操作, 如key3




SSTable的读操作比较复杂一些, 不过下图还是比较好的反映出读取的过程,

MemTable –> Immutable MemTable –> Level0 SSTable –> Level1 SSTable –> Leveln

这个顺序是有很道理的, 由于SSTable所有的写都是append, 所以同一个key的value可能有很多版本, 而我们只关心最新的那个 
所以我们只要安装这个顺序区读, 就能保证读到最新的那个版本

对于Level0 SSTable稍微特殊些, 因为对于这个级别SSTable files之间key会有重复的, 所以读的时候, 先找出level 0中哪些文件包含这个key, 并取最新的



levelDb一般会先在内存中的Cache中查找是否包含这个文件的缓存记录,如果包含,则从缓存中读取;如果不包含,则打开SSTable文件,同时将这个文件的索引部分加载到内存中并放入Cache中。 这样Cache里面就有了这个SSTable的缓存项,但是只有索引部分在内存中,之后levelDb根据索引可以定位到哪个内容Block会包含这条key,从文件中读出这个Block的内容,在根据记录一一比较,如果找到则返回结果,如果没有找到,那么说明这个level的SSTable文件并不包含这个key,所以到下一级别的SSTable中去查找


可以看出对于SSTable, 相对写操作,读操作处理起来要复杂很多,所以写的速度必然要远远高于读数据的速度,也就是说,LevelDb比较适合写操作多于读操作的应用场合。而如果应用是很多读操作类型的,那么顺序读取效率会比较高,因为这样大部分内容都会在缓存中找到,尽可能避免大量的随机读取操作。

顺序读, 加载一个SSTable到内存, 可以读很多kv, 因为kv在sst文件中就是按顺序存放的, 如果随机读, 效率就比较低, 因为cache的命中率很低, 需要频繁的open不同的sst文件.




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